Chapter 223: The Moment Long Hui Fall In Love With Yu Qi (1/2)
Long Hui held Yu Qi's hand firmly. They walked along to the road heading to the greenhouse to take Long Hui's car. However, the step that they took was very slow. They wanted to enjoy as much as possible being together.
The night was very beautiful because it was accompanied by moonlight. It was a full moon. With the breeze wind, the night was calm.
It was a perfect time to take a stroll. They were enjoying the night time.
"Thank you." Long Hui said out of sudden.
"What?" Yu Qi could not understand why he thanking her like this.
"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you to accept me. Thank you for living until I meet you. Thank you..." Long Hui wanted to say more but Yu Qi stopped him.
"Stop." Yu Qi knew if she did not stop him now, she could think that it will take a long time to finish it. "Me too. Thank for coming into my life."
They were smiling at each other.
"Why do you choose me?" Yu Qi asked the question that bothering her for a long time. Long Hui was a handsome man. He could choose another woman. She bet a lot of women tried to get Long Hui's attention.
Long Hui chuckled when he heard that question. He did not expect she would ask him that question.
"At first, I'm interested in you when you are skillful aiming at the robber." Long Hui said.
"You meant when we first met?"
"Yeah, but at that time, I just interested in your skill."
"That time, it was my luck when I shot that man." Yu Qi protested.
Long Hui smiled. He knew that she was skillful at that time. Well, he would let things like this.
"Then, when I heard you were going to kidnappers by yourself. I did feel scared. I did not want anything happens to you. Then when I saw you were killing those men, I understand that I already falling in love with you."
Yu Qi's lips were twitched. Did he say he was falling in love with her when she killed men? Meh, never mind. He did fall in love with her.
They finally arrived at the greenhouse. The car was still here. Yu Qi went to the security office and greeted the security guards and thank them for the night patrol. The security guards touched by her thank.
Yu Qi entered the car. Long Hui already inside. They left. After fifteen minutes, the car arrived at Godly Herbs. Long Hui was cursing in his mind because they were arriving at Yu Qi's house too fast.
"Well then, see you next time." Yu Qi wanted to exit the car.
However, Long Hui prevented it to happen by grabbing Yu Qi's hand.