Chapter 35 - Avengers (Part I) (1/2)

Out in New Mexico desert , the remote Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S research facility was in complete state of panic . The people were evacuating while a black helicopter flies in .

In the ensuing chaos , Agent Coulson was standing next to the landing pad to welcome the incoming helicopter.

The chopper landed and Agent Maria Hill walked out of it followed by S.H.I.E.L.D director Nick Fury .

The two approach Agent coulson .

NICK FURY:”How bad is it?”

AGENT PHIL COULSON:”That's the problem, sir. We don't know.”

Agent Coulson leads both Hill and Fury through the radiation section

of the facility.

AGENT PHIL COULSON:”Dr. Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago.”

NICK FURY:”NASA didn't authorize Selvig to testing phase ”

AGENT PHIL COULSON:”He wasn't testing it, he wasn't even in

the room. Spontaneous advancement.”

AGENT MARIA HILL:” It just turned itself on?”

NICK FURY:”What are the energy levels now?”

AGENT PHIL COULSON: ”Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we ordered the evac.”

NICK FURY:”How long to get everyone out?”

AGENT PHIL COULSON:” Campus should be clear in the next half


NICK FURY:”Do better.”

The three of them met Dr Selvig and continued to discuss the energy spike that the tesseract was emitting.

Suddenly , the tesseract glowed brighter and its energy built up into a beam like the Bifrost bridge. The beam opens a portal then after a burst of energy , heavy breathing could be heard from the platform.

A kneeling figure appeared slowly on the the platform to the approaching armed guards.

The figure was Loki with the sceptre in his hand.

Nick Fury :” Sir , please put down the spear .”

Loki looked at his spear then points it at where Barton and Fury were and shoots a blue blast toward them .

While Loki was busy controlling the minds of Barton and several S.H.I.E.L.D personnel , Fury places the tesseract in its case and tries to exit the lab . He was interrupted by a voice halting him in his steps .

LOKI:”Please don't. I still need that .”

NICK FURY stopped in his tracks then turned and said :”This doesn't have to get any messier .”

LOKI:”Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki of Asgard,and I am burdened with glorious purpose.”

SELVIG:”Loki? Brother of Thor ? ”

NICK FURY:”We have no quarrel with your people.”

LOKI:”An ant has no quarrel with a boot.”

NICK FURY :”You planning to step on us?”

LOKI:” I come with glad tidings, of a world

made free.”

NICK FURY:”Free from what?”

LOKI:” Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie.Once you accept that, in your heart” he then turned to face Selvig who's standing behind him and placed his spear against Selvig's heart.

Selvig's eyes glowed black , he was under Loki's mind control .Loki then continued charmingly:”You will know peace.”

NICK FURY:”Yeah, you say peace, I kind of think you mean the other thing.”

CLINT BARTON said almost mechanically :” Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow. Drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us.”

NICK FURY:”Like The Pharaohs of Odin.”

SELVIG :” He's right. The portal is collapsing in on itself. You got maybe two minutes before this goes critical.”