Chapter 33 - Level 18 [ part 3 ]. Occlumency and Ritual (2/2)
Having a leaf for a prolonged amount of time, inside of your mouth is highly problematic. You have to be careful with eating, people will notice it if you talk. In addition to this, one mistake with that leaf and you have to restart the whole process.
'I need to experiment some more.'
*After another month*
I was finally able to modify ritual sufficiently enough for me to go through it unnoticed. The problem with the leaf was dealt with as well. I found out that leaf is needed to consume my energy and unique signature, while not giving my body any unique properties. So, what I did is I made and enchanted a small amulet to collect energy into it.
But I digress once more.
To make sure I can use that amulet further in the potion, I used the natural ingredient as a material. Crystalized food salt (NaCl) to be precise. That was the easiest material to procure, which doesn't spoil easily, but can be sturdy at the same time (if made correctly).
Moreover, it can be further used in the potion with ease.
Enchantment to collect energy was pretty complicated, but thankfully I wasn't really limited by the size. It will be mostly under my clothes. Plus, I also enchanted the chain, which I bought in the local smithy, on sturdiness to make sure that the ball of salt won't crumble or dissolve due to things like sweat or body's heat.
That concludes my solution to mandrake leaf. Now to the month duration and thunderstorm.
I was able to shorten the ritual duration to roughly 2 weeks. As for the thunderstorm, I have completely failed. At first, I thought that the simple presence of huge amounts of electricity will be enough, but I was wrong.
'Don't ask how I tested it...'
It wasn't the rain either. Anyway, I decided to just leave be the way it is.
I mean, saying the spell every morning until the lightning storm is not that big of a sacrifice to become an Animagus.
Although I am still not that good with all that mental defense stuff, at least invading my brain won't be a walk in a park. This way I can fool a legilimens more easily. Hopefully…
The ability of the first-tier in occlumency tree looks interesting as well, but I decided to wait for now. You never know when you might need the skill point.
Besides, only a few weeks left until the third begins, so better have some more potential jokers.
『 Level 18 』
『 Magicka ➣ Improvement : 16 ➔ 17 (talent = 2.292) 』
『 Number of skill points: 1 』
『 Alchemy 31 | Sneak 25 | Speech 31 』
『 Studying 36 ➔ 39 | Wand Making 26 』
『 Magic Chanting 29 | Magic Gesturing 29 』
『 Magic Theory 43 ➔ 47 | Astronomy 27 』
『 Riding Expertise 21 ➔ 20 | Crafting 23 』
『 Playing Games 15 | Enchanting 28 ➔ 34 』
『 Cooking 23 | Training 22 | Physical Activities 17 』
『 Programming 26 ➔ 25 | Dancing 0 』
『 Legilimency 22 ➔ 25 | ❃Occlumency 21 』