Chapter 16 - My SI Stash #16 - Twice Inheritor by bubbajack (MHAxOPMxFatexRick&Morty...) (1/2)
-This is going to be the only story that I have in my stash that is discontinued, it has 500K words and the reading was really worthwhile. It's one of those fanfics that has a lot of crossovers: it's a MHA x OPM x Fate/stay night x Rick and Morty... Crazily enough, the author seem to have made it work atleast, in my opinion!
I wanted to get this story out here, (even if it's already abandoned) to just possibly give the author more motivation to continue this lovely story, gotta have HOPE!!
Also, stream Darwin's Game that anime is going to be huge~
Synopsis: Absent of ideals; absent of ideology and consequently of the highest efficiency. Virtually a machine, an executioner. With Swords that are not his, Strength that is not his, he will smite evil…knowing his broken hands do not deserve to hold anyone. It's a shame that the many girls he ends up saving disagree with him. Izukuxharem!
Rated: M
Words: 518K
Posted on:
-I'll be putting the chapter ones of all the fanfics mentioned, to give you guys a sample if you wan't more please do go to the website and support the author! (And maybe even convince them to start uploading chapters in here as well!)
Chapter 1
Six-year-old Izuku Midoriya was making his way home after possibly the worst day of his young life. His friendship with Kaachan felt well and truly dead after today. It was strained to the limit after he found out two year's prior that it was impossible for him to have a Quirk. That becoming a hero like All Might, for him was not possible, was soul-crushing. Then the bullying started. His classmates were lead by none other than his friend. He could endure that. He could stand being called Deku, Useless by his friend. But then, he crossed the line today. By willingly picking on someone weaker than him! The boy didn't do anything to deserve it, but he did it anyway! And when he stood up to him…well, he'd never seen him that angry before.
'I'm not useless! I can still be a hero, and I'll prove it to you and everyone else Kacchan!' The young boy thought to himself on his way home from school.
As he passed a darkened alleyway, he heard some rough voices shout, ”Oi, you drunk bastard, apologize!”
Peering into the darkness, he found a dozen Yazuka types with quirks ranging from fire manipulation to quill manifestation surrounding an equally odd group of foreigners. The oldest looking of the group was a tall and lanky man with an ashy complexion and wild gray hair, with spittle dribbling from his chin. He was wearing a lab coat over an off-blue shirt and brown pants and shoes.
Hiding behind him looking more nervous than Izuku himself felt was a boy older than he was, with a mop of brown hair on his head and he wore a yellow shirt with jeans. His eyes darting around in a panic.
While the first two looked average, their companions, by contrast, looked like cosplayers. The older of the two wore was a blocky built older man with slicked back gray hair and a full, if wild looking beard, his eyes crimson glowing pinpricks in the darkness. He wore a dark foreign suit trimmed in gray with white gloves covering his hands. Both of which rested atop an ornate cane.
”C'mon guys, let's teach these foreigners so manners.” The one with quills coming out his body said to the others causing them to begin to move forward slowly threateningly.
He didn't even know his legs were moving till he was suddenly in front of the thugs, his whole body shaking in fear, yet he stood firm. ”L-L-Leave th-them a-a-alone!”
”Eh?” The yazuka paused collectively seeing a little kid come out of nowhere. Before moving forward once again, and the leader growled out, ”Get outta the way brat! The old drunk owes me for puking all over my shoes.”
”T-That's a p-poor e-excuse, f-for hurting p-people.”
But the delinquents didn't feel like listening. Instead, the one with the quills who had a layer of vomit coating his shoes took a swing at the boy smacking him aside and causing several of said spines to get stuck in his cheek. ”I said get outta the way you brat!”
Suddenly the Yazuka found his head smashed into the wall, with one eye staring between two fingers he locked eyes with the red-eyed old man who was grinning at him. Yet it was malicious, and his smile was too broad it showed off just how sharp his teeth were, particularly his canines. When he spoke his voice a deep jovial timber, ”Now lad, I realize my friend upset you-”
This caused the scientist to scoff, ”Pff, Friend? Don't flatter yourself, you Twi-hard reject. If anything I see you as a potential [Burp] test subject for some of my more dangerous experiments. Meaning you a little bit more useful than my piece'a'shit son-in-law. Cause at least I can expect you to regenerate from a neutrino bomb. Now can we hurry this along? I really gotta take a shit.”
