51 Taking a Ride (1/2)

Next day, back in the house

-”So we got this all planned out, right?”


-”First I will distract your aunt with my mum when she arrives here, while you go into your dark secret underground lab to get the medicine and...”

-”We don't have a dark secret underground lab!”

-”...to get the medicine that will keep me alive for a couple of hours during my time outside, right?”

-”Right. But I will go along with you. Got that!”

-”For the last time, you can't go with me, they will get suspicious if none of us were to stay there! One of us has to be here and keep them busy, or at least observe them!

And well, I know where to look for my lost keepsake, you don't. Got that?”


-”Damn, you are endangering the success of our plan!”

-”And you are endangering your life with this mission-bullshit! You know who is gonna kill me, if I were to get you killed because of this stupid idea, your mum and my dad would. btw, I still can't believe I agreed to this.

-”And I can't believe you lied to me about not having any way go get me out of here - alive.”

-”I didn't lie, I just didn't tell you the whole truth. I am not allowed to take away stuff from my aunts lab!”

-”Once I have found my keepsake, you and I are quit.”

-”Still coming with you.”

-”No, you won-”


Both of them looked at each other, and then started moving out.

There wasn't enough time left for arguing.

While Cecile walked into the direction of the secret underground lab, Arthur made himself ready to see his mum again. His face was pale from being nervous.

Walking down the stairs he heard steps drawing near and a woman appeared in his sight.

-”Arthur, my boy are you all right?!”, his mum instantly recognized him and went up for a hug.

-”Nah, haha, mum it's okay. No hugging for me now, I have caught a little cold *fake cough*, I don't want to infect you or something...”,

he couldn't possibly tell her about his broken ribs and several other injuries he had because of that escapade.

Arthur was still injured and only alive thanks to some magic potions that the Oak family had given to him without strings attached. If it wasn't for them ....

-”Arthur, are you really alright? You look a bit-”

-”Forget about this mum, don't you want to see the house? I also want to introduce you to Miss Daisy, Mr.Oak and Gary...”

His mother's eyes started shining in a mysterious light suddenly.

-”G-Gary...did you just say that... Gary was here?! Where is he?!”

-”Do you know him by any chance?”

-”A-alright mum, do you want to meet him? I could introduce you two to each other, and he might sign you an autograph-”

-”KYAAA! That's a perfect idea my son, brilliant! Let's get going, chop chop!”

His mother wanted to drag him by her hands, but luckily he escaped her grasp.

It took some time but in the end they both reached 'the living room', (which was as big as two apartments) and there they found both Daisy and Gary hanging around.

-”Hey guys, here is my mum, she ehh, she really wanted to meet y-”

-”Kyaaaa, Gary!”

The next thing that happened was completely shocking for everyone present, Arthur's mum crossed several meters in but a breath of time and dashed towards Gary.

Gary was so scared, he nearly fell from the sofa as he was afraid he would get bodyslamed otherwise.

-”Gary! I-I-I am your biggest- no, one of your biggest fan- no supporters!

I've watched all of your movies, and also cameo appearances, I am a huge fan of your cosmetics products and...”

Gary threw some urgent glances for help at his sister and Arthur, but while Daisy was suppressing her laughter with all her might, observing this play with glee and schadenfreude, Arthur bowed down apologetically and swiftly made his way out. Arthur was still struggling inside, a flash of pity and guilt crossed his eyes for a second but his mission was still clear in his mind and he forced himself to move forward.

As his figure vanished from the hallway, one could still hear a mixture of laughter, groaning sounds and quick cheerful chatter coming from the living room.


-”Sorry Gary...”, Arthur felt bad for using his friend as a bait, but this opportunity, he couldn't let go of it!

He hurried towards their appointed meeting place, taking several steps downwards at once while trying his best not to cause a ruckus. Getting caught by the butler or Blue right now could possibly ruin everything after all.

