Chapter 88 - Worthy Opponent (1/2)
There was a state of emergency in the Academy. Two mighty figures were competing in a very aggressive way against each other.
”This is mine, I ordered it first,” Princess Anne was looking at the beautiful Billie with narrowed eyes while holding her fork tightly with one hand. However, the left hand was the important one as its task was to grab the fruit tart that was taken hostage by that Billie boy.
”I am sorry, my dear Princess Anne, but I have witnesses that I ordered it first.”
”Oh, is that true? Then I want to know who are these witnesses?”
”Here they are…”
The whole faculty of the artistic path came forward and one by one began explaining the impressive task of Billie, their new faculty president.
”It is true, Princess Anne, I heard when Sir Billie made his order, I was in the second row.”
”I heard him too, he was making an impressive speech on why the fruit tart must have more than three cherries on the top.”
”That was truly convincing, but I must differ in his dissertation. I think the number of cherries must be an even number to make it fair for the ones eating a piece of fruit tart.”
”I beg your pardon, but the number of cherries then must be the same as the number of people eating the tart.”
”Don't be silly, how can you know how many people are eating the same tart! The best way should be first come first served.”
”No, that is not fair, it must be the law of the strongest.”
The artistic path engaged in an internal fight right then and some kind of elections appeared in the forum of the school. The question was, how many cherries a fruit tart should have?
The best results will be showed and presented to Chef Hugo and then ȧssessed to make the perfect tart.
However, as they kept discussing and making their beautiful sketches on the tart logo for the forum background image. The people on the side of Sir Billie disappeared one by one.
”Then… where are your witnesses?” asked Anne with a raised brow. ”I don't see anyone.”
”The matters of the masters and the artists think should not concern you, My princess. However, what should mind you is that I won this tart first.”
”Sigh… you should learn to make up good evidence before fighting me for a tart.”
”Madame Mim, did you see this young man here asking for a tart before I?”
”No, Princess Anne,” the old woman smiled and nodded.
”Thank you, Madame Mim.”
”It is my pŀėȧsurė, My Princess.”
Anne raised a brow to the young man that had been obliterated in his own game.
”There is something wrong with all this,” Billie said with another raised brow. ”You had never asked for a fruit tart on your own to the kitchen. You are not allowed.”
”What?” Anne looked away without fixing her eyes towards anything.
”The Queen had forbidden you to ask for snacks,” Billie said with a smirk. ”She even explicitly told the staff of the kitchen that you cannot have any snacks without her strict order. Even Principal Adam Robinson had written the rule in gold letters in one of the kitchen stone walls.”
”Yes, that may be true, but that doesn't mean anything.”
”How can you be so shameless? That only means that I am the one who asked for the fruit tart first.”
”No, that only means that Madame Mim was right, as I didn't ask for a tart by myself, you can't have asked for a tart before I, right? As the impossibility of my action had let to your act being invalidated by the mere impossibility.”
”So, you can't have asked for a tart before me.”
”…” Tia didn't know what to say anymore, and she sighed again. Her shameless princess will never change.