39 Chapter 39: Apathy Of Time (1/2)

The next morning.

Alex slowly opened his eyes and scanned the room. Aura and Tosca were still sleeping on him, curled up on his lap and leaning against his chest.

'They look so peaceful, are they having beautiful dreams? It does not seem as if Tosca is experiencing any nightmares, she usually has a few during the night, that's good. Aura also seems to be relaxing more as she sleeps. sigh.'

Alex slowly starts transforming as his body bulks up with dragon-like veins moving under the skin, scars start to cover his now muscular frame while light silver line-like tattoos spread over it. His face becoming more rugged as a majestic beard appears and his hair grows till it reaches his shoulders, they slowly turn silver-white. Alex closes his purple eyes and when he opens them again they turned sky blue and shine as if they were stars. He also grew a bit taller becoming precisely two meters long.

Alex or the now Lambert stared down at the two girls still sleeping in his lap while being none the wiser to his drastic transformation. With his increased size and the warm aura, he gave off made the two girls even more comfortable as they slept on him.

”Aura”, a gruff and deep voice quietly made it's way to Aura's ears one that made her even while fast asleep shiver, she slowly raised her head and opened her eyes which sprung wide open when she saw his appearance, her mouth hung agape as she just couldn't form any words.

The figure was so familiar to her yet felt so... different, it wasn't just the many additions to his body's scar collection but he also didn't have those lines on his body before the two of them parted.

'Even if I said I like the Master's new appearance more, I would never be able to not miss this one. He changed so much since we parted, is that still the kind old paladin I knew, most of those new wounds should have killed any human no matter how powerful and those silver tattoos, just what are they, I feel a dreadful power hidden inside of them, but how did they appear on his body?'

”Is there something wrong?”, Lambert asked

”Oh, no nothing, it's just this form of Master has changed much since I last saw it”, Aura said as she forced a smile.

”Sigh, some things happened and I became like this don't threaten yourself over the past, look towards the future and live in the present. Now let's wake the little one without scaring her to death”

Lambert gently caressed the sleeping Tosca's head in an attempt to wake her up. The girl groaned cutely then opened her eyes sleepily as she looked around in confusion, she saw Aura next to her then she looked in Lambert's direction when she saw his face she froze.

'Wh-what happened? Where's the Master? Who's this?'

Questions kept piling upon her head and she wanted nothing more than to jump off this strange man's lap and make a run for it...but something stopped her. It was the eyes, thought the color was different the way this man looked at her was precisely how her Master did, it was a strange look one that had kindness yet apathy. A strange look that came from the strangest man she had ever met.

”I-is that you... Master...Alex?”, She questioned unsurely.

Lambert smiled brightly at her showing her two rows of gleaming white teeth, ”To think you would recognize me even in this form, what gave me away?”

”...Master's way of looking at me and the world... it's strange like Master is interested yet feels nothing or that Master cares yet at the same time feels indifferent?” In the end, Tosca even questioned herself since she didn't know how to explain it, Alex showed emotions even in his eyes yet there was always something that made one think he was unfeeling at the same time.

Aura looked at Tosca in a bit of shock, ”Tosca, you actually saw the Apathy of time!”