Chapter 73 - Ultron -1- (1/2)

-Avengers Hq-

Maria Hill was seen walking through the halls. She arrived at Fury's office.

Maria:” Director Fury. Agent Barton has just called. He has something for us. He wants the team to be there too.”

Fury :” Alright call them in.”

Few minutes later the team was gathered. Steve, Thor, and Tony were sitting together with Fury and Maria. Rhodes, Tony's friend was also there. He was invited to be with the avengers to make up the numbers.

Tony:” So what's going on?”

Fury:” We're waiting for Agent Barton. He initiated the meeting.”

Steve:” Where was he?”

Fury:” S.H.I.E.L.D probably .”

Suddenly footsteps could be heard and Barton could be seen coming in accompanied surprisingly by the Hulk.


Barton and Maria chuckled at Hulk's antics.

Fury :” so what's the mission?”

Barton took a small cube and put it on the table.

Barton :” we're just about to find out.”

The cube lit up and a clear holographic recording of Natasha played itself.

Natasha:” Good morning everybody. Following the HYDRA war, there were some leftover bases around the world that needed to be cleansed. Your mission should you chose to accept it will be to attack the HYDRA base in Sokovia and recover Loki's sceptre which is held by Wolfgang von Strucker, The last surviving Hydra leader. Caution be advised, possibility of enhanced individuals existing in the base. Relevant informations is already on your servers.

This message will self-destruct in 5,4,3,2,1..”

The cube burst into flame and disintegrated.

Fury took the electronic briefing of the mission and read through it. He then said:” Get ready for the mission . Cap , one last fight against HYDRA.”

Steve just nodded and left to suit up.

The team got ready and they boarded a Quinjet heading toward Sokovia.

-Inselheim, Elijah's office-

Elijah looked at Eve and said:” Eve, I need you to increase our virtual and Internet security. Make sure that all of our servers are protected around the clock.”

Eve:” Are we expecting an Attack Sir ?”

Elijah:” Probably. Just oversee our security systems for the next few days.”

Eve:” Roger Sir.”

Elijah:” Where are my parents incidentally?”

Elijah:” Good they deserve it.”

After Linda handed over the company to Sage, She and her husband Joshua took a spaceship and left on a interstellar trip.


A pair of siblings could be seen in a couple of glass cells. A young man with silver hair that seemed to move quicker than the eye could see. The woman, his sister control objects around her with her mind.

Soldiers and scientists moved around the base.

Suddenly alarms rang in all around the base.

A man with a monocle on his left eye turned to the security screens. He was Wolfgang von Strucker , the last leader of Hydra.

Von Strucker:” Deploy the soldiers. The avengers are here.”

Von Strucker turned to a middle-aged man in a lab coat by the name of Dr.List . He was the chief scientist of this base.

He then turner to a soldier and asked:” can we hold them?”

The soldier in a helpless tone :” They're the avengers.”

Von Strucker in a resolute tone :”Deploy the rest of the tanks.”

Fortress Soldier: ”Yes, sir.”

Von Strucker: ”Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks. Everything we've accomplished. But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.”

Dr. List: ”Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins.”

Von Strucker shook his head ”It's too soon.”

Dr. List: ”It's what they signed up for.”