7 Chapter 7: Going Home (1/2)

Alex stood at the edge of the pier, looking out over the ocean he saw a ship moving further and further away but paid no attention to the ship but the figure at its rear.

Anne was standing there waving and she kept doing it even when she couldn't see him or the pier anymore. Although she couldn't see him he saw her clearly as she kept waving, causing Alex to smile warmly at the sight. Alex kept standing there until Anne finally stopped waving and went to do her duties. Alex sighed, turned around and started walking.

He wasn't walking aimlessly but with a goal, his destination the airport. Although walking wasn't the most time-conserving way to do it, Alex chose to anyway. ”Since Anne is no longer with me I can finally start using my ability's again,” thought Alex as he walked.


Alex finally arrived at the airport after a few hours of walking, entering the building he looked up to the electronic notice board to check which fights were going where and quickly found one to Japan that would be leaving in just over an hour. ”Quite lucky,” thought Alex as he started heading towards the indicated gate figuring he might as well go early.

Reaching the security check he just kept walking, when the guard tried to stop him Alex just gave him a glance and the guard returned to his position in a trance only to come out of it a few minutes later with no recollection of what happened. Walking past the guards Alex whispered to himself, ”These are not the droids you are looking for”, then chuckling at his internal joke.

Reaching the boarding aria, Alex closed his eyes and waited for the plain to arrive so that he can board it with the other passengers. The airplane arrived and he boards it without a hitch, he even finds an empty spot in the first-class cabin which he commandeers for himself, all the while the staff and security turn a blind eye.

The plane took off, on its way to Tokyo.


Alex comfortably sat in his chair while staring out the window, ”Ahhh, charm magic truly is useful at some times”, he thought. A knock came from outside the cabin and Alex answered giving the person permission to enter. Opening the door a flight attendant enters the cabin and gave him a smile before asking if there was anything that Alex need's, thinking for a while then answered, ”Would you please bring me some champagne, thank you”.

The attendant excused herself and went to fetch Alex's order while he just reclined in his chair enjoying some luxury, something he had not experienced in quite a few years. With a knock, the waitress entered the cabin with a bottle of champaign in a bucket and a champaign glass. The attendant quickly pours the campaign and gives's the glass to Alex, making sure he has everything he needs before excusing herself to attend to the other passengers.

Alex takes a sip of the champaign, then looked out the window while savoring the flavor of the alcohol. Alex quickly finished the bottle, calling an attendant over he quickly ”persuaded” her to bring him another bottle, like that he spends most of his time in the plain, drinking and enjoying the view from the window.

Finishing his nt-teenth bottle the plane suddenly started shaking. Ignoring it at first thinking its nothing but some turbulence Alex comfortably declined in his chair to get some sleep, that is until the plane started shaking viciously. Alex quickly sat upright and looked out the window, he saw nothing but dark clouds and lightning striking all around the plain.

The captain's voice came from the intercom, ”Ladies and gentleman we might experience some turbulence and slight electrical failure, please fasten your seatbelts. If you have any problems please ask the nearest attendant for help”.