Chapter 245 - My OC Stash #45 - Sc_u_mbag Hero Academia by Flux Casey (MyHeroAcademia) (1/2)

-Not a SI but an OC Cambrian-like type beat~ His quirk reminds me of Garou honestly, except this one is accelerated growth in everything not just physical abilities, and he also doesn't need to fight for it to work, either way his quirk's for the battle junkies!

Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 21K

Posted on: (Flux Casey)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1-3 (exceptional)

The UA faculty watch with expert eyes as the practical portion of the entrance exam progresses. They already have several examinees they know for certain will be students in the coming year. The spiky-haired blonde demolishing any robots she sets her eyes on with powerful explosions, the bespectacled boy blitzing through the streets tearing them apart with kicks, the boy fusing the robots to the ground so their programming destroys them when they keep trying to move. All strong candidates purely for their ability to put villains out of commission. Then there are those who excel for supporting others even during the exam. In this, the girl with vines for hair and the orange-haired girl whose quirk makes her hands change size stand out.

A boy with blue hair in a short ponytail with a focused look in his burgundy eyes certainly falls in the first category.

”What's he doing?” Cementoss asks as he watches the boy grip a one pointer's head.

”It looks like he's–” Vlad King started, stopping as the boy tears the head clean off, ”Doing that.”

”But why? It's not very efficient.”

”You were saying?” Midnight shrugs, ”But I guess we won't see him earning any rescue points.”

From how he's scoring so far, he won't need them,” Snipe notes as the boy dropkicks another three pointer, riding it as it falls and kicking off to keep moving.

A week later, he receives his results. With a score of sixty villain points, he is accepted as a student of UA.


”Sai! Sai!” a blonde girl w_h_i_n_es her pet name for him as he indulges himself with her body. One hand gripping a b_r_e_a_s_t firmly, the other steadying her h_i_p_s as he thrusts feverishly inside her. Mixed in with her fluids is a trickle of red.

She and the boy had been friends since childhood. They had been a couple for a year. And finally, finally, in celebration of his acceptance into UA she had opened her legs for him! He feels a thrill of exultation run through him as his h_i_p_s smack into hers, this is the first of many rewards for his hard work. He'll enjoy her to the fullest now that she has finally submitted herself to him for his enjoyment! Her little gasps and w_h_i_n_es are like music to him. She has tears in the corners of her eyes but there's little he can do, girls never enjoy their first time so he'll have to enjoy it enough for the both of them. The second time will be better. His quirk will make sure of it.

He groans as he spills himself inside her, the trickle of red muddied by a trickle of white around where they're joined. Tear streaks run down her face now. He wipes them away with a thumb. ”I'm sorry,” he whispers, ”I know it hurt but it'll be better in future,” he promises, slipping his softening c_o_c_k out of her.

”Mm, I know,” she answers shakily. ”I love you, Sai,” she says with a smile.

”Hey Juri, I've got an idea!” the boy says suddenly, picking up his phone. ”We should take a picture to commemorate this!”

”Uhh, I don't think–!”

”Come on, it'll be great! Something to remember this moment where we proved how much we care about each other!”

He had chosen his words carefully. She won't want to deny it like this, when it would sound like she's denying the last part. Embarrassment causes her to shrink a little, but she nods her assent.

With a grin, he vacates the bed, standing at the foot of it with his phone ready to take his perfect picture, his perfect memento, the evidence that his path is the right one. With wide eyes, she covers her b_r_e_a_s_ts and her privates, mortified. She had thought it would be a picture of the two of them!

”No, no!” he insists, ”We need to see it all! Where we were joined!” Slowly, hesitantly, her arms retreat to by her sides as she looks away from the camera with a flush. ”Can you give me a peace sign? And a smile?”

Would you judge her for doing it? She loves him after all. Or at least thinks she does. Fighting through her shame, she offers a weak smile to the camera, holding up double peace signs.


”Perfect!” he announces, putting his phone to one side.

”You... You won't show anyone will you Sai?”

”Of course not! You're mine, Juri! All mine!” he tells her with an insistent, possessive hug. Even as uncomfortable as the picture made her, as much as giving him her v_i_r_g_i_n_i_t_y had hurt, she still felt happy and safe in his arms.

He smiles to himself. It will all be worth it! He's proven himself correct now. To get everything he wants there's only one path he can walk and from a young age he has walked it readily.

He pushes himself.

For being born in a culture like Japan, where one is expected to strive eternally, to toil endlessly for oneself, one's family, one's community, one's country. It might be expected that such a thing would be commendable. And it is. But even so, even for people from a culture that heaps praise on those who work themselves to exhaustion, people watching him might decide he pushes himself too hard. The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. They might wonder.

Why does he train himself into unconsciousness?

Why would he run until his feet bleed?

He hasn't slept in how long?!

Is he not breathing?!


He would probably admit, if under extreme duress, that he might have pushed things a little too far on occasion. He had more than a few emergency hospital trips to show for it. But the results! People might consider him dangerously self-destructive, but if they knew the potential he held, the absolute jackpot of a quirk fate had decided to bestow on him, they might understand.

Here's the sad truth that those people who would judge him might not realise. With his history, Saiki was destined for a life of hardship. Orphaned son of a degenerate and a middle-class girl who should have known better. He would have to strive just to survive, let alone succeed. And Saiki had no intention of settling for just survival.

Heroes. Paragons of justice and virtue!

What a crock.

It has been a long time since heroes could honestly be described like that. Heroes are celebrities. Pillars of strength, sure. Icons of safety, why not. Symbols of peace? With All Might ready to punch out anyone that steps out of line, absolutely. But the reality is even though they look like they're still everything they started as, they've fallen far. Television appearances, endors_e_m_e_nt deals, merchandise, fame, money, power, women! In this society all these things gravitate towards heroes, to the best of the best.

Saiki wants that. Sure he'll punch out a bad guy now and again on the way. A job's a job. But the only important thing to him is the success, the admiration, the adulation! He had nearly put himself in an early grave pushing his quirk to its limits, building himself into a true superhuman in every way he could think of. All a means to an end to reach his goal!

To be the number one hero! To get everything that comes with that title!

And wouldn't you know it? The moment he finds out he's gotten into the top hero course in the country his ever so annoyingly chaste girlfriend gleefully lets him take her, even degrading herself for his sake. The proof sits right there in his phone. Not even going to UA yet and he gets a girl to put herself on display, smile on her face as she shows off her freshly deflowered p_u_s_s_y leaking a mixture of her v_i_r_g_i_n blood and his s_e_m_e_n. What better evidence could he need? This is just the beginning! His origin story!

Chapter 2

Saiki feels content as he lays in bed with his hands behind his head. Finally it's his first day at UA, finally he begins his training at Japan's premier heroics course! He can't wait to get started! When he had woken, he found himself full of nervous energy.

”Ugluk! Ugluk! Ugluk!”

So he was happy to learn the thing that woke him up was his girlfriend Juri, come to work some of that nervous energy out of him with a morning blowjob. Man, he's glad he gave her a key to his apartment! Such a good girl!

Her mouth gives an exaggerated popping sound as she pulls off his c_o_c_k, hand coming up to stroke him. ”I can't believe All Might is gonna be your teacher Sai!” she squeals in excitement, a trail of spit still connected to his pole.

”Of course he is! If I'm gonna be the number one hero it only makes sense to get trained by the old one, right?” he asks as though it's obvious but he can't quite hide his own enthusiasm. ”... Hey, can I have your a_s_s next?”

She bites her lip, looking away. ”Umm... I'm still not... And I have school so...”

”Oh, right, sorry!” he apologises, at least sounding sincere. ”Even if you're just going to a regular school you should still give it your all, especially on your first day too!” he assures, again sincerely even while intentionally diminishing her.

She smiles weakly, once again sliding her lips over his c_o_c_khead. He almost fondly puts a hand on the back of her neck, stroking her cheek with his thumb and getting a smile from her at the intimate gesture. before pulling her down to deepthroat his c_o_c_k. Despite how much practice she's had over the past few weeks, she still chokes fiercely when he does this but he holds her there regardless, watching her eyelashes flutter. He luxuriates in the feeling of her throat desperately constricting on his c_o_c_k, shallowly thrusting up into her face for a few seconds. Only as her eyes start to roll up does he let her up for air.

Juri is just an ordinary girl. She wants to be part of something special even if she can't be special herself. That's fine with Saiki, as long as she learns her place in the relationship. If she keeps him happy, sure she can hear about all the amazing things he does. Hanging out with pro heroes, getting taught by All Might. All she has to do is make him happy. That's fair, isn't it?

As her breathing evens out, he pulls her down to get back to work.

Even if she's a slow learner when it comes to s_u_c_k_i_n_g d_i_c_k, that's fine. He's happy to teach her. Even if she's reluctant to let him f_u_c_k her a_s_s, that's fine. He'll just keep reminding her what their relationship is until she learns.

He pulls out of her throat to finish in her mouth, watching her cheeks bulge with his seed before she starts to frantically swallow, having at least learned that lesson. He sighs in contentment as her tongue undulates over his c_o_c_k head while he rides out his o_r_g_a_s_m. Once again, his hand comes around to c_a_r_e_s_s her face, flushed with exertion. ”Good girl,” he tells her lovingly.

She gives a tired smile, nuzzling into his hand.


Saiki doesn't make a nuisance of himself when he first arrives in the classroom, instead simply taking a seat and inspecting his fellow classmates. And naturally, his attention falls first to the bespectacled boy who shares his hair colour and the loud, foul-mouthed girl the boy is trying to chastise. The boy seems refined and dignified, probably from money? Unfortunately he's probably too uptight for Saiki, he'd get on the more ruthless boy's last nerve.

The girl on the other hand, blonde, spiky hair, bright red eyes, isn't that the girl from that slime villain incident? She's not wearing the uniform tie and has her top shirt button open. She's arrogant, she's picking fights already and calling people 'extras' and 'side characters'. So she's a little dim when it comes to people and no one will be angry if he brings her to heel... Interesting.

Who else... A boy with a tail who doesn't so much scream boring as he does quietly mumble it and get ignored. Maybe befriending him would make Saiki look even more interesting by comparison? But could he put up with him? There's a boy with bird features trying to look cool and mysterious... Alright, dudes are boring, he decides, switching to inspecting the more feminine contingent of his class. And no, that doesn't include the guy speaking French.

The girl with the weird features, huge eyes, super prominent overbite... He'll pass. Then the pink girl... She seems fun? Maybe good for a quick f_u_c_k? Wait and see. The tired-looking girl with headphone jacks coming out of her ears? Neat quirk. She's seeming to take lessons on being a cool rebel from slime villain girl, putting her feet up on the desk like that girl has. Sadly, she realises a little too late that the blonde girl is wearing spats under her skirt so she can get away with it. Meanwhile, Earjacks just accidentally flashed her p_a_n_t_i_e_s to half the class. White with an angry kitten face on them, very cute. And that kind of behaviour suggests a follower of a sort...

… Hello.

Saiki spies at least one girl in his class that he needs to pursue. Much like the the uptight boy, she has refinement, even now sitting straight in her chair with a polite, placid smile on her face. But she's also quiet about it, the kind of grace she doesn't need to announce to prove it like the boy does. That means moneyed. Upper class at least, if not higher. And her poise only enhances the appeal of her already stunning figure. She's one he fully intends to watch and get in the good graces of if he can manage it.

And finally there are the two that come in last. The brunette seems cute in that whole trying too hard kind of way, not really interesting. What is interesting is the other girl and not just because she has the biggest pair of t_i_t_s Saiki has seen outside of p_o_r_n. No, the interesting thing is that the argument slime villain girl and uptight boy are having stops dead as soon as they see her. Saiki doesn't know why it happens, but it seems those two know something he doesn't. Well, if she's the only one in their class that makes people shut up and take notice, then Saiki decides he has to do the same.

So. Slime villain girl. Posh girl. Mystery girl. Those are the ones he'll work on for now.


Quirk apprehension test? What a strange way to start the school year. Then again, the teacher's explanation makes a lot of sense to Saiki.

Physical education was the only class he failed in his old school and through no fault of his own. For six years he had been building his capabilities both physical and mental. It gave him strength, speed and endurance well beyond human norms. When he had displayed his abilities, the instructor threw a fit, claiming he was cheating with his quirk. Even after he had proven what his quirk did, that his body would still be exactly as fit without the quirk as with it, the administration still agreed with the instructor. He was given a failing grade every year for 'cheating'.

It was more than a sore spot for him, to have all of his hard work rejected because it put him at an 'unfair advantage', as if he didn't have to work at all to get where he is now. So this test isn't a case of getting to let loose for him. It's a chance to compete at all.

And compete he does. Fifty meter dash in 4.32 seconds, grip strength of 147kg, the sandpit for the standing long jump makes him wonder why it was even there or why it wasn't longer with so many people clearing it completely. Again and again, in every event he clears the 'unassisted' world records easily and it feels oh so satisfying to just let loose. Even seeing others outdo him doesn't bother him at all. So that Iida guy can outrun him, of course he can! His quirk is based around running! The girl Bakugo can grenade jump further than he can jump? Good for her. Too cheerful girl can throw a ball for 'infinity'? Doesn't matter. They all have weak events. He doesn't. He might not absolutely dominate in anything but he excels in everything.

As he bears witness to the strangest part of the test, with the mystery girl Midoriya attempting the distance throw, some questions get answered but more are raised. First, his teacher is apparently some super low-key hero who can shut off quirks and has a magic cloth. Second, Midoriya and Bakugo know each other. Third, Midoriya didn't have (or appeared to not have) a quirk until recently. Fourth, Midoriya's quirk is some sort of self-destructive power boost, one capable of exceeding Bakugo's giant explosion in power, but at the cost of a broken finger.

Even for all of the questions those answers raise, it gives him an answer to his most important question. How to get an in with the girl everyone, even their perpetually disinterested homeroom teacher, is impressed by.

After getting changed out of his gym uniform, he quickly heads over to the nurse's office to check in on how Midoriya is doing only to catch her on her way out. ”Hey, Midoriya right?” he greets sociably.

The large-c_h_e_s_ted girl with frizzy green hair looks at him like a deer staring at swiftly oncoming headlights. ”Oh! H-Hi!” she squeaks in that same way she had when talking to Iida.

Is... Is she not good with boys? Oh, it's like she was gift-wrapped for him! ”Hi, I'm Saiki Saisei–”

”I know!” she says with sudden passion before shrinking away as though she frightened herself. She's like a little rabbit! ”I-I mean, I saw how you were at the top of the scoreboard. Though it's interesting that no one really noticed. You didn't really do anything that was super attention-grabbing or anything. Maybe just a basic physical enhancement quirk? But if that's the case–”

… Wow, she just went into her own little world didn't she, Saiki thinks as he watches the girl mutter to herself with a hand on her chin. ”Uh, yeah, that's...” Still mumbling. ”I wanted to–” Still mumbling. ”HEY!” he barks, snapping her out of it, back to her deer in headlights look. ”I figure since our quirks might be kind of similar we could talk. I'd like to help with yours if I can. I figured out mine late too and I know it's hell to catch up.”

”You did? I mean I'm not sure our quirks are–”

”Come on, let's walk and talk,” Saiki insists, already taking a steady walk towards the entrance, forcing the girl to follow him if she wants to keep the conversation going.

Which of course, she does. ”You got your quirk late?”

”No, just no one figured it out until late,” he clarifies a little. ”It's not the most obvious quirk in the world. The only reason I figured it out was finding out what my parents' quirks were and sheer stubbornness.”


”Orphan. Since I was a toddler.”

”Oh, I'm sorry,” she said with genuine sympathy. What a sweetheart!

He gives her an appreciative smile. ”It was a long time ago. Anyway, their quirks were regeneration and temporary physical enhancement when he got injured. I figured it had to be one or the other so I did the obvious thing,” he finished with a shrug.

”That's crazy!” she gasps with hands over her mouth. ”You hurt yourself?!”

He gives her an amused look, ”How's your finger?”


”Anyway, I did heal quickly, or at least quicker than I should have so figured I had regeneration like my Mom. I figured if that was my quirk, I'd make the most of it with a crazy exercise regime. I'd recover quickly from it anyway, right? Be a super strong hero like that.” He shrugs. ”It turned out there's a little more to it than that. If I put stress on myself, my quirk will heal me from it and fix me up to be more capable next time.”

”That doesn't sound anything like my quirk,” the shy girl mutters.

”Maybe like an inverse kind of thing,” Saiki explains his reasoning. ”I have to pay up front to get a boost, you get the boost and pay after.”

”Well, it makes sense that it could look like that,” she admits, ”But it's not really like that! It's just...” she slumps, the hand with the bandaged finger clenched in a fist, ”It's too powerful for me. It only has backlash because my body can't take it at full power yet.”

Huh. For a newly discovered quirk that's a lot to know about it. But she probably has knowledge based on where it came from like he did. Oh, wait! ”I get it! So that's why you only revealed it recently! If you used it when you were little you'd have probably killed yourself!”

”Uhh... Sure!” she says, staring at him with unblinking wide eyes. ”That's absolutely what it is!”

”Hmmm... So what are you going to do about it? You can't keep breaking your bones for every class.”

”I know. I need to figure out how to lower the power until my body can handle full power!”

Saiki nods solemnly, knowing the only course available. ”Guess that means you just have to practice.”

”Huh?!” Midoriya squeaks, looking at him like he grew a second head.

”What?” Saiki asks, surprised by her reaction. ”That's how I got so much out of my quirk. Probably everyone else in our class too. We didn't just start as good as we are now.”

”But every time I use it I break my bones!”

”I put myself in the hospital eight times just from training growing up,” Saiki counters, stopping the girl short. ”No pain, no gain, right? You're not going to master your quirk by never using it. Besides, you broke your finger two hours ago and it's fine now, right? Man, healing quirks are great,” he finishes, mostly to himself. He plans to get so much mileage out of his quirk now that he has one of the best healing quirks in the world effectively on call.

”I guess...” she mutters, flexing her finger experimentally, seeing the truth of what he was saying. If practicing injures her, she can get it fixed up. Practicing using her fingers, maybe? That's ten attempts to get it right for every visit to Recovery Girl.

”Come on,” he insists, getting her moving again with a hand on her shoulder, making her jump. ”I'll walk you to the train station.”

”Uh, y-y-yeah! Thanks!”

He can almost feel the heat of her megawatt blush, feel her nervous vibrating through his hand on her shoulder. She'll be putty in his hands soon enough, he can tell.

Chapter 3

Best part of battle training? It's the first time the students get to wear their own hero costumes. The entire class had been giddy at the idea and All Might letting them do a badass hero walk out to the training arenas was just icing on the cake! It's quite the ego boost for everyone involved. Even for those with fairly simple costumes, being part of a crowd as eye-catching as they were made them feel like heroes.

Saiki was no exception. He hadn't gone with anything too extravagant in his costume design, He didn't really know what might benefit him most at the outset and the requisition form suggested sticking with things that would benefit quirks directly. He didn't know what that would be either, so he stuck with the basics. It had to be flexible, it had to be durable, and preferably lightweight. The design company had come through on all fronts, having a standard material they use for brawler-style heroes who like to get up close and personal. It's apparently a mass-producible version of what All Might wears, though All Might's hero costumes were produced by Shield Industries using proprietary technology.

