Chapter 125 - My SI Stash #25 - Speaking of Cao Cao by Aardwark Second (DxD) (1/2)

-Andd we're back to DxD SI fics~ Recommended by tyrantmax, SI as Cao Cao, comedy sometimes but still NSFW.

*QuestionableQuesting fic needs you to have an account to get access to the story~

Sypnosis: ???

Rated: M

Words: 120K

Posted on: (Aardwark Second)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Chapter 1+3 (exceptional)

It was a solemn, dark room, like the type aristocratic villains are supposed to hold secret conferences in. A low, yellow lamplight increased the overall feeling of gloominess. Around a black roundtable, a bunch of figures wearing dark hoods are seated in silence.

In the middle of the seated figures, the leader gave a soft cough, foreshadowing the beginning of his speech.


”Cao Cao, if anyone saw us, we would really seem like a bunch of villains plotting, wouldn't we?” An amused voice broke though the silence. Goddamnit Kuroka, don't destroy the atmosphere I worked so hard to create!

”…Certainly not! We are heroes in the shadows, and our great endeavor is for the salvation of humanity!” My, Cao Cao's, words bring forth an awed silence.

…Well, nobody speaks, but the snorts and light laughs from my subordinates give a different story.

Just then, the soft sound of footsteps is heard and everyone goes silent. A little girl walks in.

”The great endeavor of the Khaos Brigade is to drive off Great Red from the Dimensional Gap, and with that, bring back the silence of the void that has been replaced by the cacophonic dream. All other goals are secondary. Do remember that.”

Her sound brings back the somber feeling that I had worked so hard to set up. That said, I am sure that everyone seated is laughing even harder in their hearts. Nobody in the Khaos Brigade is seriously thinking of bringing the fight to Great Red – that f_u_c_koff huge dragon can probably vaporize us with a thought.

”Certainly boss, the main goal of our endeavor is to take back your territory! But our Hero Faction is comprised of heroes of humanity and our greatest d_e_s_i_r_e is to protect our brethren from being oppressed! But don't worry, our d_e_s_i_r_es will always take a backseat to your wish! You can rest assured, boss!” With the 'angry customer pacification skill' honed from ten years of tempering in horrid part-time jobs, I pacified Ophis.

”Is that so. Well then, you can carry on with your meeting. As long as you know your priorities…” Saying this, Ophis turned away.

”Boss, could you wait for a moment? The 'salvation of humanity' thing I was talking about, well, it isn't a goal to be completed in the distant future. There is a clear and present 'threat to humanity', and the world can be saved by taking care of it.” Hearing my words, Ophis hums a bit, before walking to my side. A kiddy chair that you could find in a kindergarden appears and she seats herself.

”Speak.” There is a certain charisma, a certain gravitas in her one word. I have never seen a god before, but if I had, that god would surely pale before the little girl sitting by my side. A d_e_s_i_r_e to prostrate and worship her takes birth within me – and is quelled the moment it is born.

I am terrified. This little girl is terrifying, just like Great Red in the Dimensional Gap. But unlike Great Red, she is sitting right beside me…

”Well, to begin with, calling it a 'threat to humanity' might be underselling it. It is certainly capable of killing everyone here apart from boss, blowing up continents and tearing apart Heaven and Hell. It can give boss a decent fight and naturally, it is capable of fighting Great Red as well.” I haven't gone catatonic – I am even hyping up stuff for Ophis. And that isn't without fruit, for I can feel Ophis' anticipation.

”Everyone, you all know the truth about God. So then, have you heard of [666]?” At my question, my subordinates are wordless. However, Ophis shakes her head with a pitying expression.

”You are speaking about that Beast, huh? Certainly, that uncontrollable animal is capable of matching me and Great Red – perhaps even surpassing us. However, it has been sealed and shall probably not awaken until the end of time…” Hearing Ophis say this, those among my subordinates who hadn't figured out what I was going on about understand.

”Well, my Sacred Gear has warned me of the coming future – a madman shall tear apart the seal to bring about the end of times.” At my reply, the temperature of the room suddenly grows colder.

”From what I have foreseen, the madman will seize control of the Khaos Brigade and use his strength to bring chaos in the world.”

”Oh?” At this, Ophis raises an eyebrow. ”So this person must have found a method to handle me, huh?”

”Naturally.” Without elaborating, I continue. ”I have knowledge of this madman's name, but speaking it might alert him – the saying 'speak of the Devil' isn't entirely false. That said, I do know a few things about him.

First things first, he is a male Devil. I believe his strength would match the current Lucifer's.

Next, has the ability to nullify Sacred Gears. That ability directly counters our Hero Faction.

Finally, his scheming and calculation ability is quite something. As a Devil, his ability to control the hearts of people is astounding.”

”Interesting. And what should be our plan against him?” Ophis asked with her usual tone, that of an uncaring child.

”All I can do is focus on finding his location. After that, short of having you act against him, I have no offensive options. After all, the power of a Super Devil is unfathomable…”

”Hmph, I forgot how weak humans are. Naturally, since a threat capable of challenging me has come, I'll crush him as soon as he appears. You don't have to worry on that end.” Saying this, Ophis got up from her chair and left.

'So scary.' Only this thought filled my mind as I left. I always thought about why Cao Cao betrayed Ophis, who should have been the perfect person to work under, powerful enough to back him while being naïve enough to be easily manipulated.

Now I understood. She was too powerful. So powerful that her naivety became an afterthought.

Even though I had knowledge of the LNs where she became a fanservice cute loli, this was reality and I wasn't the protagonist.

But that exact reason was why betraying her was retarded. She was too strong for that shit, after all.


”As usual, boss's aura is too overpowering. Well then, the main point to be discussed has been concluded. So now, let's talk about the side points…” Naturally, Ophis's departure didn't end the meeting.

So everyone, let's continue with our meeting. What are your thoughts about Dungeon Create?” Since my transmigration a week ago, I've experienced many things as Cao Cao.

Apart from my five-man squad of Georg, Siegfried, Heracles, Jeanne and Leonardo, the Vali's Team – Bikou, Kuroka, Arthur and LeFay Pendragon are there as well.

Well then, apart from the little problem of not being able to call on my Longinus, everything else has been going swimmingly. Since there weren't any missions to do and everyone was training like meatheads, I decided to try and spice things up.

I stole the idea from a discussion forum – basically, since we have two high tiered Longinus capable of manipulating dimensions and creating life – Dimension Lost and Annihilation Maker, how about we fuse them together to create a dimension where monsters spawn?

”It's great.”

”Getting resources while training, really nice.”

”We should do this everyday.”

”…” Unexpectedly, there weren't any complaints about overworking and exhaustion either…

Wait, there were two people who would have complaints from that end…

”Georg, Leonardo. What are your opinions on that end? Are you capable of using Dungeon Create daily?”

”Don't underestimate us.”

”Yeah, it's alright.”

The spectacled Georg said this while lightly rubbing Leonardo on the head.

”…Alright then, we'll make it a daily activity.” I said this with a sigh. I got tired of it the day we used Dungeon Create the first time, and everyone else will soon enough.

After that came smaller issues. Like how we really should start recruiting, and needing commanders for new recruits. Jeanne, Arthur and Bikou should have commanding ability due to their lineages… and so, they should get study up on commanding a squad a little beforehand.

And finally…

”I need to get to Kuoh City. There is a promising recruit there.” Hearing this, Kuroka gave me a look.

”That's a hotbed of Devils. Two Pillar Heiresses are there. Do you think you can sneak that recruit out unnoticed?”

”I'll have to at least try – he is way too promising.” He is the goddamn protagonist.

”Anyway, from what I've gathered, he is completely unexposed to the supernatural. Meanwhile, his greatest d_e_s_i_r_e seems to be a harem. That's why, to increase the chances of recruiting him, I need to show myself off as a guy with a harem…” I give off a sheepish expression.

”Let me guess, you have no idea how a harem runs, huh?” Kuroka's question had me nod.

”Alright, that's simple enough. Me, LeFay and Jeanne… we'll be your haremettes for the next few days. Please take care of us.” With a amused smile, Kuroka bowed to me.

”Hey, I didn't agree to that!”

”Joining a harem… uh, just like that?!”

Behind her, the unamused voices of LeFay and Jeanne resounded.

Chapter 2

”Barrier setup complete.”

”Dimension stabilization complete.”

”Mana stabilization complete.”

”Dungeon Creation… complete!”

Adjusting his glasses, Georg completed the spell and brought forth the dimensional barrier that was the Dungeon. Leonardo was within the barrier, setting up his Sacred Gear to manufacture monsters for the raid.

Next, it came the time to bring the explorers into the dungeon. ”Now everyone, ease yourself and get ready to be teleported into my creation! Extinction Fog, start teleportation!”

Kuroka was l_i_c_k_i_n_g her lips in anticipation, while Jeanne had drawn her rapier and was waiting anxiously. LeFay was confident, seated on her floating broomstick.

My 'harem' seemed to have settled the confusion amongst themselves, thankfully.

On the other side, Siegfried, Hercules, Bikou and Arthur were standing calmly, their waiting postures. Their heroic figures could be sculpted into masterpieces.

As for myself… Well, while I do look valiant enough, I am even more of a pretty boy. I am more suited to anime figurines…

My self-depreciative thoughts disappeared when Georg unleashed the fog of teleportation. Along with the rest of my squad, I found myself in a vast, deserted grassy field.

Immediately, a black wave of a waterish substance sweeped through the field and a veritable sea of monsters came to face us. Everyone separated, bracing themselves for battle.

Facing a pack of wolves, Kuroka waved her hands. Black light flowed like as she drew runes with her fingers. Adeptly using Youjutsu, she applied a chain of curses in a ranged attack. Demonic Power flickered on her fingers as she fired in range.

Jeanne promptly used Sword Birth to skewer the monsters with an array of swords. Having reduced the number of opponents, her rapier flashed to cut down the remaining enemies.