Chapter 12 - Joining the Quidditch Team (1/2)

Wizardry System JeffreyDO 23650K 2022-07-24

Even after the class left, Hermione was unable to stand.

”Hermione are you alright?” Kristine asked.

”Yeah, I'm doing alright,” Hermione said. ”Just a little shaken that's all,”

”You must have been. You flew up at least 20 meters high,” Kristine said.

”Yeah, I don't know how my broom went out of control. I'm sure that I-”

”Hermione don't think about it anymore. It was an accident. Everyone has one of those. I'm sure that there were plenty before you who accidentally went out of control before,”

”You're right. Thanks Chris for both saving and comforting me,” Hermione said.

”Hey what are friends for?” Argus asked.

However even thought she said that Chris was correct, Hermione truly wasn't convinced. Even after she was alright even to stand up, she still kept on thinking about the accident.

However, she soon forgot about it as they had to go to their next class.

During lunch, Chris was eating with Hermione and Kristine and talking about their Transfiguration homework until Professor Flitwick came up to Chris.

”Hello there Professor Flitwick,” Chris greeted.

”Hello there Mr. Evergreen. Can you please come to my office for a bit?” He asked in a serious tone.

”Sir, am I in trouble?” Chris asked.

”No, Mr. Evergreen, I just wish to have a little chat with you,” Professor Flitwick said.

”Alright then,” As Chris had no choice, he said goodbye to Hermione and Kristine before following Professor Flitwick.

Professor Flitwick led Chris inside his class and closed the doors.

”Sir, I don't think I did anything wrong to grant a private conversation,” Chris said.

”Like I said, Mr. Evergreen, you are not in trouble. I was outside for a bit and happened to see you catch Miss. Granger when she fell. Firstly, I would like to award you 10 points for your bravery,”

”Thank you Professor,” Chris said.

”Anyways, beyond that, let's get to the point shall we? So Mr. Evergreen, what do you think about Quidditch?” Professor Flitwick asked.

”I think it's quite interesting Professor,” Chris said.

”Well, then I'm happy to inform you that I would like you to play as the Seeker for the Ravenclaw team,” Professor Flitwick said.

”Sir, I'm but a first year and first years are not allowed to have brooms,” Chris said.

”I can get past that rule. As long as the entire team isn't made up of first years it'll be a piece of cake,” Professor Flitwick said.