Chapter 43.3 - Battle For The Bond (1/2)
Chapter 43.3 : Battle For The Bond
「Before that, show me your face, Kuroki! ! 」
I removed the Dark Knight helmet.
When she’s looked at my face she basically glared at me.
「Good……… I understand. Now you won’t be able to run away, Kuroki.」
After saying so, Shirone demolished the castle wall as she unfeld her wings, and flew outside the castle.
I invoked my own flight magic and chased after her.
After we left the confectionary castle, it started to move. It seemed Kuna already gave her order to the Myulmidons.
You’re a good girl, Kuna.
I stood facing Shirone in the middle of air.
She suddenly threw a tanthrum at me.
「BU BEH! ? 」
For some reason I couldn’t dodge her fist which resulted in me receiving it from the front.
「W—- WHat are you doing……..」
I questioned as I pinned my nose…
But she didn’t stop throwing her tanthrum.
「Shirone……. WA……….. OI STOP IT!」
I said so and stopped her hand from hitting me.
「Just how much do you think I was worried for you? ! ! 」
She looked at me with an angry expression on her face.
「Eh………. You were worrying about me? 」
「That’s obvious! ! What in the word were you thinking about? ! 」
「I mean, I thought that I was the only one always worrying about you……..」
Yes, the one who was always worrying about her was me. The opposite never happened before. Shirone was prone to plunging herself into unknown and dangerous situations thanks to her strong sense of justice. She usually fought against people way bigger than her.
I couldn’t help but feel anxious about the possibility that she might encounter a dangerous situation someday.
「Why, why were you worrying about me? ! 」
She asked, still in an angry voice.
「I mean…….. You’re always thoughtlessly poking your nose into dangerous situations…. You might do so to save others but, it’s me who always worried about your safety whenever you did that kind of dangerous stunt……..」
Shirone made a dumbfounded face in hearing me saying those words.
「Eh? Really? You were worrying about me? 」
I nodded.
「I told you so many times before to stop doing such dangerous things… alas……….」
Nevertheless, she always ignored my words…………
「Come to think of it, you did say that to me. Uhm, but it’s okay. Reiji-kun will save me even if I fall in a dangerous situation. You don’t need to worry about me.」
Placing her hands on her waist, Shirone replied as if it was the most natural matter in the world.
What the hell was this girl talking about.
Reiji is undoubtedly powerful. And for some reason he’s always running to save a damsel in distress. Meanwhile Shirone is a beauty, even in my opinion as her childhood friend. He might really save her if things turned dangerous.
And he might be able to do something in the matter of the Rox kingdom even without my intervention.
That’s why there was really no need for me to worry about Shirone.
「If that was the case, then you can forget about worrying about my situation……… You can feel at ease.」
In the first place, what in the world was she worrying about? Modes is a nice guy and I had a companion called Kuna. So there was no need for her to worry about me.
「What the heck is that! ! Like hell I’m not worrying about you when you’re standing on the Demon King’s side ! ! 」
Shirone shouted those words at me.
Yeah, that may be true in normal circumstances but…….. How should I explain this matter so that she could understand.
「Come with me to Reiji-kun’s side, Kuroki! ! You must not stay in Nargol! ! 」
I shook my head, denying Shirone’s outstretched hand.
「I…….. Can’t go with you. My place is in Nargol.」
I made a promise with Kuna that I’ll return to her side. I had to go back.
In the first place, there was no way Reiji was going to accept me. It only took a glance to realize that despite taking in woman, Reiji never willingly accepted any man. Shirone wasn’t noticing that fact because she was a woman.
Moreover, I was also unwilling to go to their side, so I won’t.
「…………. Yes」
As soon as I said that, Shirone started trembling furiously.
「ISeENoW! ! SO It REaLlY wAS As CHIyUKI-SaN PreDIcTEd! ! YOU ArE A ClOSeD PeRVErt sO TheRe’S No WaY You CaN ReFuSe ThE WiSh oF SuCh a CuTE GirL! ! WHy DiD YoU TaKe ThE SiDe of ThAt SiLvEr WitCH And tHe DeMOn KinG Who CAuSed sO MaNY PeOPle To SUFFEr? ! 」
Shirone screamed at me with such a scary tone. [TL : Yandere Mode]
「Modes isn’t a bad guy you now………」
Shirone was misunderstand that fact. That was why I couldn’t let this misunderstanding persist.
「Like hell I’m going to believe that! ! As I thought, Kuroki became strange, strange, STRANGE! ! 」
But my attempt failed immediately.
Should I tell her again?
She basically wasn’t even listening to me. For some reason, it was as if she didn’t want to believe me from the very beginning.
Yup, it might be because of my lacking virtues.