Chapter 1 - Wish and Reincarnation(Edited) (1/2)

In infinite darkness, nothing can be seen.

Nothing can be touched.

Nothing can be felt.

There is no light. Here everything exits, yet nothing exists. There is no concept of space and time. Every kind of energy born here and dies here. There is nothing but chaos.

In such a place where there nothing existed form the beginning, a soul is floating there.

Soul: Where am I? I thought I died... then is it the afterlife?... But there is nothing here. I should just sleep since there is nothing to do.




Soul: ...How long has it been? One year? May be dozens or centuries has past but I still don't know where is this. Am I going to wonder in this place for eternity?

As the 'soul' was wondering 'soul' saw tiny light. Wondering what is it, he starts to float towards it. Reaching it he touched the light.

???: You're finally here. But I must say that I never thought the one to reach me would be a mortal.

Soul: Who are you? Are you also a dead person like me?

???: You are wrong. I am not dead. To begin with, I can't die 'normally'.

Soul: What do you mean you can't die 'normally'?

???: That is the answer to your first question...because I am a God!

God: Oi! what is with your dull expression! You should act like this, ”What! God! Impossible! Have you kidnapped me?! Is it a cult?”. Something like that.

Soul: ...Is that how a normal human expression be if he were to die then awaken in a dark abyss like Room with no end in sight and stay there for centuries? Then I am sorry. I think I'm not a normal human anymore.

God: ...You're right. Anyway since you are already here tell me your wish.

Soul: Wish? What do you mean by that? Can I ask for anything? How many wishes can be used? Why would you complete my wish?

God: Woah Woah there! Calm down will ya'. Why do u ask so many questions? You only get one wish. And the reason for completing your wish...well, you can say that I have been looking for a successor for my power for millions of years. You coming here can be call fate.

Soul: You know you sound like a scammer, right?

God: ...Do you want a wish or not?

Soul: Well now, no need to get angry. But a wish... Can I ask for anything?

God: You can. But you can't ask for another wish. Or becoming a God.

Soul: Then give me 'Ark of Embodiment' from the anime 'Fairy Tails'.