3 Chapter 3: Falling Into The Ocean (1/1)
High above the earth a light gate open and a silhouette came flying out, shooting in the earth's direction. This silhouette was of course Alex.
Looking around Alex couldn't help but curse, ”This is the fucking stratosphere, what the fuck am I doing here?” Alex kept falling down to the earth quickly reaching terminal velocity. ”Well at least I'm here, that's all that matters now an... where the fuck are my clothes?”
Falling down towards earth Alex saw his body, buck naked. ” Ah, yeah let's fix this” Alex said opening his pocket space and pulling out a pair of pants, quickly putting it on. ” Now all there is to do is wait, looks like I'll be taking a dip in the Atlantic ocean.” thought Alex and that was exactly what he did.
After a few minutes, he pulled his legs together and made a cannonball into the water. A few minutes later he burst out of the water. Alex turned his head left and right not knowing which direction he should take and just started going in a random direction.
”Damn, I need to find a ship or something, I don't want to keep swimming until I find land and using Mournomon will be a bad decision he doesn't really blend in.” Said Alex as he kept swimming at great speeds. Luckily it didn't take him long to find a ship. ”The chance of meeting a ship out at sea is very low, it must be my lucky day,” thought Alex as he made his way to the ship, taking care not to get pulled in by its propellers. After getting close he heard a commotion on the ship.
Sailers were running around yelling ”Man overboard!!!”, the ship came to a halt and a ladder was thrown down. Alex swam towards the ladder and climbed out of the water up unto the ship as the crew received him and covered him with a blanket.
After being rescued, Alex was taken towards the bridge where he met the captain. ”What in blazes were you doing out at sea lad?” asked the fifty something-year-old captain. Looking at him Alex soon recognizes the man as a Brit, luckily Alex knew English since he himself was born in Britain. ”I was out at sea with my sailboat when a storm came up and swept me out to sea, I tried keeping it afloat for who knows how long but it finally caved in and I lost consciousness, when I recovered I was drifting out at sea on a piece of the deck.” Alex quickly came up with a lie, ”After a day of drifting I luckily saw this crew ship and well here I am.”
Hearing what Alex said the captain couldn't help but exclaim, ”My god lad you're lucky.” Then after thinking for a moment, he spoke again ”No matter. I'll have the crew show you to a room and bring something warm for you to eat Ok lad, unfortunately you will have to sleep in the crew's courters but its better than a piece of wood.”
Hearing what the captain said Alex thanked the captain and then one of the sailors took him to a room with a small bed and a metal table, ”This will be your room rest up and I'll have someone bring you something to eat” said the sailor, to which Alex thanked him for his kindness, the sailor just smiled and left.
Sitting down on the bed Alex reclined himself against the wall next to the bed and closed his eyes, ”I'm finally home,” thought Alex and just before he could nod off to sleep somebody entered his room.
”Excuse me, I brought your food”, Alex heard a woman voice and slowly opened his eyes in its direction, there he saw a woman in a sailors uniform holding a bowl of soup. Looking at her Alex thought she was rather pretty with her short brown hair and eyes. The woman smiled at him as she brought him the bowl to which he thanked her. She just shook her head and spoke, ”Its only soup nothing to be thankful for, eat and rest up ok”. Her voice was soft and soothing, Alex could only look at her and nod.
Having finished what she came for the woman turned around to leave only to be stopped by Alex's voice,” Excuse me miss, can you tell me where we're headed”. She turned around giving Alex another smile before saying, ”Please call me Anna, and were currently heading back to England”.
Nodding his head Alex said his thanks and Anna left the room leaving him alone to enjoy his soup. Alex used the spoon in the bowl to carefully bring some soup to his lips before putting it in his mouth, ”Taste's good”, Alex thought as he slurping the rest of the soup and quickly finishing it.
After finishing the soup Alex placed the bowl down on the metal cabinet and lied down in the bed, staring at the seeking he couldn't help but chuckle as he again thought about how he finally got his reward. Thou the delivery to this world was a bit rude he didn't think too much about it if he were to complain about something it would be the fact that the goddess slapped him so hard it actually left a red mark on his face, he could only imagine what would have happened to a normal person if he was slapped with enough force to leave a red mark on the body of a titan like Azfius and that thought sent shivers down his spine as he imagined an exploding watermelon.
Shaking these thoughts from his head, Alex closed his eyes to get some sleep only to be bothered by something else, how was he supposed to get to Japan, he had no money on him and he doubts he could buy an airplane ticket on loan, thinking for some time he could only sigh, ”Guess in the end I will have to use Mournomons body to fly,”. ”Wait”, Alex eyes suddenly went wide brought his left hand up and slapped himself which caused a mini shockwave to spread. ”Stupid, I could have just made myself invisible,” thought Alex and with a bam, he slapped himself again, thou none of these attacks actually hurt it was more of a mental thing than anything else.
Alex closed his eyes once more and this time he fell asleep, his last thoughts before he dosed of were, ”I can be stupid sometimes”.