Chapter 80 - Hufflepuffs Test (1/2)

Wizardry System JeffreyDO 21710K 2022-07-25

After hearing those words, Chris' mind turned black. When he woke up, Prometheus was waiting for him. He smiled at Chris.

”Congratulations Chris. You have also passed the Ravenclaw test. You've done a great job,” Prometheus said.

Chris nodded.

”How did Kristine do on her tests? Did she pass Ravenclaw?”

”Good news is that she passed the Ravenclaw test. The bad news is that she failed the Gryffindor test. Unfortunately, she didn't have what it takes to get Gryffindor to acknowledge her. Like I have said with Hermione, that doesn't mean she isn't brave. It's just not up to the standards of Gryffindor,” Prometheus said.

”So now I'm the only one left,” Chris said.

”Fortunately so because like I said, I honestly don't want to part with you guys just yet. Maybe after a couple decades I'll start to get a little tired of you, but as of now, you're a blank canvas and I'm waiting for a picture to be drawn,” Prometheus said.

”It seems that I'm not a completely boring person after all. It's an honor to have a titan be so interested in me,” Chris said a bit sarcastically .

”Enough with your sarcasm. Ravenclaw wants to speak to you as well,” Prometheus said.

Ravenclaw's hologram appeared like the other two Founders.

”Congratulations Chris. You have passed my test. Fortunately, it seems that as a student in my House, the test wasn't so difficult. Having plans for every situation is the key to success. Making new plans when in an unexpected situation is just as important. Of course, there were some things that I would do differently, but you are worthy of passing,” Ravenclaw said. Unlike Gryffindor, she didn't have as much words to say and her hologram disappeared.

”So are you ready for your final test?” Prometheus asked.

”It's the Hufflepuff test correct?”

”Yes and it is the hardest test. Many would think that a Hufflepuff test, if it existed, would be easiest test of them all simply because her house is the most inclusive and the character traits of the people she accepts are things like loyalty, fair play, and patience, traits that people in other Houses would all most likely have. However, the diary has gotten what she wants deep within her heart and put it as a test and it has deemed it the most difficult test out of the four. Perhaps it'll be easy for you to pass because it all depends on the person,”

'I really wonder what the Hufflepuff test will be,' Chris thought as Prometheus continued to wait.

”I ȧssume that you're done resting up?” Prometheus asked.

”Yes. Send me to the last test. I'm sure that Hermione and Kristine are getting really nervous right about now,” Chris said.