Chapter 22 - Natasha (1/2)

-Maryina Horka Forest , Belarus -

Elijah gazed upon the Red room Academy with interest , looked at his watch and thought :'it's time .'

He came here to take the best naturally talented spy , Natasha Romanoff. He has been coming here since a week while sending psychic message to Natasha on the way she could take to escape . As she is dying to get away from the hellhole known as the red room . She found solace in the voice inside her head .

Elijah kept focusing on the red room Academy and touched his wrist device what followed was the sound of explosion that quacked the the Academy surrounding and the platoon next to it responsible for its protection. After few minutes a petite redheaded twelve years old could be seen running through the snowy woods of the Maryina Horka forest with a bloody knife in her hand and wounds on her body .

Elijah confirmed that this is the girl he was looking for and approached her stealthily.

”You managed to escape , you didn't disappoint me . ” Said Elijah apathetically.

The young girl startled by the voice looked back with the knife in her hand ready to fight for her freedom. She found the white haired young man standing behind her .

”You have the same voice as the voice in my head ” Natasha


”Please help me Mister .” Said Natasha weakly while dropping the knife as her consciousness faded due the blood loss .

Elijah looked at the pitiful young girl and sighed :' she is like i was in my last life .'

The body of young girl started to float and both Elijah and the body disappeared.

Elijah arrived at the base and put Natasha in a healing chamber . He turned to Eve who materialised next to him :” I need several scans of her brain . I need to delete some of the brainwashing they ingrained in her . Her resolve is strong , it didn't affect her as much as the other .”

”Acknowledged sir . Is this why you've taken her sir? ”-Eve

” Yes and No . She is the most naturally gifted girl in espionage. When trained she will be the head of our intelligence gathering operation . ” -Elijah

”Acknowledged sir .” -Eve

Both Eve and Elijah started working on Natasha 's brain , Elijah wiped out all the russian nationalism doctrines and healed her mind with his Phoenix powers .


The young girl woke up the next morning with all her wounds healed . She looked around . The glass windows , the holographic screens , the floating beds . It was all new to her . She remembered the white haired man , the owner of the smooth voice .

Her exploring of surrounding was interrupted by Eve who startled the redhead. ”Come with me Miss Romanoff.”

The young girl nodded and followed the holographic projection . They arrived at Elijah's office . He looked up at the two and nodded to Eve who disappeared.

”Sit down Natasha .”-Elijah

The young girl nodded and sat down , she was a bit tensed and afraid.

” congratulations, you managed to escape the red room . ”-Elijah

”Why did you help me mister ? What do you need from me ?” Said Natasha in a mȧturė way unbefitting of a 12 year old .

” An investment of sorts . What do you wanna do when you grow up ?”-Elijah

” A ballerina but i don't think i will be able to .” Said Natasha sadly

” yes you won't be able to , you escaped from the red room . They will be looking for you . What needs to happens so you can be a ballerina ? ” -Elijah

”The red room has to be destroyed ” said Natasha seriously

Elijah smiled lightly and stood up and motioned to Natasha to stood next to him while looking through the window .