Chapter 95: Tutor Of Torture (1/2)
The Demon commenced his maniacal laugh as he zeroed his distance to Marcus. He yanked the chains strapped all over Marcus with his obsidian hand and hurled his levitating body into the door... into the blinding lights.
It was bright. Maybe too bright for Marcus's eyes that it almost took a whole minute for him to adjust to the light which greeted his eyes.
Yes, His powers were taken from him, So it made sense as to why his eyes took time to get along with the radiance.
Radiance?. Maybe not. The brightness before him existed just for a moment as the vision dulled yet again, carrying his eyes to a familiar, rocky floor.
He still wasn't fully awake from his shock of getting thrown into the light by his inner demon. It was alarming somehow, even the light, it seemed to scrape his body a bit.
”Where am I now?”
He intrigued himself as he raised his head to look around. His torso, his hands, were still chained by three of them, parallelly aligned on his torso, but his lower body was free of any restrictions.
He was on his knees, his Capri was shrouded in dust. But the floor was rocky... devoid of any type of dust.
*Tch* Now was not the time to question minor details. The bigger question which loomed before him was the question Marcus inquired to himself.
Where was he?.
”Oi, Oi, Marcus... Let's just start the turtoring session don't we? There's a lot to cover, for the little time we have...”
The familiar and deep voice of his inner demon met his ears behind him. Marcus took a peek behind, his eyes still carried terror in them. He peeked to view his demon embodiments its obsidian coated body.
”The blue haired brat outside might wake up anytime soon, I must ensure that you wake up before him... If he learns about his powers... Damn won't we have a bit too much trouble in our hands.”
The demon nodded as he walked past Marcus, staring into the pitch darkness of a familiar abyss.
”Let's begin... KEKEK”
The Demon laughed as he clapped his hands together.
On the command of his clapping hands, Marcus was yet again thrown into the air and was made to levitate. His legs were free, so with most of his efforts, Marcus tried to wriggle off the chains on his hands and torso.
But he knew one thing, they were going to be just in vain... and they were.
There was no way the bindings would free him, so he coped with the lower body freedom he begot currently and just agreed to go with the flow.
He remembered what his system had said, that this was going to be the most crucial turn about ever to happen in his life as a 'Guardian' at the very least.
He had to ensure that he went through his 'new' glitched 'Suppressed memories' which he was going to endure throughout... No which he had to overcome!!, with a psycho demon who feigned as his tutor, who seemed cool yet hostile towards him, his inner demon.
”You remember this place, Marcus?? Kekek?... If not I'll just help you... this is where it all started..”
The Demon paused, he was grinning like a maniac when he turned half of his face towards Marcus, his other side which wasn't visible was most probably foreshadowed by pure evil intent.
”What are you talking abo...”
His voice stifled. Marcus's eyes went wide as he spied the floor and the area around him.
”Ho Ho Ho... Now you realize where you are Marcus?... Kekekekek”
The Demon laughed yet again as he brought Marcus closer, he brought Marcus behind him with a swipe of his finger.
”You are right now in the memories of your Guardian Trials... This is the first dungeon, I guess you didn't know about the dungeon's name. It's called 'The Axe's Army' ”
Marcus, on his side, was wordless, he wasn't stupid that he didn't know where he was, it was in his expectations that he might visit his times in the guardian trials, but what made him go wordless was something else, something else which was now ringing inside his ears.