Chapter 76 - Raid (1/2)
In the Aftermath of the battle of Sokovia, the Reaktion teams handled the cleanup. There were still some casualties but fewer than one would expect.
The public was never made aware of Tony Stark's involvement with the creation of Ultron but the avengers knew. Elijah has forced him to pay reparations for Sokovia through a relief fund. It took quite some cash from him to pay it all up.
Following the battle, Clint Barton handed in his resignation from S.H.I.E.L.D. Although Natasha was reluctant to sign it, Elijah told her to. A man also needs to be with his family.
Natasha and Barton agreed on the latter being on call for emergencies and coming back once a week to train in the S.H.I.E.L.D dungeons.
Thor also departed on an adventure to search for a meaning for the visions he saw as Elijah refused to give him more information. Elijah told him that he needs to find meaning to his visions by himself.
The avengers meanwhile welcomed new members : Vision, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff and Sam Wilson.
Few days later, in Inselheim ; Elijah was ready for a ” Trip”. In Truth , It was more like a raid.
Elijah looked at Hela and said:” Do you need me to bring something for you?”
Hela suddenly smiled and answered:” Yes , Eternal flame and my Fenris.”
Elijah kissed Hela and laughed :” Greedy much ?”
Elijah opened a portal and said :” I will connect a portal to our Palace vault. Wait for me there.”
Elijah then disappeared.
On the other side, Elijah appeared in front of Odin's vault. Yes, he was here to raid the vault. There were several powerful items that were just sitting in this vault. Also, he needed some Uru.
Elijah disabled all the wards and then teleported directly to the inside.
What greeted him were several priceless treasures. Odin , stole, bought and collected every items that could bring about Ragnarök and locked them up in here. He was adamant about preventing it.
Elijah approached a blue box that emits a chilly and icy wind. It was the Casket of Ancient winters, an artefact
Which contained the Fimbulwinter of Ymir. This artefact could plunge the earth into the Dark ages.
Elijah opened a portal directly to his palace vault where Hela was waiting and sent the casket through it.
Elijah then took other artefact from the vault such as the Warlock 's eye, the Turning Fork and the Tablet of Life and Time. Elijah felt a connection to the Tablet. It gave a godly feeling that reminded him of when he died in his last life and met the God.
Elijah then approached the Eternal flame. The flame was really powerful. It contained about the full power of Surtur. Elijah knew how powerful was Surtur so it was no surprise. Elijah took some of the inextinguishable flames and left the rest. Elijah then looked for Uru metal in the Vault, he fortunately found a stash. The Uru in here was almost pure and of high quality. Elijah guesses that this is the royal stash. He then took most of it.
Elijah then put his hand on the floor. He felt the catacombs under him. He then teleported directly inside.
He found Hela's army of Berserkers buried there and in the back , the body of a giant black wolf, Fenris.
-Inselheim, Palace's Vault-