Arriving at his destination he saw Cecile curling one of her red twin tails around her fingers while keeping a thoughtful expression on her face.

-”You sure took your time, didn't you?”

-”For someone who says she wasn't allowed to get into the secret lab, you sure are quick to get back here so fast.”

-”For someone who argues for honesty, you sure are quick at deceiving your mum!”

-”That's not the same!”

-”Yes it is!”

-”Damned, this is not the right time for this. We have to hurry up, I don't believe my mum can keep them busy forever, do you have the medicine?”

-”Of course or else I wouldn't be standing here duhh.”, her face gained a smug look as she opened her fist and revealed a small bottle of green shining liquid.

-”Is it supposed to... radiate like that?”

-”Did you get cold feet now? Haha, of course you did.”

-”No, I don't! Just wanted to make sure you aren't trying to poison me. Give it to me.”

He tried to snatch it away, but Cecile quickly pulled her hand away. Before he could protest she handed it over with a playful chuckle.

Arthur took the bottle, clearly annoyed by her behaviour, and as he opened the cap and was about to drink the content ...

-”I don't need to poison you, you will do it yourself if you drink it like that, hahaha”

-”Heok!”, Arthur barely managed to stop himself from pouring the whole liquid into his mouth.

-”Why didn't you warn me?! Do you think this is a game??”

Arthur was anxious and angry at the same time.

-”You took it without further questions , is it my fault you were so hurried?”

Cecile didn't find any fault in her actions in any way.

And after a moment of reflection Arthur didn't either, he was really a bit to rash. After taking a few seconds to calm down, he asked again, this time more politely.

-”Can you tell me how to apply this? We don't have much time, and I really need to get out quickly.”

Cecile was surprised this time, she didn't expect him to get his grip so fast.

-”Y-you put it on your skin. It's a lotion that builds up a membrane around you. It should protect you for some time.”, she explained a bit flustered.

”Okay.”, as he was about to take of his clothes and put on the lotion...

”W-what are you doing?!”

”I have to apply it on my skin, right? Can't do with my clothes on, duhh.”

”Then why do you have to do it here?! Go inside a room, or the toilet, eek, boys!”


Arthur went into a toilet and put on the green liquid all over his body. He prayed that it wasn't radioactive, and that it wouldn't cause any weird diseases on him.

When he got out and was ready to set off, Cecile couldn't be found anywhere nearby.

-”I guess she went back to take care of further distraction. Good, everything is going according to the plan.”

(”All according to Keikaku, haha!”

-”A-Atiqo, you're here??”

Arthur was surprised to hear Atiqo's voice all of sudden.

(”Of course Arty, I'm always here. We are in the same boat so to speak. Like sticky glue stuck on your-”)

-”I get it. You are here. But didn't you say something yesterday about two pilots and one seat?”

(”Yes, I am not sure why, but somehow the resistance got a bit thinner. It's still straining to keep up this 'co-piloting', but somehow I might have gotten the hang of it! Haha! At least I can communicate a bit more with you now before my spirit juice is out.”

-”Spirit Juice, what are you talking about?”

(”Huh? You don't feel it? It's this weird liquid juice that flows all around my body, as if I was taking a nice bath, hahaha! But with my spirit body, hahaha!”)

-”Is that even possible? I can't feel anything extraordinary.”

(”Maybe I am more sensitive to it, I don't have that many senses anymore right now - as a haunting ghost I mean. The thing is this juice is making me feel really refreshed and dope, but it does dry out...like right now while I am talking to you. It could be some kind of fuel, some spirit gasoline! Hahaha!”


Arthur couldn't really understand what Atiqo was talking about, it also felt weird now, knowing that a another person was watching from the same view as him -constantly.

It felt like he had only a little privacy left, at least they couldn't read each others mind. Though they were able to grasp the other's emotions a bit, it was more like talking to an invisible person standing right next to you. Still weird btw.