”Rick, could you please look at the kid. He was kind enough to help us.”
Rick Sanchez turned to his grandson, ”Morty, [burp] we can't just go around helping every Grace, D_i_c_khead, and Todd, that shows up in the wrong place at the wrong time. If anything we should be grateful he chose to be a meat shield and use it to our advantage…Like this!”
”Sanchez, you say some of the sweetest things.” The older man turned his attention back to the punk in his grasp, as an almost palpable bloodl_u_s_t filled the air, ”Now, as I was saying, though my associate vomited on your shoes, that is no reason to harm a child. So be a good little boy, and head on home unless you want to end up like your friends.”
Zelretch Kushner Schweinorg, the Old Man of the Jewels, Dead Apostle and holder of the Second Magic then dropped the now terrified wannabe gangster who ran down the alley a prominent stain in the front of his pants.
Turning to the scientist who was still arguing with his grandson he looked over to the young lad who had valiantly tried to defend them, albeit in vain. He had a messy mop of green hair, a smattering freckles dotting his pale face. Several large tines were sticking into the boy's left cheek. Turning to Rick who by now had somehow put Morty in a leg lock he said, ”Sanchez, come here and give the boy a once over.”
”As soon as Morty says, uncle!”
”Kiss…my…ass…Rick.” Morty retorted, who had reached up and wrapped his hands around his grandfather's throat attempting to choke him even as he was sitting on his back, pulling his leg.
”Enough!” The Wizard Marshal's voice boomed through the alleyway having nothing to do with acoustics, shaking the dust off the buildings.
Rick just stared as the vampire's eyes glowed threateningly brighter before looking down at his grandson, who said, ”Please Rick?”
Huffing, the jaded scientist got off his sidekick and his way over to the injured boy. Taking a tool out of his coat, he did a quick scan with it before flatly replied, ”Kid's got a goose egg on his head, and spines sticking in his face, but other than that, he's okay.”
Can you help him, Rick?” Morty who by now had picked himself up off the ground and made his way over asked, concern and worry in his tone.
”I can.” Yet he stood there doing nothing.
”Well, what are you waiting for?” Morty asked after a moment's pause.
Rolling his eyes, Rick replied, ”I said I 'could' help, I never said I 'would.' [Burp].”
Taking him by the coat and shaking him Morty raved at his callous grandfather, ”God Damnit Rick! I know he didn't have to, but he tried to help us. That's gotta mean something, I mean, cmon!”
Shoving Morty away, the super-genius replied, ”Alright, alright already! I'll help just get off your damn period Morty.”
Hand going into his jacket once more, Rick pulled out a familiar syringe Morty Recognized. ”Hey isn't that the broken bone formula you got from that one dimension?”
”Yep. I [burp] kept some of it, reverse engineered it, and [burp] then improved it. Now it can fix anything short of death. Observe [burp].”
He pricked the boy in the arm with the needle and injected most of the serum into his veins. Seconds later, the keratin-coated spines popped one by one out of his cheek and the goose egg on his head shrunk into nothingness moments before he awoke with a gasp. ”W-Wha-?”
”Easy, you're ok little guy,” Morty said easing him into a sitting position.
Shaking his head, to clear it of cobwebs, Izuku asked, ”What happened?”
”You got [burp] knocked the f_u_c_k out, doing something stupid [burp]. That's what happened.” Rick told the boy standing up.
Sirzechs who had remained quiet this entire time, finally spoke up, ”On the contrary, I found him to be quite the courageous little hero.”
[Burp] ”Of course you did.”
Sirzechs continued on as if Rick hadn't spoken, ”Yet I can't help but wonder why you would get yourself involved with us?”
Standing up on shaky, nervous legs, Izuku replied, ”Y-You were a-all in t-t-trouble. T-that's all-l the r-reason I-I n-n-needed.”