Saiki's suit fits a lot of the classic hero aesthetics. Full body skin-tight suit in royal blue with metallic grey boots, gloves and belt for decoration. Running up the arms and legs are a pattern of green up-arrows, as well as one large arrow stamped on the c_h_e_s_t. The suit runs right up and over his neck, leaving only his head uncovered.


Saiki frowns as he watches the results of the first match through the viewscreens of the control room. The match was... dramatic, that he knew for certain. Izuku Midoriya is heavily injured once again while her team is declared victorious. Meanwhile, Katsumi Bakugo stands completely uninjured and utterly flabbergasted at her defeat.

And the reason for the result was the other half of the battle that barely anyone was paying attention to.

”Unreal...” one of the students mutters as they wait for All Might to return and declare the next match. Finally, the herculean hero returns with three quarters of the match participants, Izuku once again being carted off to Recovery Girl.

The post-match debriefing is mostly spent praising Iida while denigrating those in the furious battle for ignoring the real objective, and Uraraka for not treating the scenario seriously.

Saiki keeps an eye on Katsumi as the next battle progresses. Though she tries to hide it, she's as awed as everyone else when the match takes only a minute, Shoto Todoroki freezing the villain team, the objective and the entire building in seconds. He would take more amus_e_m_e_nt at the beating the arrogant girl's pride is taking but he feels the blow to his own pride at the same time. All the work he had done to improve himself, how was he supposed to stand up to that?

Well, increase his cold resistance some more would be a start. He sighs as he realises he'll need to start taking ice baths again.

”Villain team C!” All Might announces as part of the next match. Saiki's team, alongside the rich girl in the wonderfully scandalous hero costume. ”And they'll be facing... Hero Team G!”

”YES!” the boy with electric yellow hair cheers, his teammate the girl with headphone jacks on her ears settling for a pleased smirk. ”You're going down, top scorers! It's gekokujo time, baby!”

”Gekokujo? So we're the villains in power?” Saiki asks, clasping his hands behind his back. ”Then I suppose as the overlord it is down to me and my dark mistress of evil to crush you foolish heroes beneath our heels!”

”Hoho! I'm glad to see my students getting into the spirit of the exercise!” All Might bellows. ”Heroes, villains! Follow me to the hideout!”

The world's greatest hero has the hero team wait outside the plain-looking office building while he leads the villain team directly to their objective, once again a fairly stereotypical bomb prop. The moment he leaves he informs them their prep time has already begun.

Yaoyorozu doesn't bother taking the time to explain her quirk, already getting started on pulling fortifications for the bomb room out of herself. ”I couldn't quite figure it out, what does your quirk do, Saisei?”

”Call me Saiki,” he says, hands in his pockets as he watches Momo work. ”It'll be hard to explain the mechanics in the time we have. Basically, I can make myself better at things over time. So I have super strength, speed, agility, endurance, I'm pretty resistant to just about everything.”

”That's quite the list!” she admits, looking impressed. She doesn't seem to even notice how she's distracting him by reaching into her cleavage to pull out materials. ”It would be best then, to have you out patrolling for them I believe.”

”Probably,” he shrugs.

Momo pulls out the last strut for blocking the doorway, only to sag with a sigh. ”I feel like we're doing this wrong.”

”Really?” Saiki asks, not seeing the problem. ”I go beat up the heroes, and if I can't, you stop them from getting in here. Seems fine to me.”

”Well yes, that's all fine! But I feel like we need to get into the role more! You know, get into character like you did before, like Iida did!” She clears her throat and strikes a pose, thrusting out her c_h_e_s_t proudly, raising a hand to her mouth. ”Ohohoho!” she suddenly laughs in a painfully fake manner, ”With my fortifications, those foolish heroes shall never breach our... Uhh... Our sacred detonation bunker!”

”... Our what?”

”Come on, Saiki!” she pleads, ”Play along!”