Chapter 212 - My CO Stash #12 - One Above All by Wielder of Fate (NarutoXMyHeroAcademia) (1/2)
-Recently published awesome fic~ For the first time I see a well written Madara-transported into another world fic, these kind of fics are too good if you know other fics like this one, comment it down below!
Sypnosis: Madara had won. Project Tsuki No Mei. Under an eternal blissful Genjutsu. Except for him. A voice reaches out to him, and he takes the offer. Izuku-Madara Uchiha Reincarnate. OP.
Rated: M
Words: 6K
Posted on: (WielderofFate)
PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)
-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)
Chapter One: Eyes of Hatred
The shine of light on the world was an unnatural one. It pierced objects and buildings. All living things ensnared in the illusionary world of their own d_e_s_i_r_es.
Sasuke's Rinnegan hadnt been enough to stop him. Using his new eye had cost him too much chakra and it had been easy for him to tear the boy's Rinnegan out. Instantly snaring both him and the Uzumaki in the illusion.
Madara Uchiha had won. And he was now paying the price for winning.
No movement. No sound. He was alone now and he was immortal. An eternity of solitude and isolation.
'If I tear out my Rinnegan eyes and replace them with normal eyes, will I join them in the perfect world? Or will I forever live in this world of pointlessness? Or will I join them but forever feel unable to believe in the illusion?'
'Madara Uchiha. This timeline is ending. And I offer you a choice.'
The voice was ethereal, barely a whisper, but the silence had made it deafening. My eyes could see no change in chakra so I wondered if I had gone insane at last.
'Not insane. Not yet, at least. My name is Gaia, and I am the Soul of the Multiverse. The being in which all else is born. This timeline is ending. In another life, you failed and died. In this one, you succeeded but now have no purpose. Every human born after this point will only perpetuate under the illusion and no being can enter this dimension without falling prey to it as it reacts to consciousness.'
'I offer a choice. Be reborn in a new world. Be reborn anew. In this world, you were born talented. Born with gifts and powers that allowed you to get this far. You believe that you are more powerful because of your will alone. I challenge you to rise from nothing and become more.'
Pride had cost him his brother, his clan, his home, and many times almost his life. Pride was fickle and dangerous.
'I dont know your game or schemes but I will accept being reborn... with conditions.'
'Such as?'
'In being reborn, I will keep my memories of this life. I will regain my Sharingan and all of my abilities within a period of a decade of rebirth. Any abilities I gain in the new world, I keep. And finally, that you dont interfere with my life or my d_e_s_i_r_es without my permission.'
”I accept those terms.”
The flat voice echoed and then blackness was all he knew.
Ever since I can remember, I had nightmares. Horrible terrifying nightmares that paralyzed me in silent terror.
But I could never recall them after I woke up. Only a haze of blood, bodies everywhere, and feeling the responsibility of knowing I had done those things.
Outside of that. Nothing else new. My many tests done on me turned out normal. Sleep tests indicated massive brainwaves but nothing concrete.
I was considered Quirkless. In a world where 80% of the world had powers. I had nothing.
Until one day. Something changed.
I had been going somewhere. I no longer remember where. When a Slime Villian had captured me. Suffocated me. Intended to kill me. Use my body as a puppet.
As I neared death and blackness overtook me, my eyes saw red.
Red eyes with three tomoe swirling around the pupil. And a voice that seemed to echo from within me.
”Would you kindly get out of my body and die?”
The lazy monotone drawl was cold and flat. Harsh. The sheer coldness in me didn't feel like the slime invading my body. It felt like an ocean of cold energy that flowed through me.
The slime suddenly left and I gasped weakly for air. Sputtering and coughing, I looked up only to see the slime villian was shaking and seemed to be holding something in his hand.
A sickening sound of something like a weak splat and the villian melted. Dead.