Upon hearing this, Zelretch couldn't help himself. He threw his head back and laughed. 'This boy, so reckless, so willing to put himself on the line for others, he reminds me of him.'
Turning his crimson gaze onto the young lad in question, ”You remind me of someone I knew once lad. You act just like him. Tell me, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
”Ah-I…I r-really want t-to be a hero, sir.”
Hearing this, Zelretch grinned showing his fangs, ”Yes, you're just like him.”
The young boy suddenly became glum, but I'm not sure if I can though. I don't have a Quirk.”
A cough was heard, and Rick rudely interrupted, ”It's not like I hate to interrupt your trip down memory lane or anything, but I thought you brought us here because you claimed you found the quote 'best katsudon in the multiverse' end quote.”
Smacking his cane into his open palm Zelretch got back on track, ”Right, so I did. To Katz-Sedan.”
”Katz-Sedan?” Izuku questioned.
”Yeah, you've been there? Is it as good as they say?” Morty asked, having never had Japanese food before much less the 'best in the multiverse.'
”Yeah, you could say that…my mom's a chef there.” Izuku admitted.
Zelretch put his hands on his face and exclaimed, ”Oh. My. God! Your mom…is the chef…At Kats-Sedan?”
”Well then, what're we waitin' for, lead the way! Consider getting us a bite to eat a thank you for savin' your sorry butt.” Rick said grabbing the boy by the arm and dragging him out of the alley only to be stopped by Morty who said, ”Rick! We can't take advantage of a little kid!”
Only for Izuku to interject and say, ”It's fine. A-After the day I-I've had, s-some katsudon sounds good r-right about now.”
”You heard the kid Morty, let's go!”
By the time they arrived, Izuku had managed to stutter out the history of the Katz-Sedan restaurant. It was owned by the businessman Don Neko. He tried opening two businesses before Katz-Sedan really took off. The first was a pet shop geared towards cats. It went out of business in ten months. So he reinvented the store, turning it into a Sedan dealership. That lasted a year and a half but still ended up sinking. But, before it got bad, he reinvented his store again. Taking leftover bits and pieces from his previous stores he opened up a restaurant.
As they entered, they could see exactly what the young boy meant. Seats out of cars had been converted into booths which circled around the establishment, the legs of the tables consisted of cat trees. The floor was red and black checkered linoleum, and in the middle of the open floor was a giant square flat top grill which had several people cooking over it. Customers could pick what they wanted in their katsudon and then the chefs would cook it right in front of them. It was something the owner picked up when visiting America.
As he walked in with his…acquaintances? Yes, the young boy supposes that would work, he was met by Neko-san himself. He was a balding if kindly and well-meaning man who always looked after his employees and treated both them and their families well, ”Ah, Midoriya-kun, how are you?”
”I-I've had better d-days Neko-san. H-How are y-you?” he asked bowing politely.
Looking the boy over and seeing him covered in scorch marks his clothes covered in dust, the owner of the katsudon restaurant frowned but nodded, ”Yes I see. Well then, have a seat with your friends, and I'll bring a menu right over yeah? I keep a table reserved in the back just for you.”
Izuku's face lit up like a tree on Christmas before he muttered out, ”T-thank you s-sir. B-But you don't need to do that.”
”Think nothing of it, my boy. I'm sure you'll make good use of it when you bring all your future girlfriends here on dates.”
”G-G-Girlfriends? I don't have any g-girls who are my friends…Anymore anyway. And what's a d-dates?”
Laughing awkwardly due to forgetting the young boy's age, Neko-san told him, ”You'll figure it out when you're older. For now, just go have a seat. I'll be by in a minute with menus.”
Izuku was confused, but he just decided to nod and do as the older man said. Leading the group towards the back were several bright red bucket seats had been set in a circle around a large round table with enough space to seat almost thirty people.
Taking their seats, Izuku ended up in-between the older boy and the man with the cane. 'I don't even know their names.' He realized with a start.
