Chapter 18 (1/2)
Translator: Jawbrie
For complete strangers, Charles and Mishuli had a lot in common.
They both had similar appearances: blonde and blue eyes. You could line them together and introduce them as siblings and no one would be any wiser. Of course, they were in reality, cousins whose blood ties were quite close, so this degree of resemblance was not unexpected.
And now these two were staring each other down.
I was a little stumped at this unexpected turn of events.
As someone who knew of ‘Labyrinth Destiny’ I had been overwhelmed with an unfounded anxiety that something irreversible would occur if these two should meet. Some may laugh at me, but you could say that I had been scared of fate. I had been so worried that if Mishuli, the protagonist of that story and Charles should meet, something would happen to this reality. Maybe this bug known as Christina would be fixed.
But what of the reality of the current meeting?
“… !”
Well, they were staring intensely at each other, but it was not quite the atmosphere of a fateful encounter. This was without a doubt, there first time meeting, and yet they glared at each other as if seeing their mortal enemy, angry sparks were flying.
What was especially surprising to me was that the ever-loving Mishuli was staring hard at Charles. My archangel who was always overflowing with kindness, she had such a strength in her eyes now, as if to show that she would not back down.
This was also quite adorable.
I see. So Mishuli was now capable of showing that she would not allow herself to lose a fight. She’s grown so much. I started to feel a little moved after seeing this rare side of her. The stare-down between the two finally seemed to end.
It was Mishuli who turned her gaze away to end this heated battle.
Though she was the first to look away, it was not because Charles had overpowered her. Mishuli casually walked towards me after taking her eyes off of Charles.
And as if to suggest that Charles was not something worth looking at, she completely ignored him and jumped into my arms.
“I was so lonely without you!”
“Me too, Mishuli!”
There were several distracting things about this situation, but it was still my top priority to embrace my beloved sister who had come to me. I brushed away all that I had been thinking about and accepted all of the happiness that leaped into my arms.
“I’m so happy to see you, sister!”
“Fu fu. I am happy to see you too. …But, Mishuli. Why did you come all of a sudden… Do you not usually have more a patience?”
“I’m sorry. But today, that one, Charles, or whatever his name is, ruined everything and we were separated. So I felt much, much more lonely than usual. …Am I in the way?”
“No. That’s not…”
“Yes, you are in the way.”
A rather gruff sounding voice interjected.
“Chris. Who is this?”
It was Charles who had come in without hesitation. Perhaps he did not like being ignored. He stood a little distance away from us hugging siblings, his brows were narrowed as he glared at Mishuli.
“Mmm, ahh, sorry, Charles.”
It was indeed a great error of mine to have left Charles, a guest. I could not blame him for being upset.
“This is Mishuli. She is my beloved younger sister. Is she not cute!”
I boasted with my nose in the air, but Charles only mumbled.
“I don’t think she is cute at all…”
“What did you just say?”
I needed him to modify that unfathomable answer, and so I gave him a threatening smile. But Charles just looked the other way.
Even if he were just hiding his own bashfulness by beholding the brilliantly adorable Mishuli, this was not an agreeable way to behave. Apparently, Charles’ special sensibilities included his tastes in people as well. If he could think that Mishuli was not cute, then his taste for the arts could only be twisted and outrageous.
He had my sympathies, but such defects in one’s personality did not heal in a day or two. I would have to be patient with him, polishing and teaching him to be able to understand Mishuli’s cuteness.
I started to immediately put together my plans for educating Charles, who had said such nonsense about Mishuli not being cute. Next, I introduced Charles to Mishuli.
“Mishuli. This boy is Charles. Remember? The friend I told you about before. He is quite important. So, for form’s sake, you should greet him first.”
“Um, okay. …Nice to meet you, Charles.”
After my suggestion, Mishuli did a polite bow. She did not use any honorifics, but I suppose it did not matter in this setting. After all, Mishuli still didn’t even know who he was.
“I am Mishuli Noir. Christina’s most ‘beloved’ younger sister. It is nice to meet you, Christina’s ‘friend’ Charles.”
Mishuli was not quite skilled with words yet, but she did her best in her own words. I could not help but smile at this great feat of Mishuli, who had managed to finish. Even though there were moments that were a little shaky.
Mishuli’s adorableness had been overflowing in her introduction, but for some reason, Charles had thinned his eyes in irritation.
Why would he be upset? It did not make any sense. There were slight flaws in Mishuli’s greeting, but it was more than enough for a five-year-old who had not started her education yet. In order to shower Mishuli with praise for her accomplishment, I started to pat her on the head.
“That was very good, Mishuli. That’s my younger sister!”
“Eheheh. Yes! I am your beloved younger sister after all!”
“…Then, it is my turn isn’t it.”
I don’t think it was on purpose, but Charles once again interjected while we siblings lovingly embraced each other.
According to etiquette, it was indeed Charles’ turn to introduce himself, yet the conjunction ‘but’ entered my brain.
Judging from his words and action up until now, it seemed quite apparent that Charles had not been formally educated in etiquette either. His way of speaking did suggest he was of noble birth, but that was it. He had not been properly educated yet, and for better or worse, he was free and not yet shaped.
Well, well. I wondered what kind of introduction he would show to me now. I found myself a little excited to see as Charles opened his mouth.
“I am Charles Eduard. Chris’s ‘fiancé,’ Charles.”
I mentally furrowed my brows at Charles’ introduction.
It was not very skilled at all. The parts that he emphasized were strange. He hadn’t even revealed that he was royalty. This introduction lacked important details and contained unnecessary ones, I don’t think I will be able to give him a passing score on this one.
That was my general reaction, but Mishuli’s was quite different.
Mishuli’s eyes widened after hearing Charles’ short introduction.