Chapter 86: A Festival Of Surpressed Memories (1/2)
”I can sense it...No, haha I can see it in your eyes. You know how death feels like, don't you?. I know this makes no sense but I feel like you died at least a hundred times before.”
{At Himself}
Raka was staring at his memory self who was a few meters away from and was speaking to the man beside him, to Marcus G Orno.
He shook his head and strolled away from them. The land under him felt so real as his legs sauntered over the grassy land.
Raka halted his steps as he learned his memory was taking place in his pocket dimension, which was just another one of those infinitely looping pocket dimensions that solely pivoted on the user's mana capacity.
”Now what was that?”
Raka let his voice escape through his mouth while he gradually diminished himself to a squatting posture and then to a final laying posture.
His phrases knocked on his door like a query as he raised a question to himself about what he had said, what he had said to Marcus the time they fought.
In return, his brain was sharp and quick to find a response to that as it surmised the purpose of his complete bullshit of a speech.
”Yeah, the Rilebots. All I wanted was to buy some time for the Rilebots to do their work”
His hands opened up before him and he shook his head as he blurted out his response to the question.
”And I have been successfully disseminated to a memory *sigh*”
A frigid yet sluggish breeze whirled through the atmosphere, decreasing its surge as it slowly touched the blue haired man who was lying on the ground with his limbs spread open wide and lenient.
”It's strangely soothing... the wind... *yawn* it's making me... sleepy...”
His eyes were heavy. They slowly blinked a few times before completely shutting down. Raka was sound asleep.
Thin whiffs fled through his mouth as he breathed in and out, every whiff departed unhurriedly and peacefully as if they had all the time in this world. It was equanimity at its pinnacle...
”And she just went 'will you be my valentine?'... hehehehee *Chuckle*, you should have seen his face when she said...”
”Oi RAKA!!!”
A robust palm glid across his face, making him bounce out of his slumber.
Raka was on the ground, his eyes open and broad, striving to deduce the jolt of a slap he just transpired to collect... and why a familiar face of a girl was peering at him.
”Am I too boring for you genius??”
The girl got on top of him with a perched-up eyebrow and a pout. She clutched his floral shirt's collar and shook him violently.
”Hm??... Fiona?...”
Raka blurted out as his eyes struggled to negate the blur out of his vision. His eyes darted around for a second before clinging back to the raven haired girl on top of him.
Why did this girl seem a bit too familiar to him?. Why did this girl seem a bit too synonymous with his childhood friend?.
It wasn't late until his intellect struck his buzzer. Maybe it was his childhood bestie. But it somehow felt delusional... like a dream. Or was he in a dream?. The last thing he could recall was somnolently sleeping inside his pocket dimension.
Or did he?. His remembrances cycled yet again as another rendition of his recent beheld picture flickered inside his psyche. He saw himself, there were two of them, two of the same Raka in his dream.
One was spewing articles at Marcus and the other one examined the one who spoke. Yes, he remembered them, the one speaking was trying to buy time for his Rilebots whereas the other one stood as witness to what happened.
The reminiscences were a lot more precise than before. He was dreaming, the one who observed was none other than him contemplating his fantasy virtually.
Soon he witnessed the transition which brought place. His memory dimmed for a short second like a bulb struggling to keep up with the voltage while he discerned the actions of his replicas. Especially the one who appeared latter, the observing Raka.
His doppelganger, the one who was observing, left the panorama towards a more peaceful area. His hands in his pant pockets and head bobbing to an inaudible tune.
His replica, with a sudden stream of thoughts, decided to lay down on the grass-patched floor. Even though the vision he was having wasn't old as it just happened recently, the real Raka couldn't recall anything faster than the memory which was casting before him, in front of him and his red eyes.
It was as if it was forbidding him to go beyond what he was seeing, it was as if it was forbidding him to not look deeper into something... But what was his mind trying to say?
Raka was lost in his train of thoughts as he gaped into the air, into a vacuum, into a void. His memory didn't budge... and neither did his replica. He thought the recollection was over, but it was not.
His discerning eyes once again scanned through his counterpart, who was on the ground, sleeping.
SLEEPING?. A slumber inside a dream??...