Chapter 167 - The prank gone too far [1] (1/2)
Moon Jiwoo was met with utter surprise when two familiar voices reached into her ear.
Seeing how she had some extra work to do, Jiwoo went to the shop early that day, and upon her arrival, she did not expect for anyone to be inside of this place for it was quite early.
Moreover, she was aware of the time Sookyung arrived at regularly.
That's why, she was shocked when she heard voices inside of one of the room inside the shop, and having her curiosity take the best of her, she decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.
Usually, Moon Jiwoo wasn't fond of eavesdropping on other's conversation, but seeing how the other party was Oh Sookyung, the temptation was too strong for her to resist.
Therefore, mustering up all of her courage, she made sure to create almost no noise— knowing how sėnsɨtɨvė those ears of Sookyung were— and leaned closer to the door.
As her ear came in contact with the surface of the door, she tried to listen in on the conversation between both of them.
”What are you doing here?” Sookyung asked— his voice held on to some tint of annoyance.
”I just wanted to meet up with her and see how you are torturing the poor girl,” a female voice spoke out.
She recognized that voice as Chaeyoung's. Compared to her last life, Chaeyoung indeed did sound different right now. She had a hint of innocence to her and did not appear to be anything special.
But now that she had met her again after being in this body, she found the lady being quite charismatic to her surprise, and she wondered why she was hiding behind that facade.
”Geez! You are going to ruin all of my plans with your appearance. Already it is starting to get harder for me, and I don't want you to destroy all that for me,” Sookyung vocalised.
Creases appeared between both of her eyebrows, and Moon Jiwoo was curious to know about the so-called plan of the male who was on the other side of the door.
Since the plan concerned her mainly, she made sure to hear all of the next words properly so that she would be able to get a clue on it.
Maybe she wasn't smart enough to figure out all of it, but at least she was trying. Pursing her lips into a thin line, she waited for the two person present inside the room to start talking.
Chaeyoung seemed to have let out a sigh before saying, ”I don't even know how much longer you are going to continue that silly plan of yours. If you continue it much further, just be careful. She might end up running away from you.”
”Even I wanted to stop, but I can't do that,” Sookyung stated before starting to laugh. ”You should see how funny she is all the time I bully her. No, she changed so much that it is funny to see.
It's more like she did not change but is trying to be like the normal people. I have seen her get along with those people, and it is hilarious to see how she tries to act like an ȧduŀt.
I swear she is so cute. How can I just stop being like this when she is so much fun? Moreover, this might is the only time I might get to boss her around. Who knows if I will be blessed with such a chance again?
It's funny how she manages to treat me like her boss until now when her facial expression gives it all away. She is seriously foolish.”
Laughter escaped from Oh Sookyung's mouth after those words.
Hearing those words have managed to make the girl angry, and Moon Jiwoo clenched her hand into a tight fist. She was starting to have mixed feelings about the entire matter.
A part of her happy was that Oh Sookyung was not actually angry with her, that those cold eyes of his was merely an act; he was just playing around with her.