Chapter 46 - My SI Stash #46 - JoJos Bizarre RPG by RobinRuken (JoJos Bizarre Adventure) (1/2)
-A better and more ゴゴゴゴ JoJo fic. Recommended by tabbium~
*Honestly, I prefer fics that just got a considerable amount of word count... I just can't stand 4K, it won't make me forget about my 3D life.
( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Sypnosis: There are many moments in life when you start questioning exactly what you've done to deserve something. This? I must have either been a saint on the level of Jesus Christ or the Devil is my biggest fan if I'm in my favorite anime/manga. Oh well, at least I'm hot as Hell. That has to count for something, yeah? [Gamer Fanfiction]
Rated: T
Words: 30K
Posted on: (RobinRuken)
PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (´ー`)
-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)
Chapter 1
Many people have had various ideas about what happens when you encounter death. The Christians believed that you go to heaven if you believe in Jesus and follow his words, otherwise you're going straight to Hell. Those who practice Buddhism believe in reincarnation. Atheists don't think anything happens except becoming mulch.
And I can tell you with 100% guaranteed certification that I… am still a little foggy on the details, but I may have died with severe head trauma.
Why you may ask?
[Welcome to [Jojo's Bizarre RPG]! The land of crazy, unexplainable shit and flamboyant, muscley men! Say 'continue' to continue!]
Why can I only see this box? Where is my body? The f_u_c_k am I? Why my favorite anime/manga? These are all my questions that cannot be answered at the moment, so my only choice is to ”Continue.” Whoa, my voice sounds weird.
[Before we continue, would you like to insert a new name? Please note, there's a chance you won't be related to the Jovial Joestars even if you choose their names.]
Hmm… well, seeing as how Araki seems to wear his musical tastes on his sleeve, and this is a video game… thing, I'll go with…
[Your new name shall be Dean Domino?]
Second favorite character from the Dead Money DLC just behind the lesbian waifu. Plus, it's catchy.
[Now choosing the setting for Player. Setting will influence [Traits].]
[Setting has been chosen.]
[Part 2: Battle Tendency, 1937, NYC]
Huh, cool. I always loved Battle Tendency, mostly for the Indiana Jones vibe. At least things are going to be somewhat simple, and it's giving me some time to prepare.
Oh shit, I just realized! I can go watch live Frank Sinatra shows! F_u_c_k yeah!
[Traits are an important part of the start of the game, giving you a few advantages.]
[Choose 3 [Traits]]
[x] Past Memories- You will retain all knowledge of your former life! +5 to INT!
[] Scammer- They say the pen is mightier than the sword, but you know a well sharpened tongue can beat everything! +3 to INT, WIS, and CHA! -2 STR, VIT, and DEX!
[] Knuckleheaded- Thinking may be useful, but it doesn't hurt to have a backup plan, ie a knuckle sandwich! +3 to STR, VIT, and DEX, and -2 INT, WIS, and CHA!
[x] Hamon Prodigy- You are naturally gifted in the mystical force known as Hamon! +25% learning speed for [Hamon] and +1000 MP!
[] Commanding Presence- You are one of those people that you just can't ignore. +50% increase in [Reputation] gains.
[X] Bizarre Destiny- From the day you left the w_o_m_b, something about you has been… bizarre. +10 LUC and a chance meeting.
[Generating character body. Generating complete. Please choose starting clothing.]
Dear Lord I look good! Six foot six with shoulder length black hair and icy blue eyes. And because I'm seeing my new self (that's going to take a bit to sink in), I am very proud of my Leeroy Jenkins. What? It's a matter of pride amongst men, and is the same as comparing boob sizes to each other!
Now, moving on from my mast, I do have an interesting birthmark. A key looking blotch of skin right over my heart. If that's a reference to Vera Keyes, I'll be happy. On the plus side, I can now say I have a literal key to my heart.
Moving onto clothing, I try to keep it simple. Normal trousers, boots, a button-up shirt, and I do include a black overcoat, fedora, and sunglasses, mostly for the cool factor.
Now, what do my final numbers look like?
Title: [N/A]
Name: Dean Domino
Age: 18
Race: Human
Level: 1
HP: 1000
MP: 2500
STR - 10
VIT - 10
DEX - 10
INT - 15
WIS - 10
CHA - 10
Points - 0
Dean Domino is a young man who was reborn as a [Gamer]. And though his past is blank, his potential is infinite.
Huh, that's pretty decent, I think. And I do like the little description at the end there. But what caught my attention was [Stand]. Makes sense, when you think about it. Stands didn't just appear one day in the verse, they've been around… practically forever. And that means I can unlock it. Which means that I'm going to have to find an [Arrow].
[Stand by Me]
Stands are an instrumental, and eventually mandatory, additions to any Jojoverse arsenal. One that you need to get
Find an [Arrow]
Get hit by the [Arrow]