5 04 (1/2)

Flying Sparks Seitan 20670K 2022-07-20

Walking back to the class sure got me a lot of attention, unwanted attention that is. Wearing the white cape was extremely the worst. Teachers even asked me if I was back with him. Which I had to agree since if I didn't, my whole history was going to be spilled. Opening the door with grace was the hardest thing. The urge to just slam the door was tempting. Even so, attention was on me once again.

”Did you really get back with him?” ”You're so lucky, I wanted to be with him!” ”I hope you two have an everlasting relationship!” I waved them all off as the teacher walked into class with a disoriented grunt.

”I know the news has spread around now but I need you guys to sit in your seats so we can start class.” And everybody went back to their seats once they sensed I wasn't going to deal with them. Class finally started and it was peace and quiet.

- Time skip till end of school -

Till the bell rang that is. Once I finished packing, I was surrounded by a mob of people. I covered my ears, wanting the noise to stop. My mind was about to explode till there was silence. I felt this presence right by the door and looked over. And it happened to be Raymond and the Council members.

”Sorry ladies and gentleman. I have a date with the Queen. Please excuse us.” He dragged me out of the class, with both our brooms in hand.

”What is it that you want Raymond.” He then stopped and held my chin again.

”To make you my Queen, a King must make sure the hatred is gone first. So I'm taking you on a date.” My face was of literal shock. He then started walking away without me.

”Wait up ugh! Don't take my broom! Also get your filthy hands off my family treasure.” I swiped my broom back from him and dusted off any contact on my broom. I hopped onto my broom as it activated. I followed him to the edge of the school as he hopped onto his own broom. He signalled for me to follow him which I did.

We reached my hometown and stopped by the cafe. But, I work there. Would he be able to see me work? Oh no, I don't want that. We went in and were greeted by the waiters who were wearing butler uniforms.

”Welcome back Master/Mistress.” They chorused. The staff then noticed me and asked me why I was there as a customer instead of a staff. I explained my situation and begged them to not tell my boss. They nodded and continued their own business.

We sat down at a round table situated near the windows that was a seat for 2. A waitress came by and handed us the menu before leaving.

”What do you want to eat?” My eyes scanned through the menu and found the item which I wanted, which was the strawberry cheesecake. I pointed the item and showed him and he nodded. We also ordered drinks which were the cafe's specialty.