43 Pokemon Master Rodriguez (1/2)

”What? No, I told you Arthur, you have to stay put or else you will endanger your life!”, Cecile strongly tried dissuading him.

”But is there really no way? It's really important to me to get there, extremely important!”, Arthur pleaded with puppy eyes.

”What could be so important as to risk your life, huh? I mean, it's just some days you'll have to stay here longer, can't this wait?”, Cecile could not understand his sudden urgency.

”It's ... I lost something, something important to me, when I had to run in that forest it must have fallen out of my pocket, it belonged to my dad you know?”, Arthur felt guilty lying to her, but it was an emergency and this also concerned his life and health to a certain point, right?,

”I'm afraid that it might get burried or swept away somehow. Or there could be wild Pokemon who took it as food! That, I don't want to imagine that ...”, Arthur tried putting on a very sorrowful expression on his face.

Cecile realized the importance of this issue and why he was pressing on it so much about this.

She struggled heavily about it on the inside. For one it was too dangerous and life threatening to go out now for him. But then again he had a reason to go there, and she felt sympathetic towards him and his past which was why she struggled to come to a decision.

However, in the end, she knew what was the right thing to do:

”I am sorry Arthur...”, she shook her head apologetically,

”... but I am not allowed to do this. Uncle Gary fought very hard to make sure you were ok.

Bringing you out is just too dangerous now. Let's wait for a bit, or you can just tell me how the object looks like and I will go out and do something about it, ok?”, she replied with a firm voice.

No matter what he wanted to do, it couldn't be worth trading his life for it...


Arthur felt conflicted about it. He wanted to rush out and not care about any of their concerns, but he wasn't that cold. He knew Cecile meant well for him. Yet that didn't really help him right now anyway.

”Sorry Atiqo ...”, he apologised ruefully in his mind.

(”Don't lose your hope too quickly Arty!”), a sudden familiar voice sprang up in his head,

(”Let me handle this for a sec, ok?”), Atiqo said with a playful tone.

Arthur jumped up in fright, looking around confused he found nobody else nearby.

Cecile looked at him puzzled:

”Are you ok?”

”Y-yeah haha!”, Arthur scratched his head embarrassed,

”Its nothing, just some weird feeling, haha!”

(”Don't freak out Arty, it's me!”), the voice called him back.



”Ok, you're quite weird today, but I guess it's understandable considering everything ...”, Cecile brushed it off as another sign of Arthur not being back to full health yet.

Arthur heaved a sigh of relief in his mind and walked to the window on the other side of the room while sending a message in his thoughts:

[”Atiqo, is it really you?”], Arthur asked unsurely.

(”Who else would haunt your mind night and day? Of course it's me!”), Atiqo's voice thundered loudly.

[”Please, be a bit more quiet! My head is bursting!”], Arthur complained instantly while his eyes were pressed tighly because of the loud noise in his head.

(”AH ... , sorry, got it. This wandering in someone's mind thing, it's a new experience for me you see ...”)

[”I get it.”]

(”Look Arty, I don't want to ruin your game with her but I think I could help you out this time, ok?”), Atiqo suggested amused.

[”What game? And what's your plan? To be honest, if I were to continue standing here like a tree she will start thinking I am mental anyway...”]

(”Hahaha, don't worry, let me handle this, just take a backseat and enjoy the show!”), Atiqo's voice resounded loudly in Arthur's mind again.

[”Take a backseat? What do you-”], but before he finish his question, a sudden force grabbed his mind and harshly pulled him away!

His view of that room and the window right before him grew distant very fast and looked far away in his eyes! The edges and corners and sides all stretched infinitely long as if there was no end in sight!

But then, as swift as that weird pull came, his journey stopped and his senses felt a strange transformation happening ...


Cecile played with Eevette, she had a little ball in her hand and she threw it around while Eevette would always run after it, bringing the ball back to her, ready for another round of play!

”Eerrrrie!”, Eevette expressed her happiness and snuggled up to Cecile's knees.

”Nice work Eevette, that's wonderful, you're doing great haha!”, Cecile cheered her on and smiled seeing her little Pokemon Partner enjoy the game. She gave her a little pat and was about to continue when ...

”Hahaha, what an adorable little Eevee you have here!”, a boy came by their side and smilingly observed the Eevee with curios eyes.

”Yes, I got it from my uncle for my tenth birthday, he said that it would be growing together with me. And ever since then we always stayed together, she's practically family to me.

We wake up, eat, sleep and train together! *Sigh* But lately Uncle Gary has been nagging on me a little, pressuring me to think more about the future or it could be too late ... Though I don't get what he is trying to tell me here. I mean I am already having the best relationship I could have with Eevette, so everything should be alright ...”

”Hehehe ... What a wise man this 'Uncle Gary' seems to be, hehehe!”, 'Arthur' let out a chuckle when hearing about Cecile's troubles.