61 Chapter 61: Failure (1/2)

The night was still young, the moon full and bright as it shined its light upon the world, bathing under its light was a little house. It was a peaceful and serene sight, a pink spider skittered past the house as it ran being chased by another spider looking as if it was dragging its balls behind it.

The peace would unfortunately not last this night, shadows were creeping upon the little house. Mythander was reading in his favorite spot, put down his book 'How Not To Treat Souls Carefully' and frowned at the shadows. He could tell that these shadows did not come with friendly intentions, what's more, he finally found out how they were able to enter the Himejima family's compound, they were let in.


Mythander clenched his fists at the thought, he already knew they sold out Shuri's location to Baraqiels enemies but to actually let them prance around your own home, what madness was that. This was no longer borrowing a knife to kill but hiring one. Mythander could even see some of Shuri's family hiding in the shadows waiting to see a show.

Mythander felt at that moment...lost. What could drive a family to hat there own so much that they would invite murderers into there home to kill? After the feeling of lost faded Mythander felt only disgust for the Himijima clan, there was even a pinch of resentment, the Himejimas should thank there stars that it was an elf and not a dragon sitting in that tree or they might have just disappeared that night within purple purgatory.

The shadows slowly encircled the house to make sure no one could escape, they then started slowly move closer tightening the circle.

Mythander kept watching with a stoic face, his eyes flickered with light as many thoughts raced around in his head but one was prominent in his mind, 'Was what he was doing right', he was about to scar a little girl for life, yes he will return to her her mother but... he could never undo the pain he has done.

While he was sorting out his thoughts the Shadowy figures already struck, the door of the little house was kicked open and Mythander could hear the shouting of Shuri and Akeno's shrieks as three shadows went into the house, the rest stayed outside as security.

Mythander kept himself at bay as he heard the screaming of Akeno the yells of Shuri and the crazed laughter of a dead man...

His fists were balled his muscles tens, he was using a lot of will power not to rush forward right now and end these fiends.

'Or maybe the true fiend is me?'

An elf, a being known for its pureness and kindness was actually standing there and watching as an innocent woman was murdered.

'What have I become?'

'No! I will save them' Mythander finally decided that having Shuri killed wasn't worth it be it for his or their sake, but alas he came to that conclusion too late.



He did think to see the fleeing shadows and he would not allow that. His voice rang out in the dead of night and it heralded death.

”Be swallowed by the earth”

Mythander waved his hand at the fleeing Shadows and the earth beneath them opened up into a deathly maw, as the sides of the earth rose as if trying to bite them, the 'maw' moved upwards and snapped shut over them before retreating into the earth with them inside, there screamed of pain and fear only stopped as the 'maw' disappeared.

The fallen angel was a bit shocked when he saw this stranger helping him and his means but did not dwell on it as he had more important things on his mind, he flapped his wings barreled into the little house making a hole in the roof as he landed on one of the shadows three shadows that entered before.

The black-winged angel took in the sight in front of it and it made his pupils constrict, his daughter covered in blood while holding her mother, of which he could see a long slash on her back. Each of Akeno's tears was a spear stabbing his heart and each drop of blood flowing from Shuri felt like the flames of hell searing his soul.