Chapter 68 - First fight (1/2)

Inside the warehouse, there were two big rings. They had the same shape as a stargate.

They were the transportation method to be used to get to Hell Arena.

The black haired woman began to activate the portal. It lit up much to the surprise of the VIPs that were already inside.

The woman turned to the VIPs and said:” Please walk through in an orderly fashion.”

Most of them hesitated except Clint who uses this portal everyday he's on S.H.I.E.L.D ground.

Thor followed suit, then the rest of the VIPs too.

In the other side, they were greeted by personnel who showed everyone their seats.

The Arena was already bustling with people from different races.

The audience presence made the Arena full. It was a hit.

The VIP section was no different. It was full too except few seats which looked to be already taken.

After a while Natasha came in. She was looking beautiful as ever. She was wearing a luxurious white fur coat and on her hand was the Müller Family ring.

She strode elegantly to the avengers and greeted them.

Natasha: ”Hello Guys. It's been a while.”

Tony :” Nat, we didn't see you for a while.”

Natasha smiled and said:” It's not easy running an agency. Cleaning up HYDRA is also exhausting.”

Steve sighed:” What you're doing is so wrong.”

Natasha chuckled:” Come on Cap. It's just entertainment and no one will die in the Arena.”

Fury:” How can you make sure of it?”

Natasha turned to look at the Arena and said:” The Arena is equipped with self saving mechanisms. If someone were to receive a fatal shot, they will be teleported out of the Arena and declared losers”

Natasha turned back to the avengers:” Enjoy yourselves and enjoy the fight and try to learn something from it. You are the avengers, you are supposed to protect the earth by any means necessary. You should at least learn about other races. You should also aware that the Chitauri are one of the worst armies on the galaxy and Thor can confirm that.”

Thor who was having fun looked back and agreed with Natasha's ȧssessment.

Natasha then walked away to make a last-minute inspection.

A few minutes later , Elijah arrived accompanied with Hela, Jean and Banner.

The sat in a private booth. Natasha joined them too.

Elijah then signalled the start of the event.

A floating circular platform with a man on it flew to the Arena. He was the hype man and the announcer. He was a human who was recruited by Natasha to present the fights.Equipped with a universal translator,he circled the Arena few times before he stopped and said:” Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first Hell Arena where we will witness fighter compete to show who is the mightiest in the universe. Folks, without further ado , Let's start the first fight.”

The announcer turned to the giant view screen and said:” Let's find out who are our first contenders.”

The screen showed name after name like a roulette until it stopped on two names with their pictures.

The announcer then said:” In the right corner, coming from earth, with 380 pounds and 6'6” tallThe beast, the animal. Please welcome SABBBEEEERTOOOOTH.”

Sabertooth was thrown out of the right gate of the Arena but he manage to gain balance with his enhanced abilities. He has an obedience disk on his neck same as all the prisoners in Hell Arena.

The announcer turned to the left corner and announced:” In the right corner, coming from the Kree Empire.”

At the mention of his origin , the audience booed. Most of the present people in the audience hate the Kree.