Chapter 15 (1/2)

The day Charles would come to visit me had arrived, I felt a little excited.

I loved to dress up for important occasions: making me look nice by carefully choosing clothes and accessories   make me happy. Not a part of my naked body I was ashamed to see or felt obliged to cover it with layers of beauty cloths, but I loved dresses.

In short, I wanted to be more beautiful than usual for that special occasion. After all, I should have welcomed the third-born prince with the due treats, shouldn’t I?

I chose a white and blue dress, totally different from the one – red – I was wearing at the ball. The corset was intense blue with white lines, embellished with golden buttons; a train white and soft as cream fell down from my shoulders to the ground, covering the back of the skirt. The contrast was exquisite.

The first one I saw was Mishley, whom I had called in my room:

<< So how do I look with this gown? >>

<< You are beautiful! >>

I was the only one who was so elegant that day: my sister, who would have been so cute even if she had dressed in rags, immediately approved my choice. Never mind if, being just a little girl, her vocabulary regarding “compliments” was rather poor. She kept repeating to me that I was beautiful:

<< Gorgeous! You were beautiful with the red dress, that swishhh! But with this blue one, so pouff! Soft, you are even more beautiful! You would be beautiful with anything! >>, she told me with her eyes bluer than the noon’s sky.

I found the way she had tried to express what she was thinking very tender:

<< Hey, thank you! >> – I strutted a bit – << But it’s normal! After all, I’m your sister! >>

<< Sure! And, by the same token, you are certainly the nicest and best of all! I wonder what Charles would think of all these compliments you did to me! >>

<< What? >>, She asked me with a gaping mouth, << Charles…? >>.

<< Forgive me, I forgot to warn you: do you remember when I talked you about him, don’t you? He’s the boy with whom I’ve made friends at the dance! Since he’s coming to see me today, I thought I should look the part! >>

<< Yes, yes >>, I said, << I want to let him know what I’m capable of! >>

<< This dress… for your friend Charles… >>

I interrupted my confabulations and looked at my sister: I do not know why, but suddenly, every trace of joy had vanished from her face. Even her blue eyes and golden hair seemed to have lost brightness.

<< Mishley? >>

<< Chris… >>

What was going on? While trying to find out by investigating her expression, she lifted her head staring at me:

<< You’ve put this outfit for him only, didn’t you? >>

<< Y-yes! >>

Of course I did, was he or was he not the third-born prince? Yet, Mishley’s question seemed to imply something else: I suddenly felt oppressed and judged by her hard gaze.

<< Yes, that’s it Mishley. I wore it for Charles >>

<< Ah. I understand >>, she answered without hiding her disappointment.

<< You will meet him shortly, won’t you? >>

<< Yup… >>

I perceived something strange in her, something more threatening than simple – and sometimes even cute – jealousy between sisters.

<< Mishley, but what’s wrong with you? >>

<< I will be on my way, Lady Christina >>

I was about to stop her and ask an explanation when they knocked three times at the door:

<< Miss, the Prince is about to arrive. If  you are ready, I would like you to follow me! >>, said a voice from outside.

<< Ehm… yes, I’m coming! >>

What a great timing! I couldn’t leave situation with Mishley hanging like that! As soon as the maid announced the imminent arrival, I had heard her murmuring with tight teeth:

Her look was biting, I had never seen her like that before.

Unfortunately, I could not pull back: in addition to being a prince, Charles was first of all my friend, it would not have been right to neglect it. I caressed her on her head to say good-bye:

<< Sorry, Mishley. Now I have to go… >>

She did not answer.

I decided I would have arranged things with her later.

I turned to the door to answer the maid, and at that moment I felt someone was holding me off. Mishley clutched a flap of my dress between her little hands.

<< What’s up? >>

<< Chris… >>

I noticed that her eyes were damp and that she was barely keeping from crying:

<< I do not want you to leave… I feel alone without you >>

Faced with such a love manifestation, I opened my eyes wide: it was not like her to show her feelings so openly. She had a passive behaviour and it was very rare for her to open like that.

I knelt to better look into her eyes:

<< … yes! >>, on her face a smile flourished as she threw to my neck. I returned her enthusiasm by hugging her tight.

<< You are not going to leave me for someone else, aren’t you? >>

<< That is, NEVER! Not even to for that Charles, do you? ”

<< That is! It will be fine, IT MUST!!! I  love you so much!!! >>

<< Me too, Mishley! >>

Laughing, we kept playing at which of us loved the other the most. That was our little paradise, an ideal world my angel sister had built just for us – some kind of pure, imaginary Eden, where happiness I had never felt before reigned.

Unfortunately, an out-of-the-way voice abruptly interrupted the magic that had been created: