Chapter 97 - My SI Stash #97 - Skywalker: A Fanon Story by Imjustttryingtofindmyway (Star Wars) (1/2)

-SI as Anakin Skywalker. This is the best SI fic that the author has done IMO. The Spider was still a fun read though~

Sypnosis: Self insert into Anakin Skywalker's body. Raising himself to be someone worthy as the title of 'Chosen' to be a Jedi seems too Rigid, a Sith too selfish. War over idelogies was too stupid a reason to die...war for power to vain. M for safety concerns.

Rated: M

Words: 67K

Posted on: (I'mjusttryingtofindmyway)

PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)

-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)

Half of Chapter 1 ( 20K-limit prevents me from fully posting the chapter)

The Chosen One

”Ani! Ani!”

I hate that name. I looked up, she smiled down at me. I couldn't help but sigh and smile back, ”yes mother?”

Shmi Skywalker g_r_o_a_n_e_d, ”Ani...did I do something? Are you upset with me?”

I blinked, ”no! Of course not!”

”Then why don't you call me mom anymore?” Shmi asked, obviously hurt.

I sighed, ”I...I just thought since I'm older now I should probably stop talking like a child,” I gulped, praying she believed me.

She g_r_o_a_n_e_d, ” know you don't have to grow up that quickly yes? You can still be kid Ani...”

”I know...” I replied looking away from her and the small meager hole in the wall we now called home. The twin suns overhead burnt me down, I began to sweat profusely, and the sand, God I hate the sand. Woah...sounded a bit like the real Anakin Skywalker for a second…

” careful today, you understand me my big strong man?” Shmi smiled as she ruffled my hair and checked the backpack I carried, ”I'm sure Watto has a lot of work for you today, so remember to stay hydrated, do you understand? And remember-”

A flash of memories came through my head, memories of Anakin's life before I came into his body. ”-Don't talk to strangers, yes mother, I know,” the memories told me so. They also told me what Shmi would do next.

She leaned forward and placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek, I flinched a little, the physical contact feeling odd, ”please don't''re embarrassing me.”

”Well tough,” Shmi grinned like a cat as she ruffled my hair once more, ”now go on. And be careful!”

”Right...bye,” I waved at her and walked away, pulling my backpack closer as I made my was to...what's his name again? The flying bug thing? Blue...smells funny...oh right! Watto! That's his name!

My memory of the movies came sparingly but my memories of Anakin Skywalker's life...well, that was far more prominent.

I woke up in this...form, a few days ago. Apparently 'Ani' had a high fever, caused by overworking. But as Anki went in...I came out.

I honestly don't remember much of my own life, whatever did...this, caused my own personal memories to be jumbled. It took me a day to understand this wasn't my normal body, another to realise just whose body I was in.

I was...well, I was shit scared.

The implications alone...Anakin Skywalker...Darth Vader...the Chosen One, the man without Fear. I was him, he was me. And...f_u_c_k_i_n_g hell it's hot here! Damn, I swear I can roast an egg on the sidewalk!

I made my way to the dusty town I was living in, it was apparently actually a city called Mos Espa, but anything this small and shitty can't qualify for a city ranking. At least in my books.

I made my way through the market of the main city and moved to the edge, where I approached a large junkyard that was both amazing and terrifying at the same time. Amazing because off all the spaceship parts just lying around, horrifying because of who those parts belonged to.

”Hey! Ani! You are late!” the mocking voice of Watto my….employer called out. I looked up at him with narrowed eyes, the bug flew out of small workshop at the front of the junkyard, his form matching his smell, both disgusting.

”Sorry...I was still feeling a little down,” I replied.


I felt his slap sting my cheek, it had hit me hard enough to send me back. I looked back up and glared, ”what? You going to do something?!” the bug asked, laughing as he did.

Of course...I could do nothing. Thought I wanted too. I so wanted too. I wouldn't usually react so..poorly, but right now I was in the body of a seven year old child...a child. And his slave master just struck him.

If I was older, in another body and saw this situation happening again...I doubt the bug would be alive.

