Chapter 34 (1/2)

GodKing Of Life Fir3Cooz 35110K 2022-07-24

/ In the Divine realm /

Shin could be seen standing in front of the Tree of Life looking at him.​​

After doing his little business with Irene, just before going to sleep, Shin felt a disturbance in his Divine realm.

He felt the appearance of an energy that was unknown to him.

Curious and alert, he decided to take a quick trip there to see if everything was okay.

And now, just after entering the Divine realm, he directly noticed the appearance of an object floating in front of the Tree of Life.

Shin was very curious to know what this floating object was, but was equally cautious.

The object in front of him radiated a disturbing, sad, dark aura and energy, the complete opposite of his Life energy.

In addition, the Divine energy around it was gathering and was all absorbed by the object.

At this point, Shin had already understood what the object in front of him was.

To better see it, he started to move in its direction.

The closer Shin got, the more Life energy he released to counter the energy that the object was releasing.

Fortunately, the place where he was was the forest of Life so the abundance of Life energy contained the energy released by the object.

Arriving, Shin finally got a glimpse of the object in question.

It was a beautiful round jewel, a glittering black, beautiful and deep and adorned with a symbol in its center a little difficult to describe.

Shin observed the jewel in front of him from all angles.

”If I hadn't felt the Divine energy being absorbed and the energy being released, I don't think I would have understood what it was,” Shin said.

”I imagine that this jewel is the divinity of death, just like me with my symbol on my forehead which will become a jewel representing my divinity when I have formed it”.

”On the other hand...”

Shin turned his head to all sides to see if he saw anyone.

”I don't see the God or the Goddess of Death.”

He was in full reflection due to the fact that he saw no sign of the god or goddess of death.

As far as he knew, the god or goddess of death would have been born naturally as such and would not be a person who should inherit the divinity.

”I suspect that it is not the same way as me, but if he/she is to be born then where is he/she?” Shin wondered.

Honestly, he didn't want to worry about anything right now and just wanted to go back to sleep next to Irene.

So he chose the quickest and easiest way to find out the answer to his question.

”System, please”

Hearing the explanations of the system, Shin nodded his head.

He also had confirmation that it will be a goddess of death and not a god of death.

Then Shin asked himself another question.

”Why is she here then? Shouldn't every God-King have a territory, a domain?”

[The divinity of death has only recently come into existence, so the domain of death is still being created and developed. Moreover, the divinity of death seemed to be attracted to this place or rather to you because you are the exact opposite but at the same time linked, like yin and yang, you complement each other].

Shin was perplexed when he heard that they were like yin and yang, that they complemented each other, he felt another meaning behind them.

He also wondered when the deities of destruction and creation would appear.

But he left the subject aside since he didn't care about that any more than that at the moment.

”Now that I've checked that everything is okay, I can go back to Irene and sleep,” Shin said with a big smile, thinking of Irene and sleep.

/ Several hours later /

/ In Irene's room /


In the bed, we could hear groans signifying someone waking up.

Irene's body was completely huddled and clenched against Shin's body, allowing her nose to be ɨmprėġnȧtėd with it as soon as she woke up, making her smile.

Opening her eyes, she gently stood up to sit down and rub her sleeping eyes.

After coming to her senses and waking up completely, she looked around and fell on her nȧkėd body and Shin's body.

Remembering their adventure of last night, her face turned bright red which was accompanied by a contradictory happy smile on her red face.

'We did it,' Irene thought, looking back at last night with a delighted face.

They had been able to express their love for each other and give themselves to each other.

Now she wondered what was going to happen, would they get married?

Thinking about it, Irene couldn't help but hum with joy.

However, he quickly cut it off with a thought that came to his mind.