15 Chapter 15: Sorkin (1/2)

Mournomon stood in front of the devil group leader, staring down at the devil, his ”warm” smile sending chills down the devil's spine.

”So little devil,” said Mournomon as he picked the devil up by his neck, lifting him until their eyes were level, ”what do you think happens now”. The devil had problems breathing from Mournomons grip, but manage to squeeze out a single word, ”P-please.”

”I think were past apologies, so we will start by how you are useful or,” Mournomon's smile disappeared, ”If, you're useful”. The devil nodded his head or at least tried as it was still clutched in Mournomon's grip. ”Good,” said Mournomon as he released the devil. The devil fell to the ground coughing.

”What's your name,” asked Mournomon not caring for the devil's plight, the devil stared up at him with a confused expression. ”What you thought I wouldn't care for who you were, I am a civilized dragon.” Mournomon looked down at the devil with disdain.

”My name is Sorkin”, the devil said, Mournomon stared at the devil or Sorkin for a while, ”Okay then ... Sorkin, previously you said we were in the Sitri house's domain or was that just you talking bullshit?”,

”No, no we are in the Sitri domain, I didn't lie”, Sorkin quickly said

”Good, now which way to the Sitri residence?”

”It's that way if you fly that way for about three hours, you will come across their main house”, Sorkin said

”Good, let's go”, Mournomon said as he started heading in the direction Sorkin stated.

”Sir?”, Sorkin didn't know what to do and just stared at Mournomon's departing back. Mournomon stopped after a few steps before giving Sorkin an irritated look, ”Well, come on. You didn't think I'll be letting you off that easily or...”, Mournomons eye's started glowing, ”... are you telling me you are no longer useful?”.

”No, no sir, I'm useful, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask”, Sorkin immediately understood his situation, his life ends the moment his usefulness does.

”Good”, said Mournomon about to continue walking, but stop and looked at Sorkin again waving him over, ”Come here”. Sorkin nervously walked closer to Mournomon and stopped a meter from him looking up in amazement. Sorkin himself wasn't short and stood 1.83 meters tall but in front of Mournomon, he was nothing more than a dwarf.

Mournomon slowly stretched out his finger until it touched Sorkin's temple, Sorkin almost took a step back, when he saw the finger coming his way but luckily he stopped himself just before it touched him. A flash of red came from that finger and it entered his head, Mournomon lowered his hand, turned around and started heading in the Sitri residence direction.

Sorkin followed after Mournomon as he tried searching for the aura that entered him, but no matter where he looked he couldn't find it. He knew one thing though, he couldn't escape anymore. The aura was either a way to track him down or worse a way to kill him from anywhere. Mournomon might not have explained anything, but that made it only worse because Sorkin now had no idea what to do.

Sorkin closely followed behind Mournomon as they walked, ”Why are we walking, I saw him fly so what's the point in walking?”, although that's what Sorkin thought, he would never be able to scrape together the courage to talk to Mournomon who Sorkin thought was worse than him a devil.