”Get up!” Watto cried as he buzzed around, the stench alone enough to force me to my feet, ”get inside and start working! I got some new power converters that you have to fix up! Do it before lunch, or no lunch!”

”Yes Watto,” I replied monotonously as I entered the junk shop and went to my small work station, a small table filled with broken tech and other random garbade.

I placed my bag on the table and got on top of a stool and looked down at the machinery before me. I gulped, they all looked so...complex. I don't even think I ever saw a machine come in that form.

I was hesitant to even touch these things, but before I could even think I was hit up the head, hard. ”What are you waiting for?! Get to work!” Watto cried out as he flew overhead, ”I lost three good days without you! I won't have a waste of space here! Work or get out!”

I glared at the bug. Did people honestly think he was a representation of jewish people? I know jewish people, they might like investing and being careful with money, but they were never ever cruel to me!

Wait...I remembered something! I blinked as I realised the new memories flowing into my head were more pictures and recollections than actual memories. It was like seeing a picture of a painting or a movie. Bauge but...still there.

I think I remember seeing a jewish person before but...I don't remember who.

”Ani! Work!” Watto cried out as he threw something at my head again. This time though, I knew it was coming, ducking to the side to avoid the coupling that he threw at my head. Honestly, so predictable.

I sighed as I turned back and glared at the bug, who was already outside, drinking something vile looking out of his cantin. God how I hated him.

He seemed to have noticed me staring as he turned and glared, ”what are you looking at!?”

I turned away, the anger still present. I sighed and slowly let it go, it was obviously not important. For now...I need to figure out how in hell I'm going to fix these...power converts was it?

What the hell was that?

One moment I was totally confused,the next I knew exactly what I was holding and what to do to fix it. Did I...not just get Anakin Skywalker's memories but also his knowledge? Anakin Skywalker was an engineering genius, he was...he built a robot from scratch, could I do the same?


This time, I felt the hand coming to slap me. I didn't know how, but I knew it was coming for a third person view of behind my head.

And so I ducked, avoidin his fists. I tuned, Watton was stunned and slowly my eyes winded, ”shit!”

”You brat!” he slapped me this time, hard enough to knock me off the stool. He flew down and spat on my clothes, ”filth! This'll teach you to try and fool your master! Get back to work! And I swear if I see you slacking off again, I'll blow your head off!”

He flew away, grumbling under his breath. I pulled myself up, fear of the threat lingering. I was his property, he could do that. But...but...what was that?

The first time he threw something at me, I heard him grunt before he threw it, I knew he would try something and I heard the heavy machine fly threw the air. But now?

Now it was just pure instinct...or rather...oh my god. Anakin Skywalker...the Force! The f_u_c_k_i_n_g Force! I have the Force!


”Right! Right!” I called back, returning to the work at hand, grabbing the tools needed to fix the stupid junk on my desk for Waldo. But as I did, I realised something. This world I was was just a part of a galaxy...a galaxy far far away and a long time ago.

Sith, jedi, lightsabers! Holy hells please tell me this isn't a dream! Though from the pain in my cheek, it wasn't.

I watched Gatto from the corner of my eye and saw him walk around trying to gain customers and failing. Obviously, nobody liked him, and for good reason.

According to Anakin's memories he was rude to people, greedy and very very lazy. Anakin did all the wonder he said they couldn't work while I was out sick, he literally couldn't.

He was a drunk and a gambler, a bug and sc_u_m of the worst kind. And a slaver.

I need to get out from his grasp. I need to be free. And...I suppose Shmi as well. I can't just let that poor woman continue to be a slave. I can't imagine why Anakin ever left his mother the first time around, what a brat!

But then again, he was just that, a child. He was so impressionable, he wanted to be a jedi, one of the legendary jedi. He wanted to be a hero to protect his mother, not realising he had to give her up in the process.

I didn't want either of those things….I guess...I just want to be

I looked at Watto, until I could figure a way to be free, I would be stuck with him. So for now, I'll be quite, focus on the damn stupid power converters. So I did just that, looking down at the machine before me and trying to focus. What even was this?

