12 11 (1/2)
Without a general sense of direction, I ran towards the forest. The sun was setting and I figured I get home. I snapped my fingers for my broom and it came. Not caring if I left everything at school, I just went home. When I reached home, everything was serene. Pictures of my parents and I, happily in different places. The flower field, the beach, even the mountain looking at the sun rise.
I knelt down in front of a picture. The picture was of our happy family, gathered in for a smiling photo. My voice cracked as I started to cry.
”M-mama... P-papa... I-I hurt s-someone... I d-did not mean to.. He will n-never forgive m-me..” I cried and cried for a few hours before going off for bed. I huddled into a ball and let my tears stain my bed.
The next day came too fast. The light was shining through bits of my black curtain onto my face. Then my alarm clock rang again. I slammed the alarm clock with my hand, making the annoying ringing noise stop. I went back to sleep, not wanting to face what happened yesterday.
Then came my doorbell being rang. The sound resounded throughout the whole house a few times, making me crawl off my own bed. With small and weak steps, it took me a while to get to the door. I sat on the floor and yelled open to the person outside. After what it seems to be a few minutes, the person outside came in.
Walton saw the state I was, hair all over the place and I was in nothing but a shirt and shorts. He carried me to my couch and gently placed me down. He took a hairbrush from a nearby stand and started to make me look nicer. His soft hands caressing my locks as he combed it. Quickly noticing that I wasn't wearing a long-sleeved shirt, I turned my hands around, not wanting to show my cuts.
”I have known about your cuts Milady. I found the blade next to you and your opened arms. I decided to not talk about it since it will bring you discomfort.” I sighed and kept quiet in his presence while he continued.
”Enough. I hurt you, why did you come back? You could have broken our contract. You could have also taken Lara in as your servant. I checked it, she's a lower rank than yours.” I scoffed and refused to face him. He went around and stayed in front of me. He knelt down on both knees and held my hands.
”Milady, I did promise you to follow you for the rest of my lifetime. Also it was a gentleman's duty to protect a lady. I would have gave my life for you if it helps you to survive.” By the end of it, I was crying.
”You idiot servant. I didn't teach you to risk your life for me.” Walton just smiled and dabbed my eyes with tissues.