Chapter 47.2 - Ariadya For Those Who Becoming Rich (1/2)

Chapter 47.2 : Ariadya For Those Who Becoming Rich

「Well, the thing is…」

Clasus began explaining the situation that happened on the same night we fought Shirone’s childhood friend.

It was the fifth day of the coliseum battles, three weeks after the founding festival of Ariadya.

Unlike our homeworld, the gladiators in the Ariadya Coliseum weren’t only human. Most of them were demons, the coliseum being the main reason so many of them were captured and transported to Ariadya.

The majority of the captured demons were Orcs, but there were also some creatures from the more beastly races, such as Lizardmen, Werewolves, Centaurs, and the half-human-half-fish Merlows. There were even Lamias, snake demons with the upper body of a woman.

The captured demons were all gathered in a training facility on the outskirts of the Republic.

The problem Clasus needed help with was recapturing the demons that escaped the facility. Whether the prison break had been planned by the prisoners themselves or they had external help was up in the air. It was still under investigation.

On top of having some extremely dangerous demons accompanying them, as they left the facility, the escapees had snatched some weapons from the institution’s watchmen.

The Republic couldn’t leave such a grave matter unattended.

As the General responsible for public order, Clasus reached out to Ariadya’s allies, seeking help. From there, Vice President Tarabos asked us for help.

Being a country that conducted most of the continent’s trade, Ariadya’s destruction meant the circulation of money in the human territories would come to a halt. It was supporting the demonkind’s plan to defeat humanity.

Due to the aforementioned reason, the price of food had practically doubled, heavily affecting the citizens. Worst-case scenario, the food shortage could lead to a rebellion from the populace.

Although Ariadya’s food stocks were nowhere near that dangerous level, the matter needed to be resolved as soon as possible. That’s where we came in.

I snuck a glance at Reiji.

「I understand. I suppose we should go now.」

Reiji spoke with the same arrogant attitude.

Just like that, our mission in the region was decided.

Clasus smiled at us with gratitude.

「Thank you very much.」

「By the way, General Clasus. Of course, we’ll do everything we can to help, but I’m curious. This country should have its own soldiers. Why aren’t you using them, instead?」

Since it was an internal problem, they should’ve been trying to solve it by themselves, and not just relying on outsiders.

Once I pointed it out, Clasus became very uncomfortable.

「As expected of the Black-Haired Sage, nothing escapes you… Truthfully, we’ve already dispatched out knight order, but…」

He seemed almost embarrassed to continue.

「What happened? 」

「The truth is… Well… The knights we sent after those demons that escaped… They were annihilated.」

I was speechless.

According to Clasus, on the second day after the prison break, every nation in the Ariad Alliance sent their knights to help subjugate the escaped demons.

The escaped Centaurs were found by the knights on the Minon Plain. There were 23 centaurs against 300 knights.

The knights charged ahead without a care, intending to capture them. They acted as if it was just another subjugation effort.

As a result of underestimating their enemy, more than half of the knight contingent perished, while the Centaurs had zero losses.

I was perplexed. How stupid those knights were, picking a fight against Centaurs on a plain, their home ground.

The Centaur race as a whole was a cavalry army composed of archery masters. No normal human would be capable of winning against them while fighting on a plain or a prairie.

They were omnivorous creatures, with bodies many times more powerful than humans. The arrows fired by their powerful vows flew farther and faster than any arrow fired by a human.

Also, a Centaur’s arrow pierced through unenchanted shields and armor as if they were made of paper.

Their horse half endowed them with great mobility. They could easily outrun the knights who chased after them with their clunky, heavy metal armor.

Perhaps the knights of the Ariad Alliance were defeated without landing a single hit on the Centaurs.

Originally, there weren’t any Centaurs on the Minon Plain. Hence why those knights were unaware of their devastating power on flatlands.

Nevertheless, the knights that managed to survive chased the Centaurs until it became too dark to see. Once night fell, they stopped their chase and started building camping grounds to rest.

Although it would’ve been impossible, theoretically they should’ve taken refuge somewhere else.

The whole region seemed quite lax toward the danger demons represented. Almost all of the knights who survived the battle lost their lives in a night raid orchestrated by the Orcs.

Something bugged me about that.

「Did those orcs attack in a group? 」

「Yes… According to the few knights that managed to escape, they were following a chain of command.」

「Then… Are there any superior species among them? Did any superior Orc escape the training facility?」

Common Orcs were unable to establish a village. However, there was a time when a superior species of Orc created a village in collaboration with the lesser species.

Orcs who could command an army were an extremely dangerous existence since such an army would be able to destroy one or two human nations with ease.

Compared to other demons, the superior Orc species was a priority. We had to defeat them as soon as possible.

But, Clasus shook his head.