And I began to work. Almost tirelessly I worked with my tiny little hands, trying to figure out how to go about this the right way. It was difficult, this body was only 7 years old, but I think...I think I was managing it.

It took me four hours, I'm guessing, to finish them all up. By then I was hungry, beyond hungry. I had stayed rooted in one spot and worked, actually...going into a sort of trance as I did. I smiled, was this the Force? Was it really that simple to access it?

Honestly it made me excited, the Force. Damn, what an amazing thing! I doubt I actually used the Force consciously right now, I mean, wasn't the deal that you had to meditate or something? Either Way, I was done, meaning I could finally get something to eat.

I walked up to Watto, who by now, since it was mid day, had taken to sleeping away in a corner, cuddled up into a ball.

”Hey Waldo, I'm going for lunch,” I told him in a soft tone.

”W-what?” he blinked away his sleepiness and looked around, spotting me and immediately glaring, ”what are you doing?! I told you, no food until you fix those stupid converters!'

”They are fixed,” I pointed at the machines on my table, now looking cleaner and looking far more efficient, ”now, can I eat?”

The bug scoffed, ”fixed? Already? Don't lie to me Ani, I know it would take at least a day to fix these model, these droid converter are tricky things,” he flew over and checked them out, ”why I myself would have taken-what?!”

His eyes widened as he examined the fixed devices, turning back to me and then the machines. He took them apart and checked the insides, looking shocked that they were actually fixed.


I shrugged, ”I'm just that good. Anyway, can I eat now? I'm starving,” and I was. I wonder, if I go around will I see a cantina? Oh! That would be so exciting to see! A real hive of sc_u_m and villainy!

”!” Watto suddenly cried out.

I blinked, ”what? Why not?”

”Ah-a new order just came in! Very special! I need you to look into them and fix them quickly. Only you can do ti Ani, they require your special skills!” Watto took out a box of junk and placed it on my table, smiling a greedy little smile.

I raised an eyebrow and looked into the box, it was filled with...junk...just junk. Some of these would never work...unless I made them work. There is potential here, don't' get me wrong. But they just seem too much of a hassle.

”This is a special order?” I asked, my disbelief clearly shown.

”Oh yes! Yes it is! And they asked especially for you! Now doesn't that make you feel special Ani?!”

I blinked, was he seriously trying to trick me with such a stupid lie. I opened my mouth to object, but before I could say a thing, Watto grabbed the power converts I fixed up and flew out of the junk shop.

”If you don't fix everything inside that box by the time I come back, you can't have lunch!” he took out a remote and pressed a button, causing the grill gates on the shop's windows and door to come down, lokcing me inside.

”Hey! You can't do this!” I cried out slamming against the door with my foot, ”let me out!”

”Work hard Ani!” Watto cried out as he laughed, flying away on those beady little wings of his.

I growled as I slammed the gate a few more times to no avail. I sighed and turned around, sitting down on the desk and looking at the box before me.

I didn't have a was do or die. So I pushed my hunger down, something Anakin's body was used to do, and pushed ahead.

I unloaded the box and looked inside. Junk, junk, junk...interesting junk….junk and...oh, what's this?

I sighed how did he expect me to fix all these? I sighed and pushed the box away and sighed at the junk before me, leaning back and staring off into the distant, bored outta my mind.

Anakin Skywalker...I was Darth Vader...or rather the man he as before he fell to the dark side. Would Sidious try and turn me? Would it work? A jedi...Obi-Wan...Padme Amidala...woah….I might get to f_u_c_k Natalie Portman!

But as I let my mind wander to the amazing world I was now a part off, I grew curious. The Force...could I even use it?

I looked down at the junk before me and grew curious. I had done this little trick so many times in my old life. Tried to pull the remote from across the room by holding out my hand and focusing. This time...would it actually work?

I held out my hand towards a cylindrical piece of junk. I think it was some kind of lever, btu if one used a bit of childish imagination, they could imagine it as the handle of a lightsaber.

I focused, narrowing my eyes and the d_e_s_i_r_e for the object filled my thoughts. 'Come on...come on...come to me...'

