Chapter 58 (1/2)

I may not have actually met him, but I have a very good reason for hating Endo Edward.

If I were to sum up his personality in one word it would be ‘arrogant’.

‘How to be a good king’, was drilled into him ever since he was a kid, I guess you could say it worked. Everyone around him praised him for being a prodigy. He was showered in praise and great expectations, they called him ‘the perfect heir’.

Being raised in that kind of environment led to Endo believing he really was the most amazing person in the whole kingdom.

Of course he would end up looking down on others and thinking he’s god’s gift. The fools around him just kept encouraging him, so his arrogance has only grown worse over the years. Well, that doesn’t change the fact that his personality is rotten. Everything was just as it was in the game, well outside my interference anyway.

To put it mildly, it was impossible to get along with him.

I wondered if just like in the game he would have that firm belief gently melted away by Michelie. It does make me worry about the future of this kingdom a little.

Only idiots would think they are god’s own gift until their mid teens. I wish they would use their brains. Let them meet Mariwa and then see how smart they think they are. Raising Endo strictly, but in a world wrapped in cotton wool. Unfortunately the Crown prince is still caught in his own delusions of superiority.

Thinking he’s unparallelled even though I, who prides myself on my genius, is not only in the same country but also the same generation as him. Honestly, his arrogance is annoying.


Even though a genius such as I is right here, to think he had surpassed number one, just how conceited can he get. I try to remember to forgive his crime as simply that of one who does not know the outside world, and yet the way he acts is infuriating. Even just remembering his lines from the game make me feel sick. It’s not just His Highness Endo that I cannot get along with, cannot get along with anyone so arrogant and pompous.

Be that as it may, my opponent this time holds quite a lot of power. He is one of the few people who held more power than a Duke’s daughter such as myself. Because of that I’ve tried my very best to never, ever, come into contact with His Royal Highness.

I knew that if we came into contact – we would fight.

Even worse, of course, I would end up winning. There’s no telling what he would do if he had his pride shattered by someone younger than himself.

I tried so hard to avoid him, and now he ends up forcing me to meet him. And for some unclear business. The letter only invites me to visit him, it doesn’t mention anything about why.

Even now, as I make my way to the royal palace, I have no idea what his goal is.


I’m being following a servant who is guiding me through the palace. As expected of a royal palace, all the furnishing and art displayed in the hallway are in perfect taste. Even just walking through it in passing I could tell how much effort went into it.

Even once we arrive at His Highness’ room, with all the thoughts going around in my head I still haven’t figured out what’s going on.

But surely there’s no real reason to be worried.

I am a lady. No matter who I am faced with, I have the courage to hold my smile and laugh. It’s like that. Even if he is the very portrait of self conceit, my force of will has been forged as hard as diamond by Mariwa. I will endure.

With my decision to endure, the servant walking in front of me stopped. We had arrived at our destination.

“Your Highness. Lady Christina Noir has arrived.”

“Hmm, she’s arrived, huh. Come in already then.”

Hearing his tone, I internally frowned. What a rude reception to someone like me, who was but a step behind the royal family as the fiance of a prince and daughter to a duke.

Even if I was already annoyed having only just stepped forward, this much was fine. This was simply the ripples of a single drop in the wide pool of my heart. It hardly affected me.

I tried to calm the worried expression of the servant with a smile. To be able to apologise with just a look, the servant was quite experienced.

Seeing my composed face, the servant opened the door. With that encouragement – I entered the room.

Waiting inside for me was a boy just a few years older than me, with blond hair and blue eyes. His bright eyes were for some reason narrowed in displeasure, rather than the fluffy blond hair Charles has, his was dead straight. Even though the siblings shared many features, overall he had a harsher look about him.

Entering the room quietly, I glanced briefly at His Highness Endo before curtseying.

“Christina Noir, here in reply to your invitation. Today-”

“Aaah, let’s just forget about that stuff for now. Don’t waste time with such foolish lip service. Sit there and wait.”

Even though I prepared a polished curtsey, His Highness did not seem to be at all impressed. On the contrary, he cut off my greeting with a frown. His behaviour made it clear he thought my formal greeting were annoying, to that I internally clicked my tongue.


He has no idea about efficiency. A person who did not understand the importance of manners was disagreeable for this reason. Someone who does not understand the subtleties of personal relations can never be seen as noble by others. To think that even on a first meeting he doesn’t even try.

Though I could think of a very suitable complaint, some as modest and steady as I would never dare to abuse a member of the royal family. Following His Highness’ instruction I sat at the prepared table.

“Well then, Christina Noir. Before we talk about why I’ve called you here…leave us.”

Instead of opening his mouth to return my greetings, he instead ordered the servants to withdraw. The one’s most shocked by his command were the servants in question.