Chapter 41 - Chap 41 (1/2)
In the sky, Shin flapped his wings powerfully, shaking the sky and earth at the
a single flapping wing.
Weaker animals and creatures hide from its power but show no fear.
Shin's aura soothes them and makes them unable to be afraid of him.
Instead, it was rather admiration and respect for the creature.
Shin had been traveling for some time, always in search of powerful dragons.
Until now, he had only met weak dragons that were attacking him.
They were surely challenging him to prove their strength, but it was even more madness.
Some were smart and wise enough not to attack him and put their pride aside.
Continuing his journey, his eyes soon fell on a village in the mountains.
Only, there were burned houses, the smell of charred wood reigned in the air around this village.
Nature and the surrounding fields were dying and the land was dry and dehydrated.
And looking further, Shin could see that the mountain several hundred meters away was half destroyed.
The vision of this mountain reminded him of the time when he first roared.
So, to destroy half of this mountain that seemed to have been blown away by the wind, he had to be even more powerful than when Shin came into the world.
And perhaps it was not even his full power.
Shin had the hope to finally find what he was looking for!
A dragon powerful enough to challenge him!
Yet, despite his hope, he felt sadness and bitterness when he saw the expression of the people of the village.
Filled with misery, agony, fear, hearts torn by horror and loss.
Some eyes were devoid of life and radiated only despair and hatred of their helplessness.
Most were thin with skin on their bones, almost like walking corpses, while the children were the ”fattest” of all.
The ȧduŀts surely gave what little food they had left to the children.
This village and this mountain must have been under the tyrannical rule of a dragon.
He was subjected to a fate worse than death.
The weakest are those who win a fate to hellish life while the strongest will have a fate to heavenly life.
Taking pity on them, Shin gave a little wing to find himself above the village.
While the villagers were feeling sorry for themselves, a giant shadow covered the village.
The reaction of the inhabitants was to see their bodies trembling and the parents would be their children filled with fear.
Raising their dead eyes to the sky, they saw the appearance of a creature that was not the one they had thought of.
Unlike the giant lizard, imposing, strong and terrifying, what they saw was surely the antithesis.
Its presence alone was enough to light up the dark mountain.
Their broken and cold hearts warmed at the mere sight of him.
Lost hope seemed to be rekindled by his mere presence.
Even the trees and the earth seemed to be getting better.
A divine, celestial beast, radiating purity, nature and life.
It seemed to melt into nature itself and represented life itself.
But it still radiated a power equal to or greater than the dragon.
The inhabitants, who were at the end of their mental strength, broke down in front of this presence and begged for it.
”O mighty creature of God, please grant us your mercy and help us against the dragon of despair!”
All the rest of the inhabitants followed his movement and knelt behind the old man.
The old man seemed to be the head of the village.
Seeing them in this state, Shin felt distressed and saddened by the sight of the inhabitants.
He could see with his sixth sense that these inhabitants were in no way malicious but pushed to the bottom of the abyss.
Their means of food had been reduced to ashes leaving the inhabitants to starve to death.
The ȧduŀts sacrificed their share of food for the children following tragic deaths.
They had to watch relatives being killed by a sadistic dragon with great powerlessness.
At this point, Shin could see that their souls were on the brink of being shattered, both ȧduŀts and children.
Only, most of the children were ”lucky” enough not to really know their circumstances and not to witness or know of the existence of these murders.
'If I think about it, I can understand Acnologia's hatred of dragons,' Shin thought.
Acnologia saw his village and his relatives killed by dragons he trusted.
He gave them his trust despite knowing the nature of dragons.
He gave them a chance because he thought he was not all the same.