And then, it shock.

I was so shocked I jumped off my seat and approached it. I observed it carefully, I looked at every single inch of the thrown out object, it had moved just an inch.

Growing boldend and filled with a look of awe I stepped back and stood feet apart, my entire focus on the object.

I held out my hand. I focused, I did nothing else, my breathing being the only distraction. And happened.

It flew off the table and immediately my fingers closed around it as I rested in my hand. Immediately I took a step back and held it with both hand, the thought of a blue blade spouting off the end filled my mind as I smiled.

'I have the Force….holy shit, I have the Force!' my smiled would have seemed almost manicaish to anyone else. Thank God I was alone.

I needed to see more of this, I needed to do it again. I immediately placed the cylinder on the table and stepped back, further this time.

I held my hand otu, the object rolled off the table, neared the edge before suddenly zooming out into my hand.

The next time it didn't even move. I was confused why, I did all the same things But then I quickly realised why, I wasn't focusing, I was distracted. I needed to focus. So I closed my eyes and tried again, this time, it flew.

One time it landed on the ground and I had to pull it up with the force alone. Then another time it began to hop around, moving kettle over bell before it flew into my hand.

I lost track of time, I was just so enchanted by the mere process of the rod moving into my hand. Slowly, I began to feel something, something small, in the back of my head, a small pull. A small...something.

I think it was the, I know it's the Force. A small sensation that obeyed me, but like a cat, stubborn, resilient. I had to push it to work for me, the longer or stronger my request was, the better it worked.

And then, after probably the hundredth time I did so, I looked at the rod and wondered, could I do the opposite? A Force Push I think it was called...Hm...I looked at the rode, put my hand up and held the rod with the tips of my fingers.

I focused on the object, and closed my eyes. The feeling of being pulled, I reserved it. It was difficult, but I think I could do it, it was like reading a word backwards, it started out slowly at first, but the more I repeated, the easier it came until-


My eyes flew open as I saw the rod had flown out of my hand and into the wall, sticking out like a broken support beam in the structure. I gulped, of God… THAT WAS SO AMAZING!

I held out my hand and begged the rod to come back, and slowly it began to wiggle.

'Move...' I whispered, 'come on...move...move...MOVE~'

It shook and suddenly it came into my hand, pulling the wall apart. It slammed into my hand and I failed to catch it.

It fell to the ground, I grunted in pain, stupid thing. I picked it up and rubbed my hand. Maybe next time I should be more gentle.

An hour later:

I held the rod in mid air, my hands wide apart as it slowly spun around an imaginary axis, slightly tilted to the right. I was sweating hard, it was...difficult, pushing and pulling it at the same time.

I think I was doing something wrong, it shouldn't be this hard...should it? Anakin's is supposed to be the strongest Force user in the history of the Jedi and Sith….was it because of me? Is it because I'm not really Anakin? Because I'm someone else?


I chuckled, my stomach was rumbling, I looked out the window, it was already night time. The whole day went by and I was hungry but...I think Anakin's body was used to hunger, it didn't hurt that badly.

But I was hungry, still hungry. I sighed, closing my eyes to push away the hunger and suddenly I heard the sound of metal hitting the floor.

I g_r_o_a_n_e_d, the rod had fallen down. I sighed and picked it up and looked it over. This whole was a difficult process but...I think it's just a steep learning curve I have to worry about, nothing else. I smiled, a jedi huh...I think that might be a pretty decent future.


The door flew open as Watoo flew in carrying a box of what looked like another set of power converters. ”Ani! We got another order, you have-” he stopped abruptly as his beady eyes landed on the hole I had accidentally made in the wall with the first time I pushed the rod away.

”What did you do!?” Watto dropped the box and turned to me, fury in his eyes. ”You stupid child! I leave you in here for a few hours and you do this to my shop!?”

”I-I, it was an accident,” I gulped. I was so focused with my new power that I didn't realise what I had done. The amazement of being able to move something with my mind it distracted me from the thoughts of what I actually did.

”You stupid boy!” he cried out as suddenly a flash of pain was felt across my face.

