Chapter 33 - My SI Stash #33 - The Aegis of Fairy Tail by BANIX (Fairy Tail) (1/2)
-First SI Fairy Tail fic in the stash. The arcs in this fic are heating up more than Global Warming (´⊙ω⊙`)
Sypnosis: I cannot remember much of who I was, what I did, and where I lived. But I loved who I am now, what I am doing, and where I am currently staying. Fairy Tail is my new home and I loved it. Being an S Class mage is just another bonus. Reincarnated OC (Rated M just in case, but it should be more on the T rating scale)
Rated: M
Words: 159K
Posted on: (BANIX)
PS: If you're not able to copy/paste the link, you have everything in here to find it, by simply searching the author and the story title. It sucks that you can't copy links on mobile (*´ー`*)
-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)
Chapter 1
Where...Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember...
”Hey, there's still a kid alive here. Wasn't he supposed to be dead?”
”Just kill him and get going already. We already got the loot. The boss will kill us if we're late.”
”Yea, yea... gimme a moment. Hey kid, stop squirming around already. Let's not make this even more painful than it already is, eh?”
Huh? Kid? me?
Memories flashed for an instant as I recalled a little of who I was. I definitely wasn't born in this world, and...
Crap. I died, didn't I? Did I just reincarnated? And I'm about to die, again?
One of the thugs walked closer to me as he raised a machete high into the air with his arm. I retreated as far as I could and soon found my back pressed against the wall of the building I found myself in.
”Alrighty, hold still there, this will be over in 3, 2, 1...”
I closed my eyes as I held my hands out in an attempt to push, block, or do whatever I can in this new and tiny body to prevent that thug from hacking me into little bloody pieces.
That blow never came.
I slowly opened my eyes and saw a translucent barrier formed around me. Holy! What was that?! Did I do that?
”Damn! This kid has magic? Hurry up Joe, kill him!”
”I'm on it! But I can't seem to get through this barrier!”
While the thugs were talking, I felt a physical strain trying to maintain the barrier that I had accidentally erected. There's a weird feeling buzzing throughout my new body and I guessed that this was the magic the thugs were talking about. So I had reincarnated into a world of magic? Interesting as it is, the first course of action now will be to survive. Maintaining the barrier based on my newfound magic powers is draining and I am getting more tired every second. The fact that more of these thugs were hacking at my shield doesn't help my situation at all.
Please, someone, HELP!
With a loud boom, a large fist crashed into the thugs that were trying to kill me and knocked them unconscious. The fist slowly shrank in size and I saw who it belonged to. My saviour was a small, balding old man with a thick white mustache. He walked up to me and looked over me with a critical eye. My first impression of him is that he's really short, even from where I was sitting on the floor. I'm pretty sure that my new body is taller than him. He also gave off an aura of comfort, and since I was just informed that magic exists in this world, I guessed that the aura was some sort of magical signature. I cannot explain it. It's like having a sixth sense out of the existing five senses. I don't know how to use it or explain it, but I instinctively knew that what I felt from the old man was magic. His magic was vast, no matter how much I tried to peer into him I cannot measure how large it truly is. I don't think he meant me any harm from what he just did, but I can't shake off the feeling that I had saw this old man somewhere before.
The old man helped me up and dusted the dirt off my clothes while I just stared at him in silence. My mind was still reeling in from all the shock.
”Don't worry about these bandits, they won't be getting up anytime soon.” He gave a large grin as he held out a hand to me. ”My name is Makarov Dreyar, what's your name?”
Holy shit! I'm in the world of Fairy Tail?!
”You wanna go at it, ice princess?!”
”You want some of me, lizard-brain?!”
”Grrrr, come at me you stripper!”
There they go again. One guess as to who's arguing with who.
Eight years. It has been eight years since I had joined Fairy Tail.
The memories of this body that I now inhabit slowly fused with the memories I had of my previous life within my first week of waking up in this world. In this world, the owner of the body is called Elden Tyrell. He used to have loving parents that were killed in a bandit raid, which occurred just as when I first woke up in this new world in the year X770. By all rights, this body should have died from a direct blast of magic from one of the bandits' magic tool. I think that the entry of my soul (if I guessed correctly) into this body had somehow revived it and took over control of it. No matter how I tried, I cannot feel the existence of another being coexisting with me in this body, so if there was a concept of soul in this world, the original soul that possessed this body is long gone. I feigned amnesia when I first met Makarov, claiming that I couldn't remember anything due to the head injury I had. It was only after the first week I spent with him that I slowly told him the bits and pieces of what I could remember about the life this body had before I took over it. Seeing that my only known family members in this world were dead and that I had nowhere else to go, I accepted Makarov's offer to join Fairy Tail. He was on the way back to Fairy Tail from the annual meeting between guild masters when he passed by the town where this body used to live. I would have died a second time if he didn't passed by the area when he did.
After assuming my new identity in this world, I spent an entire day by the graves of my parents in this world. Makarov had kindly arranged a funeral for them. I was still trying to figure out how I took over the body of their dead son. It was not my fault, but I am not going to feel guilty about it. I was lucky to have a second chance in life and I am going to live it to the fullest however I liked it. Still, they were still my parents in this world and I felt like I had an obligation to pay my respects to them and their dead child.
I hoped they found peace in wherever their souls rest now.
The appearance I took on in this world is unassuming. I look ordinary. I have hair as black as the night and my eyes had the same colour as my hair. I don't look ugly, but there weren't any notable features as well except for the colour of my hair. I soon found out that my age fell into the age range of the main cast of Fairy Tail as I was born in the year X763, if the memories of this body serves me right, which means my age now should be 15 years old. Surprisingly, I was one of the earliest members among the main cast to join, only right after Laxus.
Talking about that guy is opening another whole new can of worms.
When I first met Laxus, I decided to put aside my initial impression of him based from my prior knowledge and found that he was actually a nice guy to spend time with. We were the only kids around our age when I first joined and we often spent time together. Outside of training and missions, we will spent time together in silent company. He will listen to his music with his headphones and I will read my books to pass the time. We also studied and trained in magic together. We read any and every book we can get our hands on regarding magic. Through that, we learnt a bit of many different types of magic even though we never specialised in them, only training ourselves diligently in the branch of magic that we were born with. We formed the Thunder God Tribe (yea, surprised me too), and recruited Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow, who we helped rescue from a bunch of slave traders during one of our missions near the borders between Fiore and Bosco. I realised that this was probably the reason why the three of them showed such undying loyalty to Laxus in canon. He saved them from a life of misery.
All went well, and the five of us were the strongest group in Fairy Tail. We were happy. To add on, Laxus and I made a good duo and there weren't many that can stand up to our combined might. We were best friends, even though we spent most of our time in the guild in silence rather than talking.
Until Ivan did something that forced Makarov to excommunicate him from the guild. Laxus changed after that, and became the power-hungry man like how he was initially depicted in the manga. No matter what I tried, I couldn't get my best friend in this world back. Our relationship soured due to our difference in ideals.
I left the Thunder God Tribe shortly after. I couldn't stand seeing Laxus like this, and he couldn't understand why I kept stopping him from doing what he did. He just wouldn't listen to me. I couldn't get him away from his path of self-destruction.
Natsu will accomplish what I failed to do in the future, so I will leave it up to him. Until then, I will wait.
No one other than Makarov knew exactly what Ivan did although I have a little inkling on what it was about. There's a lot about my past life that I couldn't remember, but I remembered enough about the Fairy Tail series. I had finished the manga, but my memory was only good enough until the Grand Magic Games arc, anything after that is a messy blur. There were still some empty spots about the arcs I did remember about the Fairy Tail series, but I have a vague idea on what I could possibly expect from in the future.
So many things to prepare for, so many events to prevent, and so little time to do it.
Over the years, I had truly come to love Fairy Tail as my own family. It's hard not to. Fairy Tail is more than the main cast you see in the manga or anime. There are many other members that wasn't shown or portrayed. In Fairy Tail, with the exception of Ivan and maybe Precht, these people here truly love and accept you for what you are. They treated you as their own.
We are nakama.
It didn't take me long to decide to help them in their future wars/troubles/shenanigans as much as I could. I would have been dead or crazy if it wasn't for them. It was not easy trying to adjust to the fact that I had been thrown into a fictitious world where magic is real. It was not easy trying to pretend you are a kid when you were an a_d_u_l_t. It was not easy trying to act like you don't know things that you know, but were not supposed to know.
Fairy Tail kept me sane, and I loved them for it in spite of all the weird shenanigans that went on around the guild on a daily basis.
Despite my love for my guild, there are things that I rather not deal with, like the squabbles between Gray and Natsu. I wish Master was here, he's away for another annual meeting between the guild masters. I hope the guild doesn't crumble before he returns.
The sound of fists hitting heads reached my ears. Thank you, Erza, you are a life-saver.
”Were you guys misbehaving?”
”N-No. Natsu and I were just practising our magic with each o-other. R-Right Natsu?”
”Good. I know friends do b_u_t_t heads with each other once in a while, but try to keep it down in the guild hall. Understood?”
I could memorise by now what they were going to say the moment Erza set them straight. They always use the same excuse. Erza probably had both her eyes covered regarding this issue as long as they stop fighting. No way is she that stupid.
”Hey tin-can! Stop using your fists to settle everything!” There was a short pause and I used my imagination to fill in the blanks on what is happening on the ground floor below. ”What are you looking at me for? Can't use your brain for once? Is it filled with rust?”
Please, Mira, don't start another guild brawl. We barely prevented one from happening. LET ME READ MY BOOK IN PEACE!
”What did you say, you whore?!”
”See what I mean, scrap metal? You just use your fists to threaten everyone and everything the moment you lose your-”
Damn it, Erza.
I g_r_o_a_n_e_d from my spot on the reclining wooden chair that I was sitting on the second floor. All I wanted was to read my book in peace, was that so hard to ask for?
I left my seat and took a peek down towards the first floor where the fight was taking place. Already, a guild brawl had started. Mira and Erza were duking it out in the middle of the guild hall leaving a pile of unconscious guild members in their wake who were too slow in getting out of their way. Natsu and Gray had taken the chance to settle their earlier dispute. Jet and Droy were fighting for reasons unknown again, probably trying to win Levy's heart. Macao and Wakaba started another fist fight at another corner. Many other members of the guild were starting brawls of their own in their own corners.
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. It's better to just get it over and done with. I raised my hands parallel to the ground as I summoned my magic.
”Barrier-Make: Rectangles.”
Numerous rectangular translucent barriers the size of doors fell onto the fighting members of the guild and pressed them flat onto the floor below, one rectangle block of barrier for each of them. Thanks to the barriers pressing down hard on them, nobody can move from their position where they are squished onto the ground. My barriers are nigh unbreakable for most of them.
”I'm trying to read my book in peace. Anyone who disturbs me again will face severe punishment, am I understood?”
The members of the guild nodded in fear as I purposefully leaked out some of the pressure from my magic reserves. Doing so never failed to solidify the point I'm trying to bring across to the rowdy members of the guild.