Chapter 70 - Shi Jing (Nuan) (1/2)
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Lou Xi flips Sheri and lay on top of her. He wants more. Since the moment he has known that she is the one he has been looking for. He never stops dreaming of her. He waited for so long. Now that she is in his arms. He will make sure she will not escape.
He started kissing her while pumping inside her. A sound of squishy sound and the feel of the slippery juices make his moves more aggressive. He felt his p***s starts to melt. He elevated himself and looks her in the eyes. Sheri's face says it all that she loved him. He sits down crossed legs, and he carried Sheri on his ŀȧp. Sheri wrapped her legs around his waist and both started to grind and rock in a way that allows for Lou Xi to penetrate Sheri. He keeps on penetrating while Sheri keeps on mȯȧning. He felt her tightness and the ėrȯtɨċ face of Sheri drives him to move faster and faster.
”You're so tight.”Lou Xi groans in pŀėȧsurė.
Sheri felt the pŀėȧsurė is building up again. He keeps on moving swifter and faster until he can't hold anymore and let go.
”Ah... ” groans Lou Xi.
After a few seconds, he breaths. He flips Sheri again and makes her kneel down. He wanted to see the whole view of Sheri's back.
”Beautiful,” Lou Xi said. He slowly starts to penetrate her again and lie low making his body and her body rubbing each other. He started to grasp her brėȧst and started playing with it. Sheri, on the other hand, feels very connected with Lou Xi. While he penetrates, he also makes sure to please her.
For 3 hours they never stop mȧkɨnġ ŀȯvė. Sheri doesn't know how many times she came. All she remembers is how both of them climax together over and over.
Sheri was so tired that she falls asleep. While Lou Xi carried her toward a wooden tub.
Evening came and Sheri looked at her side and she saw Lou Xi looking at her smiling.
”How did it happen?”Sheri asked softly.
Lou Xi carefully explains everything.
When she died in the other world, he gets a part of the jewelry and made it into a ring. Lou Xi showed the ring he has. He thinks that is the one who connected them both. He doesn't recall that much of his real-life.
All he knows is, his first mission was to defend his clan. Unknowingly he meets her. The first time he carefully observes her. He was genuinely shocked to have someone like him. But at the same time, he was amazed at how the way her clothes are, her weapons, etc.
It's his first mission, and he must abide by the rules of the world. After that mission, he was able to seize one of the most powerful Systems in the void space.
All the time he has been observing her, and he has a gut feeling he knows her already. He just can't remember where and when. He is still gathering his essential parts of his soul that was scattered in different worlds.
This is his 30th mission. He was born into this world as a crown prince and his mission is to save his country and best friend.