58 Chapter 58: The Guardian Sage (1/2)

Deep in the night, under the many constellations, Mythander was currently sitting comfortably high on a tree branch while leaning back against the tree.

He was holding a black leather-encased book in his hand, lightly reading it. ”...When the soul departs the body of the deceased, it does not immediately disappear but lingers, it is during this time that it is optimal to capture for use as an ingredient for rituals and other spells or to trap it within a body thus turning it into the living dead. The quality of the ingredient or undead raised is in direct correlation to the strength of the soul, the amount of time it has lingered within this world after its body has been slain and the competency of the one capturing the would or trapping it...”

Mythandar smiled slightly as he read the text while calculating in what situations this information would be valuable as well as assessing and verifying it with what he already knew as to find fault and then correct it. What surprised Mythandar is that he didn't find anything wrong with the text in fact there were some things he didn't even know, which he safely stored inside his memory to fill gaps in his knowledge.

'Well he wasn't an Ach Lich for nothing', Mythandar thought as he recalled the owner of this book, one of the most powerful adversaries he has ever thought not only in pure power but in wits as well. The book he was currently reading was the Arch Lich's research, evrything he has done since he walked the path of a necromancer.' Should have asked for his name', Mythandar smiled as he continued reading.

Not far from the tree where Mythander was held up in his pleasure reading, stood a small building, although it was old and small, one could tell it was well maintained. From where Mythander was sitting one could see through most of the windows in the house, that wasn't much when one thought of the fact that it only had three.

THought one of those windows one could see a beautiful woman with black hair and brown eyes wearing a traditional Miko outfit sitting at a table and enjoying dinner with a cute little girl of around eight years old. The little girl took a lot to the woman and the only true difference would be beautiful purple eyes.

'Shuri...Akeno...how can anybody wish to do you harm', Mythander thought, he pried his eyes from the text of the book and looked towards the mother and daughter duo.

'I do not understand, why hate these two... why harm them if the one you hate is the fallen angel Baraqiel, who have they ever harmed, who have they ever slighted'

Mythander had been looking over the duo for a month now, he had seen them interact with each other and the rest of the Himejima clan, they were always polite and willing to help, kind to the core, but the rest of the clan would always give them the cold shoulder, only a hand full would still be friendly towards them.

While Mythander was busy speculating the meanings behind evrything, Shur and little Akeno finished there lunch, after which Shuri told Akeno to start preparing for bed.

After brushing her teeth Akeno climbed into a futon, Shuri was about to turn of the light and join her but Akeno complained she wanted to hear a story. Shuri could only comply and started reading one to her. After finishing the story she turned of the light and joined Akeno.

Mythander waited for a moment longer until they were in deep sleep before getting up from the tree branch, with one step he jumped off the tree but instead of falling he slowly glided forward until he touched the ground right in front of the little house.

He was about to enter when he saw a flower in a pot next to the door, it was unfortunately dying, Shuri has been trying to get it to grow for a week already without any luck. This night Mythander decided to help her just a little...