30 Chapter 30: Nowhere (1/2)

Killer Crown top_notch 24640K 2022-07-24

I've always loved looking out the window. I like to imagine that everyone that passes us is in a rush to get home to a loved one.

Or maybe they have to make it to an important business meeting. I like to think that someone needs them to be there. They're needed and loved, something I can't quite relate to.

I look over at Ricky. He griping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turn white.

”Do you wanna talk now?”



”Ricky please, it's been a least eight hours now and I know you're tired. Pull over and let me drive.”

He keeps his eyes on the road.

”No, I'm fine.”

His body language says otherwise. I sink down in my seat.


I continue to look out the car window.

The little clock on the radio reads 3:27 a.m.

'How long does he plan on driving and where the hell are we?'

”Well if you want to drive this long I might as well stay up with you.”

His eye twitches a little,


He quickly glances at me,

”Pass me that water bottle.”

I look in the cup holder and grab the water. I go to twist the top off but something's off, it has a strange smell.

”Uh, are you sure this is water?”

”Why wouldn't it be?”

I smell it again,

”Yeah, there's no way i'm letting you drink this.”

I roll down my window and try to pour it out.


I look at him, his eyes are dead and his face is showing no kind of emotion at all.

”Roll it back up.”

I do as i'm told.

”Good girl. Now drink it.”


”I said, drink it.”

He doesn't yell at me but I wish he had. That way i'd know that he still has some kind of feelings. But he didn't, he commanded me to do it, like I was a dog.

My hand shakes as I put bring the bottle to my lips.

”Drink all of it.”

I chug the liquid down. It burns my throat and makes my eyes water.

When I finish I toss the bottle on the floor of the car.

”That's a good girl. Now just sit back and let it kick in.”

”Let what kick in?”

My head is spinning,

”What did...you...”

I can't finish my sentence. Whatever was in that bottle had already taken effect on me.


'Ah, my head is killing me.'

I look around and see that i'm in a bed.

”What the...”

I cautiously get out of the small bed. I seem to be in some kind of wooden cabin.

The small bag I had packed is sitting nearby on a desk and my sword placed beside it.

A small window of light coming from under the door grabs my attention. I make my way towards the opposite side of the room and open the door.

”So i'm right. This is a cabin.”

A wave of comfort washes over me as I take in the smell of wood.

The front door swings open and Ricky walks in.

”Well well, look who's up.”

He walks towards me and reaches for my arm but I flinch.

”Where are we and w-what did you make me drink?”

His eyes are soft,

”Why'd you flinch like that? Are you scared?”

He takes one step forward and I take one back,

”N-no, can you just tell me what's going on?”

'Am I afraid of him? Is this fear? If so, why do I enjoy it?”

”I had to get out of the mansion,”

He sits on the couch,

”That call was used to track your location. I suspect the girl you talked to the other day wants you out of the picture because she's planning something.”