20 Chapter 20: Easy Win and Humiliation (1/2)
In rubbles of wall, kaito is groaning with pain
”What just happen?”
???”Hmm, thats odd, you are not injured at all, did i miss?”
kaito is unable to understand what happen and who is that person?
then Myl response
He the one who hit you and he is also our target, Reo Takahasi, his puch was enough to seriously injured you, even after strengthening your body, i have created a spatial distortion around you at right time to save you from impact, but i can't keep doing this, it takes lots of energy.
but why he is attacking me? i didn't done anything yet.
kaito then get up from rubbles and look toward
”Ojisan, how shameless you are to punch a child like this”.
”Ho, but a child will not able get up after getting a direct hit from me, seems like that idiot was telling the truth”.
”well, you're right at this point, So tell me how did i offended you, in my knowledge i never met you before today”
”Don't blam me kid, i don't have any enmity with you, but you touch the daughter of my boss and injured her guard, So be a good kid and let me beat you, so i can show your regretful face to Miss”.
???”i told you, that you are a dead meat. Reo, why are standing there? beat him up”.
its a same girl and her bodyguard, he met before in restaurant.
that evil bitch, she again creating problems for me. Myl tell me, what you need from the target?
You just have to get fresh DNA sample of him, if it is blood sample, then it would be much better.
Its a good thing, that i bring needle and syringes, but the question is, how am i gonna get his blood in this?
”lets do this old man, after you, i have to teach some manners to your Miss”
”Reo! broke his legs”
”okay Miss, but you will be the one who's gonna explain it to the boss”.
then Reo came in front of kaito
”Don't hate me kid, its your own fault”
saying that he twist his hand and punch toward kaito
Hmm, he may be excel in strength, but he can't be faster than me.
then kaito dodge his punch by taking a step back and punch him in his his face, but he couldn't able to even slightly move him from his place.
”i have to say kid, if you haven't met me today, you have been living a good life. you think, if you're little bit faster and stronger than normal people, then you can beat me”
then Reo disappear in front kaito's eye and reappear behind him, punch him with more strength then before, his speed was faster than before and even faster than kaito current speed.
Myl created a spatial distortion around kaito on time but it dissipate after one hit from him, and send him flying toward another wall, to save him from the impact, Myl create another barrier of spatial distortion.
without giving kaito time to response, he keep attacking him, kaito is barely able to defend against his attacks with the barriers created by Myl.
kaito! i can't create barriers anymore, so be on your guard and try to defeat him with your powers.
i can't win by taking it easy, i have to think of something quick. i can slow down time, but if i use too much output, it may kill him. Myl, Can you compare his Max strength and speed with me.
Strength : 500/3000
Speed : 500/4000
Okay, that good enough
then kaito activate his power his power with 50 percent output to slow down time 12 times.