15 14 (1/2)

Flying Sparks Seitan 21800K 2022-07-20

I woke up to someone sobbing my side and a female voice asking someone when will I wake up. I saw a Walton with crying eyes and a Lara with letting out a sigh of relief. With my still weak hand, I slowly raised it up, cupping Walton's face. His crying stopped and made a surprised face.

”I haven't died yet have I Walton? Don't be crying now.” I gave him the signature smirk of mine before he nodded. His warm hands cupped mine as hegently cradled it, as if I was about to float away. I looked at Lara snd signalled her to give me a bottle of water and she nodded.

When I got the bottle, I put it against Walton's face. I gave him the gesture to drink. He then drank out of the straw provided as I was still holding it. I let out a small chuckle and moved my thumb, gently carressing the cheek, telling him everything was okay.

After a long while of silence, Lara broke it by asking.

”Milady, the last spell you used was amazing! How did you do it?” That question struck me out of nowhere, it left me with two options. Tell them it happened suddenly or tell them the truth. Weighing between my two options, I decided on the first one.

”I just did it? It isn't much anyways.” Walton and Lara both had this shocked face as they processed the information. I honestly won't blame them. Most wizards here stick to one type of element magic. It takes complete mastery of the primary element before even attempting the secondary element.

”But you guys have come face to face with it before?” They nodded slowly, still mouths open wide.

”But Milady is awesome, being able to attempt using a secondary element magic.” Lara nodded along with that statement. Both of them then explained the events which happened afterwards I fainted. Apparently, the people that were hit had minor wounds but mine was a deep wound which cracked some of my bones. I was told that I'm not allowed to practice magic. I nodded and hopped onto Walton's back before heading to class.

The walk to class was unsurprisingly noisy. People wanted to see the person who ended the monster with a secondary element spell.

”Wow, it's really the previous Queen!” ”Of course, what did you expect from someone that came in second after Raymond?” ”Raymond must have been regretful to let her go. Like she's so pretty and powerful.” ”I know right, she's just so perfect!”

Perfect? That word brings so much distaste on my tongue. I'm scarred both physically and mentally. What makes everyone think I'm perfect, I'm the definition of old and broken. I sacrificed everything to get this far, it should not be perfect in any way.