Chapter 93 - To end [1] (1/2)

Patting his shoulder softly, Jiwoo spoke out, ”You will be just fine, Oh Sookyung. Don't panic or get nervous! Just unleash your potential and blast him off.”

Sookyung chuckled and voiced out, ”Rather than me, it seems like you are the one who will be passing out any second now. One would think that you are the one going instead of me.”

”If only you could understand how restless I am,” Jiwoo stated, ”I am still not alright with you going there.”

It was time for Oh Sookyung to depart to the fighting arena, and while the three of them stood before the door, the hesitation was shown in Moon Jiwoo's eyes. Her ċhėst did not feel calm at the thought of letting him go.

”If I somehow die, do keep me in your memory as a good person,” Sookyung spoke out in a light-hearted manner, winking at her.

”That's a terrible thing to say before going. If you die, I swear I will do the worst thing possible with your corpse,” Jiwoo threatened.

”Alright. That's it for the chitchat. If Minhyun Hyung had agreed to it, then this will be absolutely fine,” Yejoon voiced out, ”Oh yeah! From today onwards, you will be Minhyun, Oh Sookyung. You know that, right?”

At that, Moon Jiwoo recalled on how 'Han Minhyun' lead his life as 'Sookyung' the entire time, and after today, Sookyung will be called as Minhyun.

”Can't I just keep my name as Sookyung? Changing my name when I am this grown up doesn't feel pleasant,” Sookyung said, ”And I am quite fond of my name.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Yejoon spoke out, ”After you become the king, changing your given name is so big deal I suppose.”

At that instant, Moon Jiwoo's eyes sharpened, and a serious expression formed on her face before she said, ”There are footsteps outside of the apartment. Twenty of them. They stopped in front of the door.”

Yejoon nodded his head and stated, ”I have more or less expected this. Kim Namhyuk is not the one to play fairly. It would be for the best if Sookyung does not use his powers.

Shin Daerin, do you think you will be able to take them on your own? I will teleport Oh Sookyung to that place and send someone to help you with the situation. I would not be able to teleport with you.”

Moon Jiwoo nodded her head and answered, ”Yes, it will be all fine. You just head over to arena with Oh Sookyung. This much can not bring me down.”

”Be careful,” Sookyung said, ”I will be waiting for you, Shin Daerin, so you can not be late. I might lose if you don't show up.”

Raising her head, Jiwoo ran them through her hair and stated, ”What's with those words of your They gave me chills! Any way, I will be showing up. Taking care this much is a child's play for me.”

With that, Hwang Yejoon snapped his finger, and at that, both of them disappeared into the thin air. After they had teleported out of there, Jiwoo turned her head to face the door.

”Let's do this then, Shin Daerin,” Jiwoo mumbled to herself.

Walking over to the door, Moon Jiwoo pulled it open, and seeing the men standing before the door, Jiwoo realized that she had guessed right. There were indeed twenty of them present.

”Hello!” Jiwoo greeted, ”What do you—”

Before Moon Jiwoo was able to continue further, two of the men took out their swords and made their move towards her. Jiwoo's eyes grew more vigilant at that, and she jumped a step back.

All of the men stepped into the room, and they cornered her from all the sides. Although taking care of twenty men was possible for Moon Jiwoo, it was a different story of all of them attacked her at the same time. In that case, it might get extremely difficult for her to handle it.

Moon Jiwoo's sword appeared into her hand, and her surrounding shone as jolt of electricity went in front of her. Her eyes fiercely stared the men beside her as they came one after other to attack her.

Starting to defend herself, Jiwoo noticed how they did not bother to go after Oh Sookyung. Maybe she was their target. However, it did not make sense to her on why they would be attacking her.