v2 Chapter 66: Enjoy this victory (1/2)

Zhang Heng looked at Armstrong next to his eye, and found that the latter was watching the deep valley intently. He didn't seem to notice the sudden sound in the communication channel, and the other side was located in the ground control center in Houston. There was no reaction to the line being invaded.

Zhang Heng realized that this voice was likely to be heard only by himself.

”You need to make a choice. You only have 19 seconds of fuel left,” the voice reminded.

Zhang Heng looked down again. The surface there was rugged and unsuitable for landing, but the deep valley on the opposite side looked equally dangerous, and Zhang Heng did not know what was behind the deep valley and whether it was still undulating.

If he doesn't know the exact amount of fuel left, he prefers to take a bet here, but now with the hint of that mysterious voice, Zhang Heng has finally made up his mind and steered the lunar vehicle to the deep valley.

”Very brave choice. You still have 13 seconds of fuel and 640 feet above the ground.”

The voice in the communication channel continued, and at the same time told Zhang Heng the most needed parameter data, which also allowed Zhang Heng to regain the current status of the Eagle after losing the dashboard.

The lunar module is getting closer and closer to the deep valley. If other people are changed at this time, Zhang Heng's decision is likely to be questioned. However, Commander Armstrong remains silent, and he decides to trust the driver's judgment.

The program alarm sounded again, the red alarm light flashed, and the rapid sirens sounded particularly harsh. Armstrong simply shut down all alarm systems to prevent Zhang Heng from being disturbed again.

The height of the lunar module is gradually decreasing. They are now located over the huge deep valley. Looking down from here, they can only see a darkness, like a huge mouth, waiting for food.

”... 7 seconds remaining fuel, 315 feet above the ground.”

Because of the lack of fuel, Zhang Heng did not ignite continuously, but chose to glide once after a certain distance. The moon's gravity is only one-sixth of that of the earth. Even if there is not enough power, the Eagle will not immediately fall.

But now they are getting closer and closer to the deep valley under their feet. Fortunately, with 5 seconds of fuel left, Zhang Heng finally saw the other side of the deep valley. From here, the terrain is very flat and it is an excellent place to land.

So the question now is whether their fuel is enough to get there.

Zhang Heng checked it. They were still about 1.7 kilometers away from it. It still takes a minute and a half at the current speed, and their height from the ground is less than 50 feet. Basically, they are about to reach the rock wall of the deep valley. It was flat.

Zhang Heng had to consume another two seconds of precious fuel to raise the taxi height of the lunar module.

The remaining fuel he needed to adjust his attitude and slow down when landing, so this was almost the last fuel he could use.