Deciding to rectify that, he pulled on the sleeve of the elderly man with the cane. When prying crimson eyes locked onto his green one's Izuku froze. Yet he smiled like a kindly grandpa, but the effect was ruined somewhat by the grin revealing his canine-like fangs. ”What's wrong lad, something on your mind?”
”I-I just realized I-I d-don't k-know your n-n-names.”
Giving an awkward little chuckle the elderly man bowed slightly at the waist, and introduced himself, ”We did skip that part, didn't we? I am Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. But you can just call me Zelretch. Everyone does.”
”I'm Morty, and this is my grandpa Rick.” The older boy on Izuku's opposite side commented.
”[Burp] Sup kid?” Rick greeted after taking a sip from his flask.
The cosplayer spoke last, ”I am Sirzechs, Sirzechs Louis Cipher.”
”N-Nice to m-meet you a-all, I'm Midoriya Izuku…” He then paused for a moment considering his next words carefully before finally saying, ”Forgive me for saying t-this but, f-for foreigners you a-all speak j-Japanese p-perfectly.”
”I travel a lot,” Zelretch replied.
”I'm a polyglot, it runs in the family.” Sirzechs chimed in.
”I [burp] created a throat lozenge that can teach anyone [burp] any language.”
Izuku looked at the elderly scientist in wonder, ”Really?” Seeing him nod apathetically he asked, ”Do you have any that would teach English?”
This caused Rick to smirk, ”Only four and already looking to cheat the system huh?”
”N-no, I w-was just.” Izuku tried to deny only for Rick to ruffle his hair affectionately and say, ”Good for you kid. You recognize school for what it is, a bunch of crap used to indoctrinate children, and teach 'nem a bunch of bullshit.”
Reaching into his coat pocket, Rick pulled out a rainbow colored lozenge, and forcing it into Izuku's mouth said, ”Hope you don't mind tutti frutti, English is kinda the bastard love-child of a lot of languages, so it tastes like that.”
”Oh, and what's Japanese taste like?” Zelretch inquired his crimson eyes gleaming with mirth as Izuku started choking, his face turning a hue of blue.
”If you must know, it tastes like grilled fish and soy sauce. I wonder what vampire tastes like. Care to donate so I can find out?”
”We taste like ash and mildew, or so I've been told by a friend of mine.”
Rick nodded before taking a swig of his flask while Morty proceeded to smack Izuku on the back, ”I bet you [burp] do taste like ass.”
”Ack.” After a final good whack on the back from Morty Izuku finally managed to swallow the lozenge that had been trapped in his throat.
”You ok Izuku?” seeing the boy nod, Morty turned to his Grandpa and said, ”Rick you almost killed him! Not cool man!”
”Almost only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and [burp] attempted murder Morty.”
Before the boy could retort, Don came back with their menus. ”I'll give you a moment to look this over. But before that, drinks?”
”Do you [burp] serve sake? Cause I'll have some of that. When in Japan do as the Japanese do right, eh, amirite? Hehe you know I am.”
The waiter and proprietor's smile seemed forced before turning to the young boy and saying, ”How exactly did you meet such a…colorful cast of characters Izuku-kun?” Before telling the men, ”Yes we do serve sake.”
”He was kind enough to help us out of a rough spot with some delinquents on our way here,” Zelretch informed the man.
”Wubba Lubba Dub-dub! Let's get smashed! Sake in the house! [Burp]!”
Shaking his head at Rick's enthusiasm, Don turned to the two minors, ”And you two?”
”Soda?” They both said at the same time.
”Coming right up.” He scribbled on his menu before walking off.
After he walked off, Rick asked his host, ”So, anything, in particular, you'd recommend kid?”
”I'm a fan of s-sauce Katsudon myself. They smother the pork cutlet in Worcester sauce.”
”Well, I know what I'm getting.” Rick leaned back in his bucket seat, hands on his head, placing his feet up on the table as he did so.
”Have you decided?” Don asked returning with their drinks and shooting Rick a mild glare for having his feet on the table. Something the old foreigner completely ignored as he was currently too invested in picking his nose.
After their orders were placed, the Wizard Marshal turned to his mousy host, ”Midoriya, I have a question for you.”
”Y-yes Zelretch-san?”
The Dead Apostle Ancestor chuckled, ”Just Zelretch is fine.” His grandfather façade dropped, and his face and tone suddenly became deathly serious, ”Just how far are you willing to go to become a hero? Would you endure great pain, suffering, and emotional turmoil just to have a chance to achieve your dream?
”I-I-”Izuku locked eyes with the elder vampire his gaze firming, all fear and hesitation leaving him. When he next spoke, his tone was clear and unwavering, ”I will do anything to become a hero. To save people with a smile, that is my dream!”
The intensity in his eyes wavered, and the shakiness returned as he asked, ”W-why do you a-ask, Zelretch-san?”
Just then, their food arrived, and the Old Man of the Jewels replied, ”I'll tell you after we eat.”
As Izuku graciously accepted his meal, he couldn't help but wonder what the odd man wanted to say to him in the back of his mind.
Plates, empty sake jugs, and four glasses of soda were stacked in the middle of the table while the now satisfied occupants picked at their teeth with toothpicks. Rick let out a contented sigh, ”Ya know, I had my doubts considering this recommendation was coming from a walking corpse, who's even more of a piece of crap than me but after trying it myself-Best-Katsudon-in the multiverse. [Burp!]”
”I'm glad you enjoyed my cooking, sir.”
Izuku's eyes lit up upon hearing that voice, ”Mom!”
Sitting up, the foreigners beheld Inko Midoriya for the first time. She was a curvaceous woman with pale skin and violet eyes in her early thirties, with her midnight black hair tied up in a simple ponytail. She was wearing a pink uniform with a frilly white apron.
Morty was the first to regain his wits, ”Thanks for the food Mrs., it was awesome.”
”It's no problem young man it's good to see my son making friends. Tell me how did you all meet?”
Izuku jumped in before anyone could speak up, ”T-they needed directions here, and I was on my way anyway after s-school so I-I showed them the w-way h-here.”
Mentally sighing, the young boy was glad he could spare his mother any undue duress. That was, until…
”Yeah, after you got knocked the hell out by a bunch of thugs for trying to be a hero. [Burp!]”
”Izuku…” Seeing the tears gathering in her eyes, he tried to explain, ”Well, I-I saw them in trouble, and I couldn't just sit by and do nothing.”
”And the next thing you're going to say is, you could've gotten hurt!” Zelretch said while pointing a finger at the elder Midoriya.
”You could've gotten hurt!” Inko blinked staring at the grinning elderly man with the cane, ”How did you do that?”
”Years of practice. Now, Midoriya-chan, I would just like to point out that your son is fine. He what he did was very foolish yes.”
He paused, and Inko picked up where he left off chastising her son, ”Especially since he doesn't even have a-”
”I know!” Izuku cut his mother off, raising his voice to her for the first time in living memory. ”I know I don't have a quirk, I know I can't do anything! But if I stood by and did nothing, how could you expect me to look at myself in the mirror the next day or any day after?”
Before a touching moment between mother and son could occur, the Wizard Marshall cleared his throat and announced, ”About that talk, I wanted to have with you Midoriya-chan. What if I told you that my…Quirk allowed me to give you superpowers?”
”Give me superpowers? A Quirk?” Seeing the man nod he gripped him by the collar of his coat and all but yelled, ”Can you really do that?!”
”I can.”
”Why?” It was Inko who asked this. It's not that she wouldn't be grateful for this man for helping her son, but for him to seemingly appear out of nowhere and apparently grant a miracle seemed almost…Too fortuitous to be believed.
”Well I have to pay him back for his aid, directions, and free food somehow don't I?”
”Free food?!” Izuku inquired panicked. He knew he didn't have any money on him, and even if he did, Izuku also knew he didn't have enough to pay their collective tab.
”But of course! Your money's no good here kid, not when your mom's the reason for my success.”
Looking past his mother, Don standing behind her wiping his hands on his apron. ”The food is free…the amount of alcohol you all consumed on the contrary…”