52 Chapter 52: Family Reunion (1/2)

Killer Crown top_notch 36680K 2022-07-24

”I'd be happy to let you meet the rest of the family. They've been waiting on you.”

”That sounds great Yoyo, how does this weekend sound?”

”Sounds perfect. I'll talk to Ricky and-”

”No need to speak with him. He said that he'd come too.”

”Oh...are you sure he'd be comfortable with that?”

”Well yeah, why wouldn't he be?”

”Well because our family is black and i'm not sure how the old heads would react to you being married to a hispanic man.”

”Can't you talk to them?”

”I can try but they're old school, they think that we should stay in our own race...kinda why i'm still single.”

”That's ridiculous.”

”I agree but as much as I try to convince them, they get even more set on the idea.”

”I'm sure once they get to know him, they won't mind.”

”I hope so baby sister.”

”Before I let ya go, I have a question.”

”Yeah what's up?”

”Do they know what you do?”

He sighs into the phone,

”They think that i'm ceo of some snobby company. It's partly true, my buddy and I own the place together...”

”It's a front for money laundering, right?”

”H-how'd you know?”

”I've killed several people who did the same.”

”Right...well I should let you go.”

”Ok, bye Yoyo.”

”See ya this weekend sis.”

I hang up and sit in one of the chairs. I cover my face in my hands.

'Oh my god, I don't know if i'm cut out for this life.'

I hear the door slide open and Ricky steps out,

”Kaz, you okay babe?”

Hearing him ask me that makes something inside me break. Hot tears spill over and my hands begin to quiver.

”Ah shit, c'mere love.”

Ricky scoops me up into his arms. Being by his side has always makes me feel secure but something about all this is just...too much for me.

”You wanna talk about it mami?”

I sniffle,

”No. I just want...”

”I know what you need Kaz.”

He gets his phone and calls someone,

”Yo, get snacks and find a good horror movie. We'll be down there in a few.”

I look up at him,

”Movie night? With my husband and my brother?”

He nods,

”You're the fucking best Ricardo.”

He wipes away a tear and gives me kiss. The taste of cigarettes still linger on his tongue.

”Likewise, now hurry up before he eats all the food.”

[The next day]

'What do people wear when they meet their family for the first time ever?'

I look through my dressers and make my way into the walk in closet.

”Oh my god! The fuck am I supposed to wear?!”

I collapse on the floor,

”Maybe i'll just reschedule.”

”No can do mami. We leave in ten.”

I kick my legs up and put them under his shirt. His warm stomach feels nice against my cold feet,

”How about I pick out something for you?”

”Ok but nothing that makes me look like a slut.”

He chuckles,

”Ok weirdo. Get up.”

He helps me up and slowly snakes his arms around my waist. I can feel his warm breath on the back of my neck.

His voice is deep and calm,

”Solo respira mami, sé que te amarán.”

(Just breathe mami, I know they will love you.)

”But what if they don't? What if they find out about me, about you?”

”Then that's their loss, but no what if's. I know they will.”

He pecks my cheek,

”Whadda think about this?”

”Hm, you have pretty good taste Ricky.”

”Thanks, but we've really gotta get going Kaz.”

”Right. Lets do this.”


”How you holding up kiddo?”

”I'm nervous.”

I look in the overhead mirror and glance at Ricky. His face is stern and emotionless.

'I've really gotta make it up to him.'

”We're here.”

Yoyo pulls up in front of a house that has several cars parked in its driveway and in the streets. We all step out of the car and walk up to the door. He goes to ring the bell but before he has the chance to, the door swings open and a young girl runs up to him.

”Uncle Yoyo! I missed you!”

He picks her up and kisses the top of her head,

”I missed you too, now where's your mommy?”


She looks at me,

”Who's the pretty lady?”

He puts down the child and pushes me into the house. So many people who were once lively and buzzing all stop and stare at me.

”Now I know some of y'all may be a little shocked, but this is her. My beautiful sister, Kazmaria!”


I feel like the world has been frozen. No one says anything.