Chapter 63 - Fantastic Four -3- (1/2)

A few days after the events of the bridge, the media welcomed a new team of 'Superheroes' dubbed the fantastic four. Between enthusiasts and detractors, the people had different opinion on them.

The fantastic four also had different reactions to being hailed as heroes. Johnny basked in the limelight continuing in his attention-seeking ways and playboy behaviour.

Redd meanwhile after promising Ben to figure out a cure for his predicament, returned to research the effects the cosmic had on them. Sue, being a geneticist, also participated in the process of discovering a cure or suppressing Ben's ability.

Ben was having the worst time of his life. After his wife's abandonment as well as the scene on the bridge did not help better his mood at all. He was impatiently waiting for a cure. He can't do anything the way he used to. If he moves, he is prone to break his surroundings. He hoped that Reed could find a way cure him permanently. He doesn't want superpowers if it came at the price of losing his humanity.

In the labs of Baxter building, Sue and Reed were working non-stop to try and study their abilities.

Sue was trying to keep Reed focused on finding a cure for Ben. Reed was distracted easily by other scientific problems. He never stays focused on one thing.

Sue asked:” What if we built a machine to take the cosmic energy from Ben?”

Reed :” It is possible but it will probably destroy his human body too.”

Sue :” I think we bit more than we can chew. We should probably contact Haven Industries for help.”

Reed answered in a hurry: ” No i can figure out a way for Ben. He's my best friend , don't worry.”

Sue :” You're just jealous that you're not as smart as him.”

Reed flustered didn't answer and returned to his research.

Few days has passed and Reed wasn't able to find a cure.

Ben:” You still didn't find a way?”

Reed didn't look at Ben and kept working while he answered:” Still no progress Ben. Don't worry i'm working non stop.”

Ben angrily shouted in a deep voice:” Well it's not good enough. You are responsible for this happening to us. Figure it out.”

Reed:” i'm trying Ben.”

Ben said :” I don't need you to try . I need you to do. I'm a bloody rock man and the ȧsshole keeps talking shit about me everyday.”

Ben turned around and left.

Sue crossed paths with him while returning to the lab.

Sue :” what's going on?”

Reed:” He's mad about the lack of progress.”

Sue:” Well he has the right too.”

Reed:” The cosmic storm has altered our DNA at the fundamental level. It's really fascinating except for Ben's issue.”

Sue :” I know it's fascinating but we need to work on a cure.”

Ben in his room dressed himself in a large coat and a hat. He then walked out the Baxter building. It was night and there were few people around.

Ben walked to a secluded Bar and entered. He sat down at the counter and ordered a drink. He needed to drown his sorrow. Some people seeing him ran away from the bar.

Ben apologised to the patron who is his friend.

Soon a woman with short blond hair sporting a cane in her hand sat down next to him. Her eyes looked unfocused but had a nice smile. The cane in her hand showed that she's blind.

Blind woman:” The bar's empty what's going on ?”

She then turned to Ben who was trying to take his drink without shattering the glass.

Ben exclaimed in frustration failing to even have a drink :”ARRGHH This is Hell.”

Blind woman:” No hell is a lot hotter than this.”

Ben:” You will know it's hell for me if you saw me.”

The woman took her cane and approached Ben. She extended her hands and asked:” Can i?”

Ben didn't respond. He felt a calming peace looking at the beautiful blind woman.