Chapter 21 - Whatever, I am the protagonist. (1/2)
Steve: ”Ah! Sorry Agent Carter. I can't accompany you tonight. I am going out with boys.”
He left leaving Peggy alone. She was a little sad but went to do his work.
{Inside a laboratory}
Howard was doing some experiments with Tesseract. I went there with Colonel Phillips. I saw him inducing energy from it which was going well but then he thinks of inducing energy into it. Which was a wrong idea.
Kyle: ”Don't do it Stark.”
Howard: ”Don't worry Colonel. I have everything in control”
As he introduced magnetic field. It produced too much gamma radiation that Beryllium itself started decaying and produced and explosion. The only material which can stop Gamma radiation.
BOOM! All the glass windows were cracked, Howard was thrown meters away from the apparatus. I held Colonel and were still standing.
Col: ”Thanks Colonel.”
Kyle: ”No problem. So, Howard do you know why it happened?”
Howard: ”Yeah, I know.”
Col: ”If you would explain it to me too.”
Howard: ”It happened because Tesseract is a in inexhaustible source of energy. When energy is induced in its core it counters it to delay is decaying to not collapse. This process increases the decay and to prevent it, it further decays itself to induce more energy to counter it. But as it is inexhaustible it never breaks but it still follows laws.”
Kyle: ”Right on the point”
Col: ”Speak English Howard”
Kyle: ”It's like this Colonel. Think of a car and huge truck colliding with full speed. What will happen?”
Col: ”Obviously, the truck will just rampage until it slows down”
Kyle: ”Absolutely right, Now think of tesseract as the truck and the energy as the car. But the truck never slows down.”
Col: ”Then it will destruct everything until nothing is left.”
I think he understood but I am confused with what I said to him. Truck, Car does it even make sense. Whatever, he understood it. I left Howard alone in his state and went away with Colonel to check some other stuffs. After that I went back to home.
{Next day}
I was heading inside the camp to meet Colonel. I saw Steve was going I too but I didn't disturb him. I just stayed at near the door. Steve met with a girl on the reception.
Steve: ”I am looking or Mr. stark”
Girl: (without looking at him) ”He is inside with Colonel Phillips”
Steve just stood there waiting for someone to call him in. The girl saw him. She was struck there for a second, he was Captain America.
Girl: (Teasingly)” Of course, you are welcome to wait.”
Girl: ”I read about what you did.”
Steve: ”I didn't nothing much. Thanks to Colonel Kyle. I just did what was required.”
Girl: ”It sounds more than that, you saved 400 men.”
Steve: ”It's not a big deal”