3 One for ten. (1/2)
As the goblin horde marched the sound of drums filled the air. Most of the villagers working in the northern outskirts were quickly slaughtered by the advancing horde. The treasurer was missing on a business trip and Sir Galahad was wasted. Leaving as the only capable people left the priest and the captain of the men at arms which quickly organized a meeting about how to mount a defense.
As the most experienced in the matters of war. Captain Hank was the first to speak, and he spoke with a solemn voice.
”Markos we only have ten peasant men inside the walls. Together with the ten men at arms, we have a force of twenty men. If we add our lord when he sobers up we have twenty-one. There are over five hundred goblins outside the walls. Our only chance is that some fleeing farmers inform the baron, and he hopefully sends relief force quick enough to break the siege before we have been overrun otherwise we are doomed,”
The Priest Markos nodded and said calmly.
”Indeed, Let's hope that we can last long enough and that the baron will, in fact, sent reinforcements rather than just hold in Gragon. It is not like we have any other choice. But what do we do with the women and children?”
Captain hank then said with a hint of desperation.
”The women and the girls will hide inside the keep as for the boys older than ten they will join the defense that should give us five more fighters give or take we can arm them with slings. As for the peasants we are gonna give the good shots bows and arrows and the bad ones spears to defend the walls lets hope we can survive this for long enough.”
Markos then said.
”I will pray for our salvation. Send anyone moderately wounded to the temple I should be able to heal them back up to fighting shape. Tomorrow will be a hard day prepare for the worst.”
After that Markos walked away Captain Hank sighed and went to organize an effective defense. First, he grouped everyone together and split them into five groups one for each side of the wall and one as reinforcements and or replacements. Each group had two men at arms, one peasant archer, one peasant”spearman”, and one kid slinger. He also organized the women and children to gather rocks, pottery and other miscellaneous items and stack them close to the staircases in each side of the wall and also prepare fires to boil oil or water. Finally, he gathered everything and anything he could to reinforce the wooden gate from furniture to carts, to even kitchenware.
While this was happening the goblins were happily pillaging the farmlands surrounding the Hamlet Highkeep. At about noon the goblins stopped ravaging the land and set camp outside the range of the hamlets' archers. Soon after goblin wolf riders patrolled around the camp changing shifts every two hours for the rest of day and the following night. When the set up of the camp was done the sound of song and laughter reached as far as the hamlet.
Meanwhile, the first survivors reached Gragon informing the Baron about the incoming goblin horde. With that information in mind, the baron declared martial law and everyone quickly gathered inside the Town of Gragon. The baron then prepared a militia of about two hundred men. He also sent five messengers to request the rest of his knights to raise their banners and meet up with him at the town of Gragon hopefully in less than two days at which point they will then march to save or liberate the hamlet of Highkeep from the goblins.
In the morning when Galahad woke up and went down to have ”breakfast”, he was quickly informed of what transpired yesterday. Furious that those subhumans would attack his fief he had his squire help him don his ancestral plate armor and grabbed his two-handed battle hammer storming out.But not before giving permission to his squire to don his old armor and arm himself. The duo then headed for the barracks As the knight went inside everyone stood up and bowed.
After Galahad signaled for them to rest, he asked in a heavy tone.
”Where is the captain of my men at arms Hank?”
A young brown-haired woman said.
”My liege he is organizing the defense on the northern walls.”
Galahad smiled nodded and said.
”Thanks, fair lady. I would love to stay in your company but I need to go.”
The girl bowed and said.
”I am thankful to be of use to my liege”.
After that Galahad left the barracks and headed towards to the northern wall were Captain Hank was sternly looking over the goblin camp. When he reached the base of the walls he shouted.