Chapter 11 (1/2)

I have changed names a little. Let me know If you like the previous names. I will edit it

Friendships which children huddle each other stand the test of time. They will guard forever each other’s secrets.

This is because it is difficult for children to break their promises: to adult eyes their honesty is enviable. I was so sure that the secret that I and Charles we sharing would have been safe for eternity.

I smiled to myself satisfied, because my plan was carried out exactly as I had imagined.

I hesitated a lot, but at the end I had won and Charles had been a less formidable opponent than I thought: he should had to undertake more to reach my level of wits!

<< Chris, what are you laughing at? >>.

<< Eh? See Charles, for this: because we’ve just become friends. I’m glad! >>.

I certainly could not tell him what I was really thinking! So, after having shot such a falsehood, I realized one thing: this was the first time in which I became friend with someone for convenience.

Charles looked at me in awe and with a defiant look:

<< Chris, you’re laughing again >>.

<< Come on, what’s wrong?! By the way, Charles …>.

The question came to me spontaneously and, since we were among friends and no one was listening to us, no frills courtesy I asked him:

<< But, what were you doing here? >>.

Didn’t seem like to have seen him in the ballroom: if he would had been there before, being the prince’s third son they surely would have introduced him to me.

So he was having nothing to do with the ballet which was taking place in the hall.

<< I came to read a book >>.

<< To read? >>.

Judging by his answer, I realized that he must have escaped from the party too.

Looking closer I realized that all this time he had held in his hands a thick book with a red cover, perhaps illustrated.

I looked around: we were in the dark, in the garden, because the sun had already set long ago, and it was barely possible to distinguish our feet in the moonlight.

<< How can you read? >>.

<< I can not read anything because … it’s dark >>, Charles replied sadly.

Just the answer I expected.

<< Yeah.. I see… >>.

Probably he had come here to read during the day and thought to come back again in the evening, without realizing that with no light he would not been able to read a single word. He was just a baby! I was almost about to smile.

<< Listen, Charles >>.

I thought that this should have been the right moment to teach him a bit of label:

<< Would you please give me that book for a moment? >>.

<< Why? Can you read it even if it’s dark? >>.

<< Charles, keep in mind what I am about to tell you: knowing how to read is not the only talent which can be exercised through books! >>.

I set the volume on my head and began to make turns, making the wheel with the skirt of my dress and laughing defiantly: the book had not moved a centimeter!

<< See Charles! Books can also be used for that! >>.

<< Wow!!! >>.

It was already the second applause I received that day: I was very proud to have demonstrated to Charles that I was a well-educated girl.

I took the opportunity to show him one last thing which I learned from Marie.

<< Listen Charles >>.

<< What, Chris? >>.

I returned the book holding out my hand:

<< We can hear music from here also… what about to dance? >>.

<< What? >>, he asked incredulously, staring at my outstretched hand.

Then he looked down, mortified.

<< I cannot dance already, I… >>.

<< But I can! >>.

In front of his bad attitude, I decided to take the initiative:

<< Come on, give me your hand! >>.