The next thing I knew I was on the ground, my cheeks in pain. He had hit me, hard.

”You think you're special because you are good with machines?!” he grabbed the rod I was playing with and brought it down, hard.

The dull sound of flesh being beaten rang out over and over again. I curled into a ball, holding my head, trying to protect any vital parts.

”You forget that I'm your master boy! I own you and your whore mother!” again and again the hits came until after what felt like an eternity they stopped. He threw it away, I heard his disgusting voice pant as he flew over me.

”You will learn to treat my property with the respect it deserves boy,” he spat, the liquid staningin my head, I could feel it seep into my hair, it felt disgusting. He flew away, I peeked from behind my hands and saw him sit down on his seat and pant.

”You're disgusting,” he growled as he took out a glass pipe of some kind. He took a deep breath of the vapour inside and puffed it out, ”you know...I think I should teach your mother a lesson too. Just so that I know you will learn.”

And then, images and memories from the deepest parts of Anakin's memories resurfaced. The child that had this body didn't understand the noises he heard from his mother's room at night. He didn't understand the sly smile Watto would always send his mother wasn't of contempt, but l_u_s_t.

Shmi Skywalker gave up so much for her son. Anakin must have suppressed these memories, or he just didn't realise what they meant. But i did. Oh...I did.

I was on my feet before I realised I was moving. Watto noticed me move and raised an eyebrow, ”hm? What boy? You want more?”

I hated him, I hate him, I hate him. She wasn't my mother, I knew that, a part of my brain understood that perfectly. But f_u_c_k that, and f_u_c_k Watto. A woman was being rapped by this thing before me, it had to go.

I wanted him dead, I raised a hand, I'll crush his head, I'll break it apart. I focused on the idea of pushing him back, of making him suffer.

”What are you doing you stupid boy?” Watto grumbled, ”did you become retarded?”

And I pushed, but what came out wasn't a force of will.

Using the Force was like pushing a water out of a pipe, the harder you pushed, the stronger it came. But if you push it hard enough, if you pushed your emotions into it, it came out….twisted.

Instead of a wall of telekinetic energy, I pushed out a stream of electricity.

I came out like a blaster bolt, so quick I didn't realise what had happened until it had already struck Watto.

”ARGH!” the bug started to scream in pain as he fell down his seat and land head first into the ground.

Every second he screamed, memories of Anakin's mothers being abused by this monster came into my head. He made her suffer, he made her bleed. And she took it all, and she smiled, just to make sure Anakin grew up with a loving mother and not a hateful shrew.

She was a good person, and he was not. So I made up my mind, the scales of justice were broken, I would fix them. And I would begin with this monster before me.

While at first I was afraid of the idea of using such a dark abblity, now, I didn't care. Killing him would be too quick, letting him go would mean justice would not be served. But this, the pain...oh the pain was just.

I focused on my focus on him, I gave him everything I had, the anger, the fury of being helpless, everything. And he screamed.

The lightning that I threw out grew to a slowly pale colour, from dark blue to a almost teal colour. And as I kept the pain up, my brain started to struggle to give reasons to keep the anger alive.

Hadn't he suffered enough? Hadn't...hadn't I done enough? No...I haven't….he needs to understand pain, he needs to understand that the people he hurts have feelings too.

My heart became lighter, the anger going away, but the d_e_s_i_r_e for justice remained. And slowly, with my change of heart, the lighting too began to change. It grew from a teal shade to a bright yellow.

The pain filled screams were muffled now, he didn't feel as much hurt as before, but I could see it still hurt him.

The lighting covered his body like a cloak. Sparks flew as the lightning hit the ground, it burnt his skin thought, hurting him badly. And then, it struck the pipe he was smoking.

Anakin's mind quickly understood what will happen, the lightning would have ignited the systems inside, causing it to explode. I was going to stop before that happened, but I slowly realised something, he hasn't suffered enough.

I kept at it, now focusing almost all energy at the pipe and then suddenly.


The sound was deafening, and immediately the flames came onto Watto's body. ”KRAA!” the screams were loud and pathetic. I watched as his body spasmed, the lightning hurting him and the flames burning him.

I watched him burn, I looked around, the junkyard was huge, this workshop was in the middle of it. No one will hear him scream and even if they did….who the f_u_c_k would care about this sc_u_m?

”HELP! HELP ME!” he began to scream. I watched him cry out in pain. I sighed, he suffered enough. I walked to the far wall where he kept a quick freeze spray, basically a quick acting and powerful fire extinguisher.

I took my time, taking it off the wall and pointing it at him. I released the spay and immediately the scream were muffled.

I threw the empty can away and watched his withering burnt form on the ground. His bac was burnt, his wings were nothing. His skin leaked an unholy mixture of blood and the aroma of burnt flesh.

And then, the panic set in. What was I thinking? I was dead. If people heard a slave tried to burn his master alive….oh God...the bomb.

Anakin's memories came in now, the memory which told me why slaves were so obedient. Each of them had a implant in their neck that their owners can use to blow their heads off their body. Like a galactic version of Suicide Squad.

And I just tried to kill mine. I can't kill him, no...I won't kill him. He should suffer with that burnt and whole body. But...if he recovered, he would kill Shmi and I without regret.

I need to find the remote, I closed my eyes and focused, the memory came quickly. The device was a remote, it was small, around the size of my fist. I ran to Watto's body and searched through his pockets, pushing away the burnt clothes and trying to control my vomit from touching his burnt skin.

In the satchel pocket on his c_h_e_s_t, I found it. I ripped it out, he g_r_o_a_n_e_d, trying to reach and grab it. Hm, I may have underestimated him, in so much pain, and yet he tried to get revenge. No wonder jedi mind tricks don't work on him.

Watto never hide it, he always waved it around like a magic wand to intimidate Ani to work and...I think forcing Shmi to service him. He knew Anakin, the seven year old child would never even think of stealing it. But not me.

I sat down on my table and looked it over. It took me seconds to figure out how it worked. The personal slave codes of Shmi and myself were imputed inside, I opened the back and searched through the scraps of junk around the room, finding a powerful magnetic coil.

I placed the coil on the now exposed motherboard of the remote and connected a small battery to supercharge a magnet. I stepped back and watched as suddenly, the remote began to spark, frying out.

I smiled, the personal slave code could not be copied or replicated in any form. It was only ever found in the remote of the slaver, hence it was impossible for some other slaver to steal your slave away. That's why smart slavers never displayed their remote to their slaves, but Watto was anything but smart.

I threw the now useless remote aside and walked to Watto's body, he looked up at me and I squatted down before him, my eyes meeting his.

”The remote is gone,” his eyes widened, ”I see you know what that means...tell me Watto...if you were me, and your mother was defiled by a pathetic insect….what would you do?”

”Kam,” he whizzed, his throat had been burnt, his voice box had been hurt, badly. His eyes were tearing up, ”my-mercy.”

I smiled, it must have hurt him so much to say that. Both physically and to his person. I couldn't help chuckle, ”mercy? From the boy whose mother you r_a_p_ed? Isn't that a little too much? I won't spare will die. But...” my brain began to spin, coming up with an idea that made me smile like a mad man, ”depending on what you give me...I can make it easy or,” I pushed the Force out in the familiar feeling I came to associate with justice, sparks flew out between my fingers, yellow lightning arced through my fingers.

”A-anything,” he croaked.

I smiled, ”everything,” I looked around, ”I want all of this. When you die...I want to be free. Give me everything, or you will spend the rest of your life screaming in pain.”

He nodded, ”yes,” he looked around, his eyes landed on a metal safe in the corner of the room, I immediately knew what he was thinking.

Anakin remembered Watto bragging about owning this junkyard, how he won it from a gambling match a long time ago. Ani was so curious and eager, Watto had shown him the deed to the entire place, he kept it locked away in the safe.

I walked over and looked over the safe, it was locked with a digital pad up front. I turned, ”code.”

”222,” he croaked, gasping out, ”321.”

I inputted the code and inside I found several expensive objects, thousands of credits, both lactic and basic and the deed for several things.

I brought them all to Watto and placed them before him. He struggled to type on the deed, his fingers leaving bloody prints on the tad and he worked on changing the deed to the shop. He gave up ownership and pushed it to me.

I reached down and inputted my fingerprints onto the deed's main screen and in minutes my entire bio data was inputted. Every single thing Watto owned was now mine.

”Please,” he grunted.

I looked down at him and smiled. I took the several deeds and put it back in the safe, ”you kept your promise...and I suppose I should keep mine,” I wanted to torture him some more, break my promise and make him hurt. heart wasn't in it.

I wasn't f_u_c_k_i_n_g evil...I was just me. I moved to the safe and grabbed a blaster that Watto kept for self defense. I aimed it at his head and without a word fired at him.

The sound was deafening, and then silence. I was alone, his wheezing had stopped...the only thing that remained was Waldo's burnt body which had a giant hole in its head.

The blaster fell to my side, I looked down and for several seconds I just looked at the body bleeding out onto the floor of the workshop. I had killed someone...and I don't know which is worse, wanting to make him suffer some more or killing him at all.

Was I evil now? I used Sith Lightning, that means I was evil right? No matter what colour it was...was I evil?

And I realised something...I didn't honestly care. Shmi was being rapped by this creature, Anakin was being slapped around, he deserved death in the worst ways possible. So what if the jedi hated me for it? Did they ever solve slavery in this world? Did they ever care?

Damn them, they can't judge me, they had no right. And damn the sith, those selfish bastards would destroy the world for their own petty reasons. F_u_c_k_i_n_g fools the both of them. When I woke up in this body...I wanted to be a jedi, I won't' lie.

I wanted to be Anakin Skywalker and kill Sidious and be a hero. But I'm not a f_u_c_k_i_n_g jedi, I can't just push away my own emotions, I can't...and I'm not selfish enough to be a Sith. I'm...I am me.

Let the ch_i_p_s fall they may, for now, I need to focus what I see before me right now. And right now I see a dead bug on the floor of my workshop. Tatonnie was filled with sc_u_m, they wouldn't care what happened to a dead man, but I would need to play it safe.

I focused on his body and lifted the thing into the air. It was lighter than I thought, I was able to easily pulled it towards the junkyard where I found an incinerator, the kind we used to melt down old metal to reuse it for new projects. And now, I would be using it on him.

I tossed him inside and watched him burn. No screams, no yells. Just the burning smell of his flesh turned into ash. In the end, nothing remained and I was alone.

I went back to the junkyard, I grabbed a bag and put the deeds for all of my properties into it. I strapped the blaster to my side and walked out into the dark streets of the rural city.

I gripped my bag, my eyes darting to every which corner to make sure no one knew what I carried. I spotted a few rough looking are they? Wait...Rodians, Anakin's memories helped me fill in the name. Damn those things look weird.

I managed to make my way back to the slave quarters of the city, the place where only the slaves lived. Without knocking, I walked in.

”Ani? You're just in time honey! I made some fresh macare soup for you!”

My stomach growled, I was hungry. But right I couldn't eat. I walked into the dining room, which was the same as the living room and the half of the kitchen. And there was Shmi setting up a small dinner for the two of us, a smile on her face the moment she saw her son.

”Ani, did you work hard today? Did you...Ani...where did you get that blaster?” Shmi's eyes widened as she spotted the comically large blaster on attached to my small hip.

”I took it from Watto's safe,” I told her as I unstrapped it and placed it on a chair, ”that's also where I found these,” I took off the bag and placed it on the table, opening it up to allow the deeds for everything Watto owned to come pouring out.

Shmi's eyes widened, ”Ani! What have you done?! If Watto found out you did this he'll kill you! You have to go back and put away! Quickly! Before he-”

”-He won't notice,” I shot back, ”he won't care.”

Shmi's face turned from shock and fear to confusion. ”Anakin...what do you mean?”

”He hurt you mom,” the word no longer foreign to my tongue, after all I had killed for this woman, ”he hurt you and said he would do so I made sure he won't hurt anyone ever again.”