44 Chapter 44: Hotel In Kyoto (1/2)

One peaceful day in Kyoto a Pink Beatle came driving from the direction of Otsu which was situated in the east.

It slowly drove through the streets of Kyoto stealing some attention from people because of its strange color and the rumblings of a powerful engine that could be heard from under its hood.

The Beatle came to a halt in front of a massive building, the driver's door opened up and a figure climbed out of the car, he was tall standing an impressive 2m tall with broad shoulders all dressed in a nice black suit. He had shoulder-length long gray-white hair and a majestic beard that grew all the way to his collar bone. He stared at the building with his sky blue eyes, taking in the sight in front of him. He was none other than Lambert.

”Well, we're here”

Lambert spoke then turned to face the people that were climbing out of the car he, Aura, Tosca, Masaomi, and Cleria. They also gave the building a quick glance, it was definitely a high-grade Hotel, might not have been the best of Kyoto but its blend of traditional and modern buildings with the massive amounts of greenery gave it a special kind of feeling.

As everybody came out of the car and attendant showed up, but was stupified when he saw his new guests, a massive broad-shouldered old man, a sacred white-haired and robed beauty, a seductive black-haired beauty, a noble-looking man in priest garbs and a bra... little beauty in a white robe.

But being a professional porter with an impressive two years under his belt he quickly calmed himself and greeted his guests.

”Good afternoon help how may I sir you today”

He might have thought he calmed down but when Lambert and the others all stared at him he felt a great deal of pressure especially when the white-haired beauty smiled at him, he couldn't help but mess up his own sentence and it caused his face to go red with embarrassment.

Lambert chuckled a bit as he saw the poor Porter embarrassed.

”Ah, well we don't really have much luggage but we could use your help, I need someone to park my vehicle as I still have to book a room for myself and my travel-weary companions.”

Lambert's voice was like a soothing medicine to the porter's nerves as he calmed down, the young porter gave Lambert a grateful smile even if he didn't know how just listening to the old bodybuilding geezers words would calm him.

Thought if Lambert were to know how the young porter saw him he might just faint from indignation.

The young porter took the keys that Lambert gave him and climbed into the pink Beatle with a weird expression on his face, but as he got into the car that expression changed into that of astonishment. The seats were covered in beautiful black leather and as he sat down in the chair he could help but breath out a sigh at how comfortable the seat was causing Aura, Masaomi, Cleria, and Tosca to give him a look of understanding as they felt the same as they sat on the seats. The porter which was now doubling as a valet started the Beatle and was shocked when he heard the growl of the beast-like voice it gave of, putting the car in gear with the gear lever which was made from some unknown material, probably a special kind of metal or plastic the porter thought, he released the clutch and the Beatle shot forward, eliciting a small cry from the young man as he did not expect the car to wield such power.

Lamber, seeing that the porter taking off with the car after getting used to the power inside it and luckily not hitting anything while doing it walked leisurely into the hotel's front door.

He was confronted by a lobby of sorts with seats and for waiting and a desk at the opposite side of the wall was two attendants were waiting to help customers. The entire interior was white with a tiled floor, to the left and right were both staircases.

Lambert walked straight towards the counter and spoke to the attendant standing at the right, she was wearing a uniform with the hotel's logo on her left breast, which was quite extraordinary. Her pretty eyes were crowned by a pair of thin-rimmed glasses. Her face was not bad Lambert would say above average, but to others, she would be a stunning beauty that no one could keep their eyes of, the proof is taken from the attendant standing on the left, he would secretly toggle her every now and then. God knows what was going through his mind as he secretly stared at her chest, curving figure not really hidden behind her tight-fitting uniform and her beautiful face.

”Good evening sir how may I help you”

The girl asked with a soft voice, Lambert could help but feel that she had a very soft and lovable personality but the way she spoke and the look she gave him which was quite warm and inviting. Lambert could easily tell that it wasn't some front she put up as an employee but her real personality.

But what made him surprised was that he could feel subtle ki coursing through her body as well as the hazy form of cat ears that stood on top of her head. It was quite obvious to him that she was using an illusion to hide her traits but such skills could not hide from Lambert, his eye piercing from any sort of genjutsu she was employing to hide.

She was a youkai, and from the looks of it, she was probably tasked with the job of overseeing any strange occurrences that would happen in the area of the hotel.

Lambert thought he was quite lucky he had given Cleria the necklace that would help her hide her devilish aura and mana, otherwise, she would have been